Recent papers in NewSpace
Este artículo tiene como objetivo exponer los cometidos técnicos desempeñados por oficiales del CIPET, destinados en la Sección de Ingeniería de Plataformas y Equipamiento Especial de la Jefatura de Ingeniería del MALE y en la... more
In September 2023, a Virgin Galactic spaceflight led by South African billionaire Timothy Nash sparked controversy in the world of anthropology. Nash's journey to the edge of space aboard the VSS Unity spacecraft included two significant... more
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In 2018, the International Association for the Advancement of Space Safety (IAASS, "the Association") instantiated a working group to discuss progress and issues with space traffic management (STM). This group, international in scope,... more
On 11 May 2022, India observed National Technology Day to commemorate a significant and landmark event in its long and illustrious path of technological advancements. The celebrations honour the professionalism, contributions, and... more
avier Ventura-Traveset hace una amplia presentación de los programas previstos por la Agencia Espacial Europea durante esta década, haciendo especial hincapié en la tremenda oportunidad que representa el sector espacial para Europa.... more
The increasing demand for on-board calculation capability produces the necessity for high performance processing systems on-board nano to small satellites. Modern NewSpace applications especially signal processing, image processing,... more
Alle Menschen sind Astronaut*innen-nachzulesen nicht nur bei Buckminster Fuller, sondern auch bei Michel Serres. Aber was bedeutet es, die Raumfahrt als gesellschaftliches Projekt zu reflektieren? Dieser Frage gehen die Beiträger*innen... more
Space technology and services represent a major component of the well-functioning societies’ infrastructure. At the same time, outer space is being increasingly accessed with many entities sending out technologies in an attempt to... more
O capital pretende maquinar ad infinitum, através de nós e através dos astros, organizando a todos e a tudo segundo as hierarquias e categorias que sustentam e garantem sua própria reprodução. Como nunca antes, é mais fácil imaginar o fim... more
Is globalisation expanding into "transglobalisation" through the new space travel?
Results of the NewSpace2060 International Moon Pitch competition including prize winners and video information
Summary of winning entries of the NewSpace2060 International Moon Pitch competition Video available: (between 4:45:06 - 5:04.12) announced at the 2nd Moon Village Association... more
- by Helen Tung
- Space, Moon, NewSpace
Not yet defined at the intergovernmental level International action to, or the manner (process) of, governing and regulating space-related activities.