Objects of Property Law
Recent papers in Objects of Property Law
სამოქალაქოსამართლებრივი ურთიერთობის ობიექტის პრობლემა ჯერ არ ყოფილა ქართულ იურიდიულ ლიტერატურაში სპეციალური კვლევის საგანი. ამ საკითხს, ძირითადად, განიხილავენ კერძო სამართლის სხვა კატეგორიების ან კონკრეტული... more
სამოქალაქოსამართლებრივი ურთიერთობის ობიექტის პრობლემა ჯერ არ ყოფილა ქართულ იურიდიულ ლიტერატურაში სპეციალური კვლევის საგანი. ამ საკითხს, ძირითადად, განიხილავენ კერძო სამართლის სხვა კატეგორიების ან კონკრეტული ინსტიტუტების კვლევისას და მათთან კავშირში, რაც ობიექტის თეორიული შინაარსის არაერთგვაროვან გაგებას განაპირობებს. პრობლემის ირგვლივ აზრთა სხვადასხვაობამ თავი იჩინა უკანასკნელ პერიოდში გამოქვეყნებულ სახელმძღვანელოებში, რომელთა ნაწილში საკითხთან დაკავშირებით, ფაქტობრივად, გასული საუკუნის საქართველოს კანონმდებლობაში აღიარებული კონცეფციაა გაზიარებული; მეორე ნაწილი, მართალია, ემყარება ახალ კანონმდებლობაში მოცემულ გადაწყვეტას, თუმცა არაა ახსნილი პრობლემის ძველი და ახლებური გადაწყვეტის თეორიული საფუძველი.
ამასთან, დასადგენია, რამდენად გამართლებულია ტერმინ „სამოქალაქოსამართლებრივი ურთიერთობის ობიექტის“ გამოყენება. პრობლემურია საკითხი იმის შესახებ, სამოქალაქოსამართლებრივი ურთიერთობის ობიექტი იდეალური მოვლენაა, რეალური მოვლენა თუ საქმე იდეალურ-რეალურ მოვლენას ეხება. ასევე განსასაზღვრია, არსებობს თუ არა უობიექტო სამოქალაქოსამართლებრივი ურთიერთობა, რაც სამართლებრივ კატეგორიებს შორის ობიექტის ადგილს გამოკვეთს. ამ საკითხთა გარკვევას მეთოდოლოგიური და პრაქტიკული თვალსაზრისითაც დიდი მნიშვნელობა ენიჭება. აქტუალურია სამოქალაქოსამართლებრივი ურთიერთობის ობიექტის მართლზომიერების, ზნეობრიობისა და ბრუნვაუნარიანობის კრიტერიუმებით შემოსაზღვრის პრობლემაც. ეს უკავშირდება ვალდებულებითსამართლებრივ და სანივთოსამართლებრივ ურთიერთობებში ზემომოყვანილი ნიშნების არარსებობის შემთხვევაში სამართლებრივი ურთიერთობის ობიექტის არსებობა-არარსებობას. უნდა გამოიკვეთოს აბსოლუტური და შეფარდებითი ურთიერთობების ობიექტთა სპეციფიკური ნიშნები. მათი შესწავლა აუცილებელია, ვინაიდან ხშირად ესა თუ ის მოვლენა სამართლებრივი მოწესრიგების ფარგლებს გარეთ შეიძლება აღმოჩნდეს და სუბიექტმა მასზე საკუთარი უფლების რეალიზება ვერ მოახერხოს. ამასთან, ამ თვალსაზრისით დიდია კერძო სამართლის სისტემატიზაციის როლი. პრობლემის ღრმად შესწავლა აუცილებელია ერთგვაროვანი სასამართლო პრაქტიკისა და სამართლის განვითარებისთვის.
