National Security and Defence
Recent papers in National Security and Defence
Hai-Nyzhnyk P., Chupriy L., Fihurnyi Y., Krasnodemska I., Chyrkov O. (2018). Aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine: ethnonational dimension and civilizational confrontation. Saarbrucken (Germany): LAP Lambert Academic... more
A biztonság fogalma jelentősen átalakult az elmúlt évtizedekben. A kétpólusú világrend felbomlott, többpólusúvá vált és régi biztonságpolitikai kihívások helyett újak jelentek meg, melyek váratlanabbak, bizonytalanabbak,... more
Artykuł prezentuje wyniki badań w zakresie prawnoustrojowego statusu Sił Zbrojnych w Konstytucji RP. Analizie została poddana rola Sił Zbrojnych RP w realizacji głównych celów państwa polskiego i ich relacje do innych zasad ustrojowych... more
Currently, Border Management is crucial issue not only for Pakistan but for the entire world due to increased technological developments and security circumstances. Pakistan and Afghanistan being immediate states have interconnected... more
Monografia prezentuje wyniki badań naukowych na temat estońskiego systemu obrony narodowej. Autor ukazuje jakie uwarunkowania historyczne, polityczne, społeczne i kulturowe wpłynęły na koncepcję obrony narodowej Republiki Estonii oraz... more
An Introduction to Cognitive Science: '2010 Perspective. (* The pdf file is written in Korean.) (File Size = 2M) (* Version 1.1-2010.2.27.- Copyrightⓒ2010, Jung-Mo Lee) [Contents] 1. Why Cognitive Science? : A Scientific Revolution... more
The new national security risks, challenges and threats that appeared after 1990 and changed in their structure and weight, have – for the 21st century – demanded also in Hungary a more rational and task-oriented, more rapidly acting and... more
The Future Frigates Program SEA 5000 is the largest naval shipbuilding project in Australian history, the centre piece of the continuous National Naval Shipbuilding Enterprise. This paper, by former Parliamentary Secretary for Defence... more
Against the backdrop of Morini's 2010 article focused on the need to take regional perspectives into account when articulating an Afghan strategy, and in light of the harried 2021 withdrawal, argues for the use of what Dr. Jeffrey Reilly... more
RESUMO: Com a saída dos militares do centro do governo e o fim da guerra fria ganha corpo um debate sobre o papel das Forças Armadas no Brasil contemporâneo. Nessa direção, o presente trabalho começa abordando o que se convencionou chamar... more
Este livro é um contributo para a expansão dos estudos de informações e de segurança na Universidade, realizado na perspectiva da História do Presente e sobretudo através da aplicação da técnica da open sources intelligence (osint),... more
Az 1990 óta jelentkező megváltozott szerkezetű és súlyozású biztonsági kockázatok kihívások, veszélyforrások a Magyar Köztársaság vonatkozásában is sokkal racionálisabb, feladatorientáltabb, gyorsabb reagálású és gazdaságosabb működésű... more
This report reviews and categorizes the enormous corpus of knowledge produced by American academic and policy institutions about U.S. relations with the Middle East and other Islamic actors in the international arena. The report... more
A mai kor, az új évezred nemzetközi és belföldi biztonsági kihívásaival,
megváltozott veszélyforrásaival szemben Magyarország védelmének
garanciáját elsősorban az elit nemzetbiztonsági szolgálatokkal
lehet és kell biztosítani.
megváltozott veszélyforrásaival szemben Magyarország védelmének
garanciáját elsősorban az elit nemzetbiztonsági szolgálatokkal
lehet és kell biztosítani.
In this dissertation I explore nanotechnology's foreseen implications for the global South by asking: to what extent does nanotechnology offer hope for a more equitable world? Overall, I find that nanotechnology presently offers little... more
« Response to the US Government, Pentagon & UAP Task Force (UAPTF) », discourse by Yann Vadnais (GARPAN), presented at the ''UFO/UAP: The International Academic & Civilian UFOlogical Community’s Response to the Pentagon, US Government, &... more
The IC's history is one of competiveness among the DoD intelligence agencies, the FBI, and the CIA. The government has studied organizational issues and modified the IC multiple times, including enhancing the powers of the chief... more
Publication Info.:
2010. 03.10. 이정모(2010). “인지과학과 미래 융합기술: 표준-융복합을 만나다-1”. 표준과학연구원-사보-KRISS-3+4월호-06-09쪽.
2010. 03.10. 이정모(2010). “인지과학과 미래 융합기술: 표준-융복합을 만나다-1”. 표준과학연구원-사보-KRISS-3+4월호-06-09쪽.
