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The paper maps the status of uranium in India and the legal and regulatory mechanisms to govern uranium in the country. This research analyses the Indian nuclear industry’s demand for natural uranium, its sources of supply and the legal... more
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      Global GovernanceStrategic StudiesWeapons of Mass DestructionNuclear Weapons
In 2009, after US president Barack Obama received the Nobel Peace Prize for, amongst others, his commitment to long-term nuclear disarmament (BBC,2009), Time Magazine published an article titled “Want Peace? Give the Nuke a Nobel”. This... more
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      International RelationsInternational Relations TheoryNuclear WeaponsCold War
Zusammenfassung:Das Memorandum über Sicherheitszusagen für die Ukraine, das im Dezember 1994 auf dem KSZE-Gipfeltreffen in Budapest unterzeichnet wurde, schuf eine Verbindung zwischen dem Nuklearen Nichtverbreitungsvertrag (NVV) von 1968... more
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      International SecurityNonproliferation TreatiesForeign Policy of UkraineNuclear proliferation
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      Nuclear EnergySmall Modular Nuclear ReactorsNuclear Proliferation and SecurityPassive Safety
In that article I try to understand a scheme of trafficking from North Korea to China that had been organized by a then-North Korean state employee. That former state employee claimed to had smuggled several types of items and goods,... more
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      Nuclear WeaponsNuclear MaterialsNuclear Non-Proliferation PolicyTransnational Organized Crime
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      Nuclear Non-Proliferation PolicyHistory of PakistanNuclearPakistan Studies
The Memorandum on Security Assurances for Ukraine, signed at the December 1994 CSCE summit in Budapest, created a link between the 1968 Treaty on Nuclear Non-Proliferation (NPT) and Ukrainian political sovereignty as well as territorial... more
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      International SecurityNonproliferation TreatiesNuclear Non-Proliferation PolicyUkrainian Foreign Policy
What was Japan's role in the network that gave Pakistan her nuclear bomb?
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      Nuclear EngineeringJapanese StudiesInternational RelationsPeace and Conflict Studies
Iran becomes a nuclear weapon state in immediate future or not is hard to predict forecasted, however, this study reveals the implications of a nuclear Iran for the Middle East in specific and the world at large. Unlike De Gaulle, a... more
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      International RelationsSouth Asian StudiesNuclear Proliferation and SecurityChina-Pakistan Economic Corridor
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    • Nuclear Proliferation and Security
The issue of nuclear escalation is neither simple, nor straight-forward in the context of the South Asian region. This is mainly because this region is a home to two inherently rival nuclear states. Nuclear equation in South Asia is not... more
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      Southeast Asian StudiesSouth Asian StudiesPolitical SciencePakistan
While the new US administration should be looking for areas of cooperation with Russia where possible, it should do so without compromising the United States’ principled stance on Ukraine. Any such compromise will have grave repercussions... more
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      International SecurityNonproliferation TreatiesAmerican Foreign PolicyPost-Soviet Politics
Warum ein Washingtoner Neustart der amerikanisch-russischen Beziehungen weitreichende Konsequenzen für die internationale Ordnung und insbesondere den Atomwaffensperrvertrag hätte.
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      Nonproliferation TreatiesAmerican Foreign Policy in the post-Soviet spaceNuclear Non-Proliferation PolicyNuclear proliferation
The paper examines why states seek nuclear weapons, using Pakistan as a case study. Islamabad's quest for nuclear status is examined from both an economic and a strategic perspective, and the country's ideological foundations are examined... more
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      International RelationsStrategic StudiesNuclear WeaponsPakistan
En 2010, la comunidad internacional se vio sorprendida por la revelación de Stuxnet, un programa informático malicioso que dañó centrífugas de enriquecimiento de uranio de una central nuclear iraní. Desde su descubrimiento ha existido un... more
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      Nuclear Non-Proliferation PolicyNuclear Proliferation and SecurityProliferationIran nuclear program
In 2008, the IAEA published Nuclear Security Culture guidelines to serve as a tool for countries on building an effective nuclear security culture. Although the guidelines provide an adequate apparatus to help establish nuclear security... more
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      TerrorismNational Security CultureNuclear EnergyNuclear security
Als Amerika de sancties tegen Rusland opheft, brengt het de nonproliferatie van kernwapens in gevaar, betogen Andreas Umland en Mariana Budjeryn. Met de miliaire inmenging in Oekraïne schond Rusland het Boedapest Memorandum, op grond... more
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      Nonproliferation TreatiesAmerican Foreign PolicyRussian Foreign PolicyAmerican Foreign Policy in the post-Soviet space
If an NPT signatory can't even be kept safe from one of the treaty's five guarantors, then what is the value of banning the spread of nuclear weapons? What nation with not deterrence potential or a close alliance with a nuclear power can... more
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      International RelationsInternational SecurityWeapons of Mass DestructionNuclear Weapons
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      Nonproliferation TreatiesAmerican Foreign PolicyAmerican Foreign Policy in the post-Soviet spaceNuclear Non-Proliferation Policy
In view of the security assurances that the United States gave Ukraine under the 1994 Budapest Memorandum, a move by Washington to appease Moscow would be another crack in the splintering international nuclear nonproliferation regime.... more
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      International SecurityNonproliferation TreatiesPost-Soviet RegimesRussian Politics