Assumpta Aneas
ASSUMPTA ANEAS is associate professor at Department of Methods of Research and Assessment in Education in the Faculty of Education at the University of Barcelona.
She is Area Head of Equity, Welfare and Inclusion Area at the Institute of Research in Education at the University of Barcelona. Is the Coordinator of the Group of Research GREDI about Intercultural Education.
Her main interests are pedagogical responses to the needs and challenges arising from contexts of migration and refuge from intercultural encounters. He is also particularly interested in the dynamics and situation of minority groups for religious or ethnic reasons in the host society. In all these cases the concepts of religious and ethnic identity intersect with issues of social inequality, existential emptiness, radicalism, and xenophobia. Its purpose is to identify educational strategies to achieve dialogue and citizen cohesion.
Her epistemological approach are systemic and transdisciplinary. She mainly applies qualitative methodologies from the Responsible Research Innovation approach of research (RRI)
Is member of the several organizations and Networks of Intercultural and Counseling Research: International Academy of Intercultural Research, Scholas Chairs, EERA European Educational Research Association, Interuniversity Research Association in Pedagogy AIDIPE
Her latest projects are: Speak to me in Catalan, I am a Catalan Muslim woman (commissioned by the Generalitat de Catalunya); Innova4Div on training in intercultural skills for teachers (commissioned by the JCR of the European Commission); Stories that Move against all forms of discrimination, cultural diversity and equal opportunities in school; RESCUE Support for the education of refugees in fellow children (Erasmus + Project).
She has more than 200 publications (carpets of books, papers in journals, conferences and open access materials) in Spanish, Catalan, English and German. Her preferred publications are: Intercultural Competences in the company; Intercultural and Cross-Cultural Communication Research: Some Reflections about Culture and Qualitative Methods; Moroccans in Spain, so near yet so far; Transdisciplinary technology education: a characterization and some ideas for implementation in the university.
Phone: 34 4035267
Address: Passeig de la Vall d'Hebron 171
09035 Barcelona. Spain
She is Area Head of Equity, Welfare and Inclusion Area at the Institute of Research in Education at the University of Barcelona. Is the Coordinator of the Group of Research GREDI about Intercultural Education.
Her main interests are pedagogical responses to the needs and challenges arising from contexts of migration and refuge from intercultural encounters. He is also particularly interested in the dynamics and situation of minority groups for religious or ethnic reasons in the host society. In all these cases the concepts of religious and ethnic identity intersect with issues of social inequality, existential emptiness, radicalism, and xenophobia. Its purpose is to identify educational strategies to achieve dialogue and citizen cohesion.
Her epistemological approach are systemic and transdisciplinary. She mainly applies qualitative methodologies from the Responsible Research Innovation approach of research (RRI)
Is member of the several organizations and Networks of Intercultural and Counseling Research: International Academy of Intercultural Research, Scholas Chairs, EERA European Educational Research Association, Interuniversity Research Association in Pedagogy AIDIPE
Her latest projects are: Speak to me in Catalan, I am a Catalan Muslim woman (commissioned by the Generalitat de Catalunya); Innova4Div on training in intercultural skills for teachers (commissioned by the JCR of the European Commission); Stories that Move against all forms of discrimination, cultural diversity and equal opportunities in school; RESCUE Support for the education of refugees in fellow children (Erasmus + Project).
She has more than 200 publications (carpets of books, papers in journals, conferences and open access materials) in Spanish, Catalan, English and German. Her preferred publications are: Intercultural Competences in the company; Intercultural and Cross-Cultural Communication Research: Some Reflections about Culture and Qualitative Methods; Moroccans in Spain, so near yet so far; Transdisciplinary technology education: a characterization and some ideas for implementation in the university.
Phone: 34 4035267
Address: Passeig de la Vall d'Hebron 171
09035 Barcelona. Spain
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Books by Assumpta Aneas
classrooms due, among other things, to the lack of competences to deal with it. The acquisition of
Intercultural Competence (IC), which, in the context of the INNO4DIV project is defined as:
The capacity to engage in open, appropriate and effective interactions across cultures. It is the
ability to establish positive interactions with people of different national, ethnic, religious, social
or cultural backgrounds or gender, these being the dimensions that are most immediate and
required when it comes to educational settings. These dimensions address all marginalised
groups such as minorities, religious groups or economically marginalised individuals.