ამასთან, დასადგენია, რამდენად გამართლებულია ტერმინ „სამოქალაქოსამართლებრივი ურთიერთობის ობიექტის“ გამოყენება. პრობლემურია საკითხი იმის შესახებ, სამოქალაქოსამართლებრივი ურთიერთობის ობიექტი იდეალური მოვლენაა, რეალური მოვლენა თუ საქმე იდეალურ-რეალურ მოვლენას ეხება. ასევე განსასაზღვრია, არსებობს თუ არა უობიექტო სამოქალაქოსამართლებრივი ურთიერთობა, რაც სამართლებრივ კატეგორიებს შორის ობიექტის ადგილს გამოკვეთს. ამ საკითხთა გარკვევას მეთოდოლოგიური და პრაქტიკული თვალსაზრისითაც დიდი მნიშვნელობა ენიჭება. აქტუალურია სამოქალაქოსამართლებრივი ურთიერთობის ობიექტის მართლზომიერების, ზნეობრიობისა და ბრუნვაუნარიანობის კრიტერიუმებით შემოსაზღვრის პრობლემაც. ეს უკავშირდება ვალდებულებითსამართლებრივ და სანივთოსამართლებრივ ურთიერთობებში ზემომოყვანილი ნიშნების არარსებობის შემთხვევაში სამართლებრივი ურთიერთობის ობიექტის არსებობა-არარსებობას. უნდა გამოიკვეთოს აბსოლუტური და შეფარდებითი ურთიერთობების ობიექტთა სპეციფიკური ნიშნები. მათი შესწავლა აუცილებელია, ვინაიდან ხშირად ესა თუ ის მოვლენა სამართლებრივი მოწესრიგების ფარგლებს გარეთ შეიძლება აღმოჩნდეს და სუბიექტმა მასზე საკუთარი უფლების რეალიზება ვერ მოახერხოს. ამასთან, ამ თვალსაზრისით დიდია კერძო სამართლის სისტემატიზაციის როლი. პრობლემის ღრმად შესწავლა აუცილებელია ერთგვაროვანი სასამართლო პრაქტიკისა და სამართლის განვითარებისთვის.
Thesis for a Candidate of Sciences degree in Law (PhD), speciality 12.00.03 – Civil Law and Civil Procedure; Family Law; International Private Law. – National Law Academy of Ukraine named after Yaroslav Mudry, Kharkiv,... more
Thesis for a Candidate of Sciences degree in Law (PhD), speciality 12.00.03 – Civil Law and Civil Procedure; Family Law; International Private Law. – National Law Academy of Ukraine named after Yaroslav Mudry, Kharkiv, 2004.
The thesis is dedicated to researching of the Bill of lading. The manuscript gives the legal characteristic on the Civil law of the Bill of lading in the doctrine, its notion, the requisits of the Bill of lading and the classification of its kind is done as well.
Special attention is paid to the problems of Bill of lading relations. The question of issuing, distributing and cashing is considered in details. The functional meaning of the Bill of lading is formulated.
The drawbacks in lawful regulating of the relation of the Bill of lading are pointed out. The proposals on their clearing and improving of the present Civil legislation, are moved.
The thesis is dedicated to researching of the Bill of lading. The manuscript gives the legal characteristic on the Civil law of the Bill of lading in the doctrine, its notion, the requisits of the Bill of lading and the classification of its kind is done as well.
Special attention is paid to the problems of Bill of lading relations. The question of issuing, distributing and cashing is considered in details. The functional meaning of the Bill of lading is formulated.
The drawbacks in lawful regulating of the relation of the Bill of lading are pointed out. The proposals on their clearing and improving of the present Civil legislation, are moved.
Legal norms in themselves do not give rise to legal relations, do not give rise to subjective rights and legal obligations of parties of relationship. In order for public relations, or rather the social ties of members of society to be... more
Legal norms in themselves do not give rise to legal relations, do not give rise to subjective rights and legal obligations of parties of relationship. In order for public relations, or rather the social ties of members of society to be successfully coordinated with each other in the appropriate legal framework, legal grounds for their emergence are necessary. The ground for the emergence of rights to objects are juridical facts. They mean the consequences of circumstances of reality (factual or legal), with which parties, due to formal legal certainty (contract, custom, court decision, legal norm) link emergence, change or termination of rights, individual competences or entire legal relationship to the relevant object.
