Most downloaded papers in Musicality
There are certain thoughts - intimations - that will seem corny, or laughable, and therefore dismissed - and only seriously absorbed into the changing mind when felt, in the shelter of the quietly moving music of the soul. It is the... more
“Every new object, well contemplated, opens up a new organ of perception in us” — Goethe ‘Withness’-thinking is the kind of thinking we require in dealing with the unique people and unique difficulties we meet in our everyday lives. It... more
This study tries to reveal the views of Cioran on music. First we notice his regret for not being a musician and then we examine the links Cioran establishes between musical passion and psychological pathology. Cioran. We oppose... more
Jean-Luc Nancy's phenomenology of listening (trans. 2007) makes a series of claims about the sonic / auditory nature of the subject. First among these is the claim that the subject is a subject to the extent that it is listening, that it... more
As the complicated relationship between music and theatre has evolved and changed in the modern and postmodern periods, music has continued to be immensely influential in key developments of theatrical practices. In this study of... more
Bi-musicality (being fluent in more than one musical language) enables humans to undergo a "subject-shift" or moment of transcendental subjectivity when they become aware of themselves as actors in the world and thereby view the world... more
Songbirds spend much of their time learning, producing, and listening to complex vocal sequences we call songs. Songs are learned via cultural transmission, and singing, usually by males, has a strong impact on the behavioral state of the... more
In A Million Years of Music, Gary Tomlinson develops an extensive evolutionary narrative that emphasises several important components of human musicality and proposes a theory of the coalescence of these components. In this essay I tie... more
The association between human speech, language and communication (SLC) and participation in music is manifest in music education and psychology literature in a number of ways. Research studies into young children’s SLC are numerous and... more
In the 1940s, Alicia Alonso became the first Latin American dancer to achieve international prominence in the field of ballet, until then dominated by Europeans.
Musicality in dance does not need music. ¿How is musicality apparent in the dance studio, and to what extent is a social construct? We define musicality as a social skill. We analize how dancers share their artistic judgement when... more
Este trabalho discute o fazer musical contemporâneo permeado pela cultura digital, em especial no âmbito da utilização de aplicativos na educação musical. Em sua fundamentação, propõe o delineamento de algumas das principais... more
The aim of this paper is to interpret the references to musical construction (“musicality III”, according to Andrzej Hejmej) in Paweł Huelle’s novel Śpiewaj ogrody (“Sing Gardens”). Both the plot (parts by the narrator and characters of... more
Here we present two unpublished essays by Hubert Jennings about the challenges of translating the poetry of Fernando Pessoa: the first one of them, brief and fragmentary, is analyzed in the introduction; the second, longer and also... more
The study investigated the prevalence of fear and hyperacusis and the possible connections between fear, hyperacusis and musicality in a Swedish sample of individuals with Williams syndrome (WS). The study included 38 individuals and a... more
This text considers a discussion about musical development. Anchored in the historical-cultural psychology, it looks to surpass the classic division between what is innate (or biological) and what is acquired (or cultural), that divides... more
El presente texto pretende aportar a la discusión sobre la multimusicalidad al exponer aspectos de su desarrollo en intérpretes que se desempeñan en “grupos de secuencias” en Cali, Colombia. Se trata de un formato que combina archivos de... more
Na związki twórczości lirycznej Paula Verlaine’a z muzyką zwracano uwagę już od momentu publikacji jego debiutanckiego tomu poetyckiego Poèmes saturniens w 1866 roku. Kolejne zbiory potwierdzały tezę o silnej inspiracji „biednego Leliana”... more
Resumo: Este trabalho tem por base uma dissertação de mestrado em andamento e por objetivo investigar possibilidades de uma educação musical para o desenvolvimento da musicalidade da pessoa surda, considerando sua cultura. Percebendo o... more
This article aims to deconstruct the idea that the musician is a person naturally endowed with some special talent. This is a widespread opinion, not only among laymen but also among specialists in music, as musicians and critics. The... more
The pattern of acquisition of speech- and music-related skills during early stages of human infancy provides insight into the origins of language and music. Indiscriminate until shortly after birth, babies start gradually developing... more
This article focuses on discussing some proposals of aesthetic upgrade of modernism in São Paulo, analyzing the writings of Mario de Andrade and his readings of modernist magazines such as L'Esprit Nouveau. The aim is to understand how,... more
In what ways does the form of staged theatre limit its radicality, and how might this be addressed through practices typically associated with other artistic fields? The director's task is to recreate life, its movement, its... more
La cumbia, el bullerengue, el son de negro y el currulao son parte de la herencia viva de África en Colombia; huellas de africanía, como lo refería Nina de Friedemann (1992), que reafirman una presencia antigua y originaria, entre... more
The abundant use of musical terms as prestige words in artistic and educational theatre discourses seems to indicate that musicality – in some sense of the word – is generally considered an important quality in acting. Music is part of... more
Alicia Alonso contended that the musicality of Cuban ballet dancers contributed to a distinctive national style in their performance of European classics such as Giselle and Swan Lake. A highly developed sense of musicality distinguished... more
Wlodzimierz Staniewski, director of the Polish Centre for Theatre Practices Gardzienice, considers directing as a praxis pertaining to the field of musical composition. His pieces have been theorised as either “ethno-oratoria” or “village... more
Lectura de la performance y video de Mima, Ñam-Ñam en el contexto de los efectos y consecuencias del huracán María. Se trata de una meditación sobre la vida sensible y poética del litoral que el video-canción trabaja en su re-edición e... more
El artículo analiza la musicalización de la ficción presente en Vals de Francesc Trabal, considerada su obra maestra. El artículo sugiere una lectura diferente de la novela a partir del concepto de intermedialidad y mediante dos ejes: la... more
Italian is said to be the language of the music and it is legitimate wondering what makes it so fitting the idea of musicality. The present paper opens with the presentation of "The Italian of music, the music of Italian", an argument... more
Poetic compositions and its performative realities through music are in tandem. Hence, poetic compositions especially in Africa are best performed in sine qua non with music. Olu Obafemi"s Illuminations: Songs, Dances, from the Belly of... more
Este trabalho visa discutir a musicalidade humana sob um prisma cognitivo-evolucionista. Busca refletir acerca da complexidade da manifestação musical num panorama que articula os períodos transcorridos entre os tempos remotos da espécie... more
Does the musicality of the Josip Sever`s poem klišej kiše come through in the translation? The text Has the music gone from Josip Sever`s work? illustrates the influence of the translation process on textual levels of musicality: the... more