There is a crucial need for teachers to deal with diversity and to be successful in their teaching. In this
context, in 2019 the JRC launched the INNO4DIV project with the aim to support polices in the area of
IC for teachers, through the analysis of literature and innovative good practices which have successfully
addressed the existing barriers for teachers’ IC development.
This report is part of a larger study, wherein the conceptual framework was defined (Vol. 1), a literature
review on key enabling components and associated barriers was performed (Vol. 2), assessment
guidelines were developed (Vol 3.1) and applied to the selection and analysis of 21 innovative cases (Vol
3.2). The 21 cases were selected based on their innovation, effectiveness, impact, relevance,
transferability, replicability, sustainability, scalability along with a geographical representation of
different EU countries. They were also selected according to their relevance to the nine key enabling
components (KECs) of the development of intercultural and democratic competence (IDC).
This final report, Volume 4 builds on the cross-case analysis of the 21 innovative cases for the
development of IDC in teacher education, and an expert validation workshop.
The research findings of INNO4DIV emphasise the importance of teachers’ IDC in achieving quality
education, promoting social cohesion, and fostering inclusive societies ‒ a common goal of various EU
education and inclusion policies. The analysis identifies nine key enabling components for teachers’ IDC
development, that need to be considered by the multiple stakeholders engaged in IDC development. The
practices examined show numerous innovative approaches in addressing key enabling components, in
areas such as: the work towards a common understanding of IDC, the promotion of cooperation across
multiple stakeholders, curriculum development, teaching methodologies, supportive tools and mentoring
for teachers, and the implementation of the ‘whole school approach’. These findings have inspired a set
of practical recommendations for EU and national policymakers, which are also presented in this report
dentro y fuera de nuestras fronteras. Se trata de jóvenes, cuyas características han sido
ampliamente debatidas, que precisan de una atención especial por parte de las instituciones
gubernamentales y sus correspondientes profesionales. Generalmente, suelen definirse
como varones, de 16 años, procedentes de Marruecos y Rumanía, con varios hermanos y
una madurez mayor a la que corresponde para su edad cronológica. Sin embargo, no todos
han compartido el mismo contexto familiar. Varios estudios indican que la gran mayoría no
eran menores en situación de calle en su país de origen, sino que, en general, vivían con su
familia nuclear. Una vez en territorio europeo, se enfrentan a la imposibilidad de trabajar, ya
sea por la ley de extranjería o por la falta de formación laboral y/o académica. Es aquí, en un
país de cultura y costumbres diferentes, cuando se encuentran en situación de desamparo.
Desde la investigación Diálogo intercultural e interreligioso para fomentar la cultura de paz
en jóvenes y menores extranjeros no acompañados (MENA) en Barcelona y Melilla, subvencionada
en la convocatoria 2018 de proyectos Retos Investigación del Programa Estatal de
I+D+i Orientada a los Retos de la Sociedad, se sostiene que, ante la diversidad cultural y religiosa,
la cultura de paz deviene una alternativa fundamental para fomentar la convivencia
y la cohesión social de la pluralidad, respetando su vida y dignidad.
effectively and appropriately in different intercultural situations
to be successful in their teaching. In this context, in 2019 the JRC launched the INNO4DIV project with the aim to support polices in the field of IC of teachers, through the analysis of literature and innovative good practices which have successfully addressed the existing barriers for teacher´s IC development.
The initial project reports provide the conceptual framework of the project,
Competence: Working definition and implications for teacher education (Shuali et al., 2020), and the results of the literature review, Volume 2. Literature review on
competence development and their associated barriers (Simó et al., 2020). The methodology for the selection and assessment of innovative practices overcoming barriers in the development of intercultural and democratic competences was developed in the third report, Volume 3. Part 1: Assessment guidelines for teacher education and training practices on intercultural and democratic competence development.
This report provides an overview of the 21 selected innovative cases for the development of intercultural and democratic competences in teacher education, which analysis has been the basis to extract lessons learnt in support of evidence based educational policy development. The results of this analysis and the recommendations provided will be published in INNO4DIV Volume 4, the final project report.