Actions are the acts of person characterizing the external expression of his/her will and consciousness as a result of purposeful activity in a social environment governed by law.
The most common ground for emergence of the right to an object related to the action is a transaction, which means the action of a person aimed at establish-ing, changing and terminating civil rights and obligations.
The most widespread ground for the emergence of rights to an object in legal relations of obligations is a contract. In the system of juridical facts, the contract is declared in such lawful actions as a transaction (bilaterally binding one). The contract as a juridical fact is the ground for the acquisition of property right, ensures the transformation of an absolute legal relationship into an obligation one with the subsequent establishment of a new absolute legal relationship. The fulfillment of contractual obligations on the transfer of property into ownership leads to the emergence of property rights for one party (purchase and sale, dona-tion) or for both parties (exchange).
The ground for the emergence of rights to objects is also a legal act. It is under-stood as an action that entails a legal consequence, regardless of whether these actions were aimed at the consequences, which (by virtue of the rule of law) are called, or not. Acts cause legal consequences, regardless of whether the subject was aware or not aware of their legal significance, whether he/she wanted or did not want them to occur.
The above grounds for the emergence of rights to an object are initially caused by the commission of legally significant actions that are not related to the onset of legal and actual consequences in the form of transfer of ownership to another person. The content of a legal act in this case is due to the need to ensure the safety of property of another when it is identified. In the future, the formation of such a configuration of juridical facts as the discovery of property of another, public noti-fication of incidentis and the expiration of the statutory period for ensuring the safety of this property entails the onset of legal consequences in the form of the emergence of a real right to an object.
It should also be noted that a legal act leads to the creation of such real right object as a literary, artistic, musical or scientific work (Articles 437, 451, 458 of the Civil Code of Ukraine), an invention, a utility model, an industrial design (Ar-ticle 462 of the Civil Code of Ukraine), rationalization proposal (Article 484 of the Civil Code of Ukraine), commercial secret (Article 506 of the Civil Code of Ukraine) and other objects of intellectual property rights.
The writing of a poem creates copyright regardless of whether the author was aware of the meaning of his/her actions or not. The motivation of the subject of intellectual property rights is aimed not at achieving the legal consequences stipu-lated by the norm in the form of material remuneration or the acquisition of other property rights, but at the realization of the individual’s own creative abilities.
Illegal actions as a juridical fact (tort) serve as the basis for the emergence of protective legal relations, the content of which is the implementation of the com-pensatory and restorative function of civil law. Tort is the basis for the emergence of rights to such object as a property claim for compensation for material and mor-al damage caused. This is an object of law of a special kind, implemented only in protective legal relations. Its peculiarity, in contrast to other objects of the material world, is that this object is not subject to free circulation in civil law transactions. This is due to the nature of protective legal relations, the essence of which boils down to the need to compensate for the damage caused directly to the victim by the causer, the inextricable connection of such compensation with the personality of the subjects of the tort legal relationship.
The grounds for the emergence of rights to objects juridical facts are unique in their nature. Their uniqueness lies in their singularity, which is caused by the nature of human behavior in social conditions. Depending on the content of the social environment in which they arise, juridical facts are configured according to individual characteristics. Their diversity cannot be reflected normally or doctrinally. It is possible to single out only the general contours in which they find their external manifestation. Such contours are the strong willed nature of the subject of law, which allows us to combine juridical facts in the following algorithms: action event; event action; legal act act of law; legal act event legal act, etc.
Actions are the acts of person characterizing the external expression of his/her will and consciousness as a result of purposeful activity in a social environment governed by law.
The most common ground for emergence of the right to an object related to the action is a transaction, which means the action of a person aimed at establish-ing, changing and terminating civil rights and obligations.
