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El presente artículo tiene un objetivo simple y práctico: servir de disparador para el debate que debería darse sobre la relación médico-paciente y la violencia actual que la caracteriza. Y, en última instancia, también constituye un... more
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      ViolencePublic Health LawHealth LawDoctor-patient communication
L’indagine svolta ha permesso di fare apparire come meglio condivisibile, tra le varie prospettive in tema di origine della compravendita consensuale romana, quella secondo cui essa sorse come istituto sganciato dalle radici del ius... more
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      Real EstateHistoryAncient HistoryLaw
This study provides a qualitative examination of African American Language (AAL) in use and explores the interaction between phonological, syntactic and rhetorical features of AAL and situational factors related to the event structuring,... more
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      African American LanguageAudience designRights and ObligationsStyle shifting
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      Human Rights LawHuman RightsInternational Human Rights LawJurisdiction
Legal norms in themselves do not give rise to legal relations, do not give rise to subjective rights and legal obligations of parties of relationship. In order for public relations, or rather the social ties of members of society to be... more
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      Civil LawLaw of ObligationsRights and ObligationsObjects of Property Law
Why must we keep our promises? Promising is one of our most familiar practices, and yet, this question still remains to be philosophically perplexing. The problem is that promising just seems to be so mysterious; we utter some words, or... more
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      PhilosophyNormative EthicsNormativityJohn Rawls
The major technological developments in recent decades have led to a significant increase in the role of multinational companies (MNCs) in an international framework. This episode has been accompanied by debates about the status that... more
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      Rights and ObligationsInternational Legal PersonalityMultinational Companies
Uitkeringsperioden kunnen korter zijn naarmate klanten zich beter aan hun plichten houden. Daarvoor hebben ze wel voldoende informatie nodig over de rechten en plichten. Naast enige mate van controle dienen klanten zo min mogelijk... more
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      UnemploymentJob SearchRights and ObligationsCostumer Satisfaction