Natural Heritage
Recent papers in Natural Heritage
The traditional pilgrimage route through India towards the holy mountain of Kailash in the Tibet Autonomous Region of China represents a timeless example of nature-culture linkage where the exquisite terrain is an integral part of the... more
As part of a forum discussion of Ian Tyrrell’s "America's National Parks: The Transnational Creation of National Space in the Progressive Era" in the Journal of American Studies, this paper compares the transnational dynamics observed by... more
In this article, I characterise the definitions of nature and culture by providing examples from nature conservation and conservation of cultural heritage. I also propose how to overcome the distinction of two definitions by using the... more
Preface Nowadays, responsibility for the heritage, broadly understood as human and environmental coexistence, is the most important challenge of humanity. The Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural... more
Zwykło się mawiać, że Nowa Huta to najbardziej zielona część Krakowa. I rzeczywiście, jeśli spojrzeć na zdjęcie satelitarne miasta, wydaje się, że nie jest to tylko pusty slogan. Zieleń zdaje się dominować nad przestrzenią przekształcaną... more
Purpose: Using the cable car project proposed in Son Doong Cave (the world’s largest cave with outstanding heritage values), Vietnam as a case study, the dissertation aims to analyse the impacts of expanding access to natural heritage... more
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El itinerario transcurre en primer lugar por la cuenca del río Limia para adentrarse posteriormente en el valle del río Támega. Comienza en la Alta Limia siguiendo en dirección sureste; entramos así en la comarca conocida tradicionalmente... more
O património natural, enquanto recurso não renovável, encontra-se exposto a diversas situações de vulnerabilidade designadamente a que resulta da ação antrópica. Uma das formas de proteger mas, também, de valorizar e reconhecer a... more
Heritage is the legacy of tangible objects and intangible attributes of a group or society. It is inherited from past generations, maintained in the present and bestowed for the benefit of future generations. This prospective benefit,... more
Özet Mekân-insan etkileşiminin farklı boyutlara ulaştığı bir süreçte, benzersiz ve yeniden üretilemeyecek doğal, sosyo-kültürel miras değerlerine sahip alanların ivedilikle koruma altına alınması gereklidir. Ortaköy (Şapinuva-Çorum)... more
This paper is a preliminary form of the Catalogue of palaeontological sites from Hăghimaş Mts., sites found in Cheile Bicazului -Hăşmaş National Park (CBHNP) area or bordering it. The first part presents a data sheet pattern for the site... more
Many western countries deal with a longstanding division between natural and cultural heritage when it comes to landscape management, which is mainly attributable to the fact that both sectors have developed independently and now operate... more
The critique of the separation of natural and cultural heritage is now well established. Rather than repeat arguments against what many would now acknowledge as an artificial separation, this paper considers the implications of working... more
Wer sich einmal in der Rolle des exkursionsfreudigen Studenten, der Austauschwissenschaftlerin, des Welterbetouristen, des Sibirienenthusiasten, der Irkutsker Schülerin des Faches „Landeskunde“ (stranovvedenie), oder des... more
The coherence of official environmental discourse in Singapore is torn apart by the continued existence of two conflicting visions of the state-led landscaping project. On one hand, the idea of the " man-made garden " favors exotic... more
This paper is focused on creating an efficient workflow process for high dynamic range spherical panoramas for preserving heritage sites taking the Tempurung Cave as a working model. Although there are several methods for producing HDR... more
Las formas de erosión fluvial poseen un carácter de patrimonio natural y cultural. Nuestro objetivo es presentar los referentes conceptuales y metodológicos a tener en cuenta en las primeras fases de una investigación sobre patrimonio... more
We are here proposing as scientific reserve four palaeontological sites in the area of the Cheile Bicazului -Hăşmaş National Park. Three of them are located on the northern and western sides of Ghilcoş Mountain and the fourth in the... more
Resumo O presente projeto pretende, a partir da caracterização patrimonial da Reserva Natural do Paul de Arzila (RNPA) e da sua situação atual, expor um conjunto de medidas que visam a sua revalorização. Num primeiro momento,... more
The value of natural heritage within urban areas is nowadays gaining recognition, but there are still no clear reference frameworks to confront the complexities of their management. In this discussion, the challenges of the association of... more
Located in South Eastern Europe, the Ohrid Region (OR) is the result of a variety of sub-regions, complex geological history and interactions between populations and species that have all resulted in a remarkable natural and cultural... more
Foto oleh: Meutia Farida Hatta Swasono © UNESCO/National Geographic Indonesia-Dwi Oblo © UNESCO Office, Jakarta Desain grafis oleh Ritchie Ned Hansel Cover: Kampung tradisional Waerebo Foto oleh UNESCO/National Geographic Indonesia-Dwi... more
Cualquier forma de reproducción, distribución, comunicación pública o transformación de esta obra solo puede ser realizada con la autorización de sus titulares, salvo excepción prevista por la ley. Diríjase a CEDRO (Centro Español de... more
This study introduces dialectical critical realism into museology as a philosophical underlabourer for the development of new theoretical potentials for the transformation of museum practice. The idea of the museum is in a moment of... more
Natural and cultural heritage are considered key resources in the ever-growing sustainable tourism market. A number of recently studied sites evince a strong potential for positively stimulating local and regional development. Others... more
This paper aims to raise a debate about the patrimonialising processes among Brazilian Conservation Units, bringing clarity to the problems concerning the local communities on the creation of the Serra da Capivara National Park and the... more
In 2008, the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) has published the book, “World Heritage Caves & Karst, A global review of karst World Heritage properties: present situation, future prospects and management... more
Studies on heritage as a social construct are usually focused on adults. However, we were interested in children's perception of natural and cultural heritage in their local environment. We asked primary school pupils to take... more
Le but de cet article est de faire la caractérisation et l’analyse du contexte au sein duquel se déroulent, depuis la fin des années 80, la restauration et la mise en valeur patrimoniale des Marais de Santoña, Victoria et Joyel, situés... more