The most widespread ground for the emergence of rights to an object in legal relations of obligations is a contract. In the system of juridical facts, the contract is declared in such lawful actions as a transaction (bilaterally binding one). The contract as a juridical fact is the ground for the acquisition of property right, ensures the transformation of an absolute legal relationship into an obligation one with the subsequent establishment of a new absolute legal relationship. The fulfillment of contractual obligations on the transfer of property into ownership leads to the emergence of property rights for one party (purchase and sale, dona-tion) or for both parties (exchange).
The ground for the emergence of rights to objects is also a legal act. It is under-stood as an action that entails a legal consequence, regardless of whether these actions were aimed at the consequences, which (by virtue of the rule of law) are called, or not. Acts cause legal consequences, regardless of whether the subject was aware or not aware of their legal significance, whether he/she wanted or did not want them to occur.
The above grounds for the emergence of rights to an object are initially caused by the commission of legally significant actions that are not related to the onset of legal and actual consequences in the form of transfer of ownership to another person. The content of a legal act in this case is due to the need to ensure the safety of property of another when it is identified. In the future, the formation of such a configuration of juridical facts as the discovery of property of another, public noti-fication of incidentis and the expiration of the statutory period for ensuring the safety of this property entails the onset of legal consequences in the form of the emergence of a real right to an object.
It should also be noted that a legal act leads to the creation of such real right object as a literary, artistic, musical or scientific work (Articles 437, 451, 458 of the Civil Code of Ukraine), an invention, a utility model, an industrial design (Ar-ticle 462 of the Civil Code of Ukraine), rationalization proposal (Article 484 of the Civil Code of Ukraine), commercial secret (Article 506 of the Civil Code of Ukraine) and other objects of intellectual property rights.
The writing of a poem creates copyright regardless of whether the author was aware of the meaning of his/her actions or not. The motivation of the subject of intellectual property rights is aimed not at achieving the legal consequences stipu-lated by the norm in the form of material remuneration or the acquisition of other property rights, but at the realization of the individual’s own creative abilities.
Illegal actions as a juridical fact (tort) serve as the basis for the emergence of protective legal relations, the content of which is the implementation of the com-pensatory and restorative function of civil law. Tort is the basis for the emergence of rights to such object as a property claim for compensation for material and mor-al damage caused. This is an object of law of a special kind, implemented only in protective legal relations. Its peculiarity, in contrast to other objects of the material world, is that this object is not subject to free circulation in civil law transactions. This is due to the nature of protective legal relations, the essence of which boils down to the need to compensate for the damage caused directly to the victim by the causer, the inextricable connection of such compensation with the personality of the subjects of the tort legal relationship.
The grounds for the emergence of rights to objects juridical facts are unique in their nature. Their uniqueness lies in their singularity, which is caused by the nature of human behavior in social conditions. Depending on the content of the social environment in which they arise, juridical facts are configured according to individual characteristics. Their diversity cannot be reflected normally or doctrinally. It is possible to single out only the general contours in which they find their external manifestation. Such contours are the strong willed nature of the subject of law, which allows us to combine juridical facts in the following algorithms: action event; event action; legal act act of law; legal act event legal act, etc.