Convergence of cyberspace and terrorism, that is cyberterrorism, might be an underrated issue for the moment due to the absence of real world examples. However, the ongoing transformation from old to new terrorism and changing perceptions... more
L`Harmattan - Paris ; Questions contemporaines , "Cet ouvrage étudie l’évolution récente de la politique étrangère et de défense de l’Union européenne dans sa complexité historique. Peut-elle jouer un rôle important ou reste ballotée... more
Kamu politikası analiz yöntemlerinden biri olan Referans Çerçevesi yaklaşımı politikalarda değişimi açıklamada kullanılan yöntemlerdendir. Kamu politikalarının bir makro bilişsel ve normatif çerçeve, referans çerçevesi (référentiel) ile... more
This doctoral dissertation discuss defence resources management in Defence Ministries and Armed Forces through planning function, function of human resources, material resources and finances with the goal to reach needed military... more
Cyberspace is everywhere in today’s world and has significant implications not only for global economic activity, but also for international politics and transnational social relations. This compilation addresses for the first time the... more
The Caspian Project is a weekly digital magazine organized by the online analytical resource, Modern Diplomacy. Dr. Matthew Crosston is the Senior Editor of the project, which aims to acquaint people with this critically undervalued... more
''Réponse au Gouvernement des États-Unis, au Pentagone et à l'UAP Task Force'', discours de Yann Vadnais présenté ;le 21 août 2021 lors de l'événement ''OVNI/PAN : La communauté internationale des chercheurs universitaires et civils en... more
For decades, successive Philippine administrations have attempted to spur the growth of Philippine defense industries to achieve self-reliance in defense equipment, only to be stifled by various issues affecting the entire defense... more
Additive Manufacturing (AM) has the potential to revolutionize key aspects of Military Logistics and partnerships between governmental and industrial organizations. Extreme outsourcing of key capabilities has created complex and deep... more
nota a CORTE DI CASSAZIONE – SEZIONE III - 9 MAGGIO 2009, N. 10285 Responsabilità extracontrattuale – Fattispecie costitutiva – Reato – Giudizio civile – Mezzi di prova. Responsabilità extracontrattuale – Responsabilità da condotta... more
A nemzetbiztonsági szolgálatok meghatározó jelentősége a
Magyar Köztársaság XXI. századi biztonsági rendszerében
A titkosszolgálatok a jövőnk biztosítékai
Nemzetbiztonsági kézikönyv – 2010
Magyar Köztársaság XXI. századi biztonsági rendszerében
A titkosszolgálatok a jövőnk biztosítékai
Nemzetbiztonsági kézikönyv – 2010
National security intelligence collection is defined by secrecy and covert data collection. Methods of data collection and processing have developed rapidly along with advances in technology and data encryption. Activities undertaken by... more
Argentina constituye un caso de análisis de sumo interés, en política de defensa. Posee normas y organización general correspondientes a dicho ámbito, modernas y adecuadas. Ha logrado sensibles progresos en materia de relaciones... more
The title of this piece is meant to evoke at least three sources. The first – and perhaps the only obvious one – concerns the ability of holograms to display parallax, a shifting of visual viewpoint that allows a three-dimensional image... more
Analyzing President Obama's foreign policy and its global impact is no easy task. The early presidency of Obama has been marked by vicious attacks from the right, deep disappointment from the left, and something like indifference from the... more
2 Acknowledgments 3 Acronyms 4 21 5.
PhD presentation for SPS Symposium, School of Political & Social Inquiry, Faculty of Arts on 29th October 2013.
Argentina constituye un caso de análisis de sumo interés, en política de defensa. Posee normas y organización general correspondientes a dicho ámbito, modernas y adecuadas. Ha logrado sensibles progresos en materia de relaciones... more
Artykuł prezentuje przebieg prac ustawodawczych nad pakietem ustaw związanych z procesem profesjonalizacji i modernizacji technicznej Sił Zbrojnych RP w latach 2008-2010. Nowe przepisy w istotny sposób zmieniły system prawny i strukturę... more
This is a great book. Rarely does a reader get to have the unique combination of fascinating history, contemporary relevance, drama, and intrigue all come together in wonk-policy detail while still being a work enjoyable to read.
Countries are developing a defense industry that enables the development of defense capabilities and creating a secure environment. National defense industrial capacities enable equipping national armed forces with weapons and equipment... more
Téma: A nemzetbiztonsági szolgálatok kommunikációs stratégiája, internetes viták a nemzetbiztonsági szolgálatokról(előadó: Várhalmi Miklós). Az általános kormányzati-és médiakommunikáció változása a lakosság irányába, az elmúlt 15-20 év... more
Despite the already existing rules on both sides to avoid such thinking, preconception that begets misperception that begets faulty intelligence analysis continues to afflict both academics and practitioners alike. The only ‘remedies’... more
Con la intervención del Estado como un todo, se pretende recuperar la gobernabilidad, imponer la autoridad bajo el imperio de la Ley, robustecer el sistema judicial para garantizar la eficiencia y transparencia de la administración... more
KUM SAATİ YAYINLARI Bu kitap askerle ile ilgili konularda daha çok sivilleri bilgilendirmek için yazıldı.Kitabın yazılmasında öncelikle silahlı kuvvetlerin ya da milletin ordusu ile ilgili faaliyetlerin sadece askerlerin gayretleri ile... more
In an environment where drone technology is being openly sold on a massive scale across the global market and countless countries are striving to build and obtain their own drone fleets, it is deeply troubling that the general consensus... more
The United States` Critical Infrastructure System (CIs) represents an umbrella concept grouping all those resources that are essential for national economic, financial, and social system. These critical infrastructures are vital and... more