Papers by Stefania Sabatinelli
Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space
The combined effect of socio-economic and demographic changes exerts pressure on the welfare syst... more The combined effect of socio-economic and demographic changes exerts pressure on the welfare systems and makes it more urgent to provide appropriate answers to increasing and diversifying needs with scanter resources. Local social services are strongly committed to such challenges. The physical features of the spaces of welfare, often neglected both by research and by implementation, play a fundamental role in the attempt to innovate and extend access to social assistance services. The article analyses how, at the urban level, the interplay between urban planning and welfare policies might contribute to reshaping the traditional physical structures of social welfare services and, through these, the patterns of access to local welfare. Building on an experimental project tested and then consolidated in Milan, the article analyses the role of the spatial dimensions of welfare places, namely the contexts, settings and artefacts, in increasing accessibility, lowering the threshold, redu...
XXIII Conferenza Nazionale SIU - Società italiana degli Urbanisti DOWNSCALING, RIGHTSIZING. Contrazione demografica e riorganizzazione spaziale, 2021
London Affordable Housing Challenge 2018, 2019
Urban Planning
The spatial organisation of social services has long been residual for both urban planning and so... more The spatial organisation of social services has long been residual for both urban planning and social welfare policies in Italian cities. This often results in randomly chosen locations and poor design arrangements, which ignore the role that space might play in fostering social life and inclusion. The scarce relevance given to the topic both in research and implementation is connected to the historical evolution of social services in the country and the scant resources devoted to their provision. Basing itself on the debate on welfare spaces and social infrastructures and drawing on a collaborative-research experience within an experimental policy-innovation project developed in Milan, this article tackles the role of space in social services provision following three directions. Firstly, it analyses how, at the urban level, welfare innovations and the interplay between urban planning and welfare policies might contribute to reshaping the traditional physical structures of social s...
Palgrave Macmillan UK eBooks, 2014
International Review of Sociology, 2016
This article focuses on the application of a specific comparative methodology, the model family m... more This article focuses on the application of a specific comparative methodology, the model family method (MFM), in measuring the income derived from minimum income schemes. The application of the MFM to the analysis of this policy field shows several criticalities such as the difficulty to analyze countries in which no national scheme exists, and in which both the intra-national variations and the discretionary power of street-level bureaucrats are significant. Stemming from the application of the MFM to the Italian case in the framework of an international project, the article analyzes whether and how this method can be developed also in said countries. In particular, it shows that, in order to do so, specific methodological choices and assumptions are necessary, built on a mixed research strategy aimed at complementing the data collected from institutional sources with in-depth interviews with social workersand the use of the vignettes technique.
Autonomie locali e servizi sociali, 2010
Early child education and care services in Italy have historically developed in two separated cyc... more Early child education and care services in Italy have historically developed in two separated cycles. Kindergartens for children between three and five years of age have reached a quasi-universal coverage at the end of the Eighties, thanks to a massive state investment. On the contrary, public day-care centres for children aged under three, a municipal responsibility, have long been marginal and still cover less than 13% of potential demand, with major territorial differences. The new law usually referred to as «The Good School» aims at reforming the national education and training system, while also redefining the pre-school system. The main objectives are to organise an integrated cycle for children aged zero-six, transform public day-care centres for children aged under three from a service upon demand to a service of general interest, define minimum national essential levels of provision throughout the country and to introduce a national plan and a funding system that ensure the...
La storia delle politiche e dei servizi per la prima infanzia si è intrecciata, a partire dalla r... more La storia delle politiche e dei servizi per la prima infanzia si è intrecciata, a partire dalla rivoluzione industriale, ai mutamenti socioeconomici, demografici, della famiglia e del ciclo di vita. Il volume indaga dapprima l’evoluzione nel tempo delle politiche per la prima infanzia e delle loro finalità prevalenti – dal consolidamento dello Stato nazione, alla protezione materno-infantile, alla conciliazione famiglia-lavoro, all’investimento sociale. Si analizzano poi gli strumenti di policy che danno forma a queste politiche – congedi, sostegni del reddito e servizi – e si esaminano in particolare i sistemi di servizi di cura e pre-educazione in Italia e in Europa, nelle loro principali dimensioni: configurazione istituzionale, governance verticale e orizzontale, copertura, spesa. Del caso italiano il volume approfondisce specificità e tensioni irrisolte, esplorando le ragioni tanto degli elementi di eccellenza quanto delle prolungate inerzie, fino alle più recenti contraddizioni tra austerità e prove di riforma
I profondi cambiamenti economici e socio-demografici connessi al passaggio al post-fordismo rendo... more I profondi cambiamenti economici e socio-demografici connessi al passaggio al post-fordismo rendono piu complesso individuare i contorni di domanda e bisogno in ambito abitativo. Domanda e bisogno sono meno standardizzati che in passato, piu mutevoli lungo il ciclo di vita e piu soggetti a cambiamenti anche repentini in relazione agli andamenti economici, del mercato del lavoro e di quello immobiliare. In tale quadro l’esercizio, a lungo praticato, di stimare il ‘fabbisogno abitativo’ diviene meno agevole e utile. Il saggio esplora i diversi significati che domanda e bisogno assumono a fronte della grande diversificazione e variabilita di condizioni, percorsi e stili di vita, e come tali cambiamenti interroghino le politiche abitative e sociali, sfidandole sul terreno dell’attivazione, dell’integrazione e dell’innovazione dei diversi settori del welfare locale e degli strumenti in campo
Papers by Stefania Sabatinelli