Civil legal relations object problem has never yet been a subject of special study of the legal Georgian literature. This issue is discussed when researching of other categories or specific institutions of common law and in connection... more
Civil legal relations object problem has never yet been a subject of special study of the legal Georgian literature. This issue is discussed when researching of other categories or specific institutions of common law and in connection with them, which leads to the heterogeneous understanding of the theoretical content of the object. Different opinions about the issue have emerged in the recently published textbooks, in the part which the concept of this issue recognized in the legislation of Georgia in the last century is actually given; the other part, though, is based on a decision given in the new law, however, theoretical basis of old and new solutions to the issue are not explained. There are different opinions about the object of civil legal relations. In the Western civil law the object of civil legal relations is considered as due event, though in certain cases the real sector elements are presented as an object of civil legal relations that was not given a proper academic assessment. It is to be established, how reasonable is it to use the term "object of civil legal relations". Problematic is the issue on whether the object of civil legal relations is an ideal event, real event, or ideal-real event. It is also to be defined, if there exists an objectless civil legal relationship, which gives the place to an object between the legal categories. Clarification of these issues is of great importance from the methodological and practical points of view. Relevant is also the issue the issue of limiting the object of civil legal relations with the criteria of lawfulness, morality and circulation ability. This is associated with legal relations object exitence – non existence in case of absence of the above features a legal obligation and proprietal legal relations. An object of legal relations and an object of rights or laws are not identical; this problem is logically related with interrelation of the part and the whole categories. In addition, the object of civil legal relations is much broader than object of civil circulation. They differ from each other by methodological bases as well. Thereby the object gains the legal "cover" by the influence of rights and duties and becomes the necessary element of the civil legal relations. As for absolute right it doesn’t affect the legal object because it admits factual basis but it affects real events. Juridical fact gives a legal "vesture" to the object of absolute relations and it becomes legal also having close connection with real area. Objects of absolute relations (immaterial goods) also can be goods which are taken out of circulation. In relative relations private autonomy is important which occurres in freedom of contract. Participators of the contract defy the content, form and the object of it. Because of that the object shouldn’t be restricted by circulation ability in relation of obligation. If we consider the concept of circulation ability it appears that in the Article 7 of the Civil Code only the object of regulative civil legal relations is presented. But civil legal relation arises for the purpose of protection too. Civil legal relation implies regulative and protective legal relations. So, the construction given by the Code meaning that "the object of private legal relation must be the good which isn’t taken from circulation according to the law" breaks down and circulation ability loses its mandatory status in defying the object of civil legal relations. Generally the object of property and relation of obligation converge. Although the subject is a real event, when person satisfies his interests with the subject’s useful features the subject becomes the object because it has a positive meaning and so is recognised by the law. Under the Georgian Civil Code the object of legal relations in basis has a the theory goods which focuses on private autonomy. The object of civil legal relations must be defined by the theories about goods and legal mode and by finding the proper middle between the monistic and dualistic theories.
The existence of civil law relations is associated with a certain good, which is of a corresponding interest for their participants. The good is an object and means of meeting the needs of a person. Efforts to obtain such goods are the... more
The existence of civil law relations is associated with a certain good, which is of a corresponding interest for their participants.
The good is an object and means of meeting the needs of a person.
Efforts to obtain such goods are the basis for the formation of civil relations by their participants.
In civil law, such a good is called the object of civil law relations.
Such objects are possessions, including money and securities, other property, property rights, deliverables, services, intellectual and creative deliverables, information, as well as other tangible and intangible good, objects of human and animal physiology.
Objects of civil law relations may be freely alienated or transferred from one person to another by way of succession or inheritance, unless they are withdrawn from civil circulation, limited in circulation or inseparable from an individual or legal entity.
Thus, the signs of the objects of civil law relations are the following:
Value - is the property of an object or phenomenon to meet the needs, wishes, interests of a social subject (individual, group of people in society)
Circulability - is the property of free alienation in favor of others.
The good is an object and means of meeting the needs of a person.
Efforts to obtain such goods are the basis for the formation of civil relations by their participants.
In civil law, such a good is called the object of civil law relations.
Such objects are possessions, including money and securities, other property, property rights, deliverables, services, intellectual and creative deliverables, information, as well as other tangible and intangible good, objects of human and animal physiology.
Objects of civil law relations may be freely alienated or transferred from one person to another by way of succession or inheritance, unless they are withdrawn from civil circulation, limited in circulation or inseparable from an individual or legal entity.
Thus, the signs of the objects of civil law relations are the following:
Value - is the property of an object or phenomenon to meet the needs, wishes, interests of a social subject (individual, group of people in society)
Circulability - is the property of free alienation in favor of others.
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