New Social Risks
Recent papers in New Social Risks
Lo scopo di questo lavoro non è quello di stabilire cosa siano e in cosa consistano la “buona scienza” e la “cattiva scienza”, né tantomeno di ricapitolare il dibattito epistemologico che da oltre centotrenta anni vede confrontarsi le... more
Zusammenfassung: es wird untersucht, in welchem Maße die ereignisse "Arbeitsplatzverlust", "Krankheit", "Verrentung" und "Familientrennung" in deutschland und den uSA zu Armut führen, und ob sich die ereignisfolgen zwischen 1980 und 2009... more
This is the English version of the frontispice and index of the volume Andrea Cerase (2017) Rischio e comunicazione. Teorie, Modelli, Problemi. Milan: Egea (p. 288).
Özet: Cumhuriyet dönemine yön veren pek çok spor kurumunun ve politikasının temelleri I. Meşrutiyet dönemine kadar uzanır. Bu yıllardan itibaren spor yeni bir anlam kazanır. Osmanlıda savaş eğitiminin bir parçası olarak görülen ve bugünkü... more
The act of taking risks in a sexual context is by no means new. One may think immediately of BDSM (Bondage, Domination and Sadomasochism): its associations with tangible pain and the rituals and lifestyles surrounding it render BDSM a... more
Olivie Doleželová, Veřejná a sociální politika Základy sociologie Jan Keller: Nová sociální rizika a proč se jim nevyhneme Tématem nové knihy Jana Kellera roku je problematika nových sociálních rizik specifických pro současnou postmoderní... more
Introduction: Public policy at a crossroads Public policy in Britain, as in other developed countries, faces severe challenges from many directions. The continuing economic crisis and its aftermath bring these issues to the forefront... more
The post-industrial period requires that welfare states of advanced economies pay attention to NSR and needs throughout the life cycle in order to support economic growth and ensure the wellbeing of households. This article assesses... more
This study aimed to analyze the environmental and social risks in Bangladesh along with the attitude of Bangladeshi people towards foreign products offered by multinational companies. Analyses were mostly qualitative in nature. However,... more
The paper reflects on those ‘‘meeting points’’ and ‘‘encountering places’’ where the action of individuals, families, corporations, NGOs and public policies can optimize the advancement of social citizenship within the European context.... more
The process of Europeanization implies a confluence of resources and outputs by the EU member states. This is mainly due to both structural economic harmonisation and institutional system-building. This paper deals with welfare... more
Abstract Analyses on contemporary welfare states have paid a predominant attention to the ‘autonomous’ intervention of the public administration in order to provide protection and security to the citizenship. The historical arrangements... more
After three decades of welfare state crisis, change and transformation can we still speak of welfare state regimes when looking at their outcomes? The analysis of outcomes provides a picture of ‘the real worlds of welfare’ and is of... more
Purpose: To propose corporate digital responsibility as a new area of interest for social accountability in the contexts of technologies that are part of the 4.0 industries. In this regard, it was found that there is not enough... more
Man's foremost concern, in social life, has always been to understand himself and his fellow human beings. Almost all recorded history manifests this aspect of human behaviour. His attempt to comprehend social behaviour has created a... more
Tomando como base las consecuencias de los cambios sociodemográficos y los nuevos retos que éstos suponen para el estado de bienestar, los objetivos de este trabajo son: en primer lugar, analizar cuál ha sido la evolución y desarrollo de... more
En la actualidad, los Estados de bienestar tienen que redisenar sus estructuras para responder a los Nuevos Riesgos Sociales derivados de la sociedad postindustrial. La estrategia de inversion social plantea una alternativa con... more
The cindinic paradigm of the European multiculturalism in the centuries XX and XXI The sudden development of cindinic sciences is reflected in the diversity of their integration and validation in the scientific knowledge, which in this... more
El presente trabajo concentra sus análisis en el contexto de las reformas y de la reestructuración de las instituciones del bienestar en la Europa occidental en el tránsito al siglo XXI. Se trata, entre otros propósitos, de examinar las... more
Προς αναζήτηση της ευδαιμονίας της πόλης και των συνεκτικών δυνάμεων αυτής που την στηρίζουν ξετυλίγουμε μια προβληματική για τη διάρρηξη του νοήματος των καθημερινών ανθρωπίνων σχέσεων και των κινδύνων που αυτή εγκυμονεί για την πολιτική... more
This paper is based on my PhD research which analyses the treatment of the informal care of older people as a social risk in England. Informal care is a risk based activity and the care-related risks experienced by both members of the... more
Se reflexiona conceptualmente sobre aquellos “puntos de reunión” y “lugares de encuentro” en los que la acción de individuos, familias, corporaciones, ONG y políticas públicas pueden optimizar el avance de la ciudadanía social en la Unión... more
The Spanish welfare state belongs to the Mediterranean regime. As in other Southern European countries, Spain’s single most characteristic trait is the crucial role played by the family as an institution of welfare production and... more
The EU requires Critical Raw Materials (CRMs) and recognises that failure to access them within its jurisdiction, will damage its resilience and competitiveness. Additionally, this will force EU industries to purchase CRM materials from... more
We compare labour market protection varieties and evaluate systematically trajectories of change across 21 high-income countries over three decades. Our measures – Principal Com- ponent Analysis and a new multidimensional indicator – deal... more
In post-industrial societies, the well-being of families and households depends to a large extent on the efforts made by welfare states to address the New Social Risks (NSR). The post-industrial period requires that welfare states in... more
A conceptual review of European Social Model’s basic issues as a multilevel welfare system is carried out. Likewise, an administrative subsidiarity between different levels of European governance as one of the main pillar of social... more
Restructuring the welfare state by retrenchment meant not only ruthless cutbacks in social security, but also the reform of social politics. The sustainability of services and the financing of care in convalescent homes and residential... more
This paper is based on my PhD research which analyses the treatment of the informal care of older people as a social risk in England. Informal care is a risk based activity and the care-related risks experienced by both members of the... more
THE ROLE OF STUDYING THE COMMUNITY VULNERABILITY WITHIN THE RISK MANAGEMENT The number of studies dealing with vulnerabilities and its role in preventing disasters has increased in the recent years, researchers emphasizing especially its... more
Resumo O presente artigo centra-se na análise do marketing socioambiental, promovido por empresas do setor energético, bem como o papel da sociedade civil, por intermédio, dos movimentos populares de reivindicação, contra os postes e... more
This article provides an overview and analysis of human development, inequality and people ́s perception of social and economic risks in Latin America and the Nordic countries. While Nordic countries rank very highly on the UN ́s Human... more
Gizarte Langintzako Unibertsitate Eskolako irakasleak, Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea (UPV/EHU) Ongizate Estatuaren eraikuntza duela hamarkada asko definituriko arazoen gainean egin bazen ere, gaur eguneko egoerak oinarri haiek... more
The Spanish and Italian welfare states are among those most affected by the recession because of the sharp increase in social needs and, in parallel, the intense pressures towards the achievement of fiscal balances. Moreover, the... more
En la actualidad, los Estados de bienestar tienen que rediseñar sus estructuras para responder a los Nuevos Riesgos Sociales derivados de la sociedad postindustrial. La estrategia de inversión social plantea una alternativa con... more
This article aims to problematize discourses about protection and care that have surrounded compulsory hospitalization by evidencing its use as a control and punishment mechanism that increases the social vulnerability of young drug... more