This overview includes: the geographical scope of implementation, the sources of financial support, the diversity of stakeholders involved, the target groups addressed, the maturity of the cases in terms of duration, methodological alignment of the case with the Council of Europe Reference Framework for the Competence of Democratic Culture (CoE, 2016), the educational setting in which they take place (formal, non-formal education) and the number of participants (learners).
Following the overview, the report provides a short description of each case including: the participating actors and countries, the project start/end dates and its implementation status, the geographical scope, the target audience, the different stakeholders involved, the background context, the case summary and the major findings with regards to the innovation carried out, the overcome barriers and the major case outcomes.
En aquest context, els i les joves són especialment vulnerables, tant en els processos de radicalització religiosa, com d’intolerància religiosa. L’anomenat “radicalisme violent”, o “extremisme violent” és una preocupació de la societat europea actual, especialment la participació de joves “radicalitzats”, nascuts i socialitzats en països europeus, en els actes comesos en nom de l'anomenat Estat Islàmic, així com en els atacs terroristes altament visibles de naturalesa política comesos a les societats europees, com recentment ha viscut Barcelona i Cambrils. Alhora, i paral·lelament a aquests fenòmens, es constata com la pràctica i els discursos racistes i d’intolerància religiosa, especialment islamòfobs, també estan en augment. De fet, s’ha assenyalat com aquestes dues tendències es reforcen mútuament, conflueixen i afecten especialment el jovent.
La manca de competències per afrontar els reptes d’aquest diàleg intercultural i interreligiós esdevé un dels principals reptes que ha d’afrontar l’educació 2018-2020.
The current organizations, characterized by its globally, complexity,connectivity and interculturality need of Collaboration between its members. Thiscollaboration gives answers to the organizational requirements as well the psychosocialneeds of the persons that interact in order to achieve emotional wellbeing andcontinuous learning both at the individual as the collective level. After a review of theliterature, has been identify the concept Interprofessional Collaborative Practice ICP andhas been selected a tool for its assessment Assessment of Interprofessional TeamCollaboration Scale (AITCS) developed by Orchard, et al. (2012). This instrumentoriginally developed for the health field has been adapted to broad the organizationalcontext and translated to the Spanish.
This new version of the scale, with 37 items on a 5-point Likert scale,was administered to 507 students.
The Spanish version of the AITCS included three subscales: Partnership(21 items), Cooperation (11 items) and Coordination (5 items). Its overall reliability was 0.954, which accounted for a variance of 50.1%. The internal consistency of thereliability of each subscale was estimated to range between 0.724 and 0.921. Somedifferences between the factor structure of the AITCS and of this new version wereidentified, but they do not affect the conclusion that it is a reliable and valid instrument.
The psychometric analysis of the Spanish version of the AITCS has proven it to be a valid and reliable instrument.
: Interprofessional, Collaborative Practice, Assessment, WellbeingLearning, Generic skills
classrooms due, among other things, to the lack of competences to deal with it. The acquisition of
Intercultural Competence (IC), which, in the context of the INNO4DIV project is defined as:
The capacity to engage in open, appropriate and effective interactions across cultures. It is the
ability to establish positive interactions with people of different national, ethnic, religious, social
or cultural backgrounds or gender, these being the dimensions that are most immediate and
required when it comes to educational settings. These dimensions address all marginalised
groups such as minorities, religious groups or economically marginalised individuals.
There is a crucial need for teachers to deal with diversity and to be successful in their teaching. In this
context, in 2019 the JRC launched the INNO4DIV project with the aim to support polices in the area of
IC for teachers, through the analysis of literature and innovative good practices which have successfully
addressed the existing barriers for teachers’ IC development.
This report is part of a larger study, wherein the conceptual framework was defined (Vol. 1), a literature
review on key enabling components and associated barriers was performed (Vol. 2), assessment
guidelines were developed (Vol 3.1) and applied to the selection and analysis of 21 innovative cases (Vol
3.2). The 21 cases were selected based on their innovation, effectiveness, impact, relevance,
transferability, replicability, sustainability, scalability along with a geographical representation of
different EU countries. They were also selected according to their relevance to the nine key enabling
components (KECs) of the development of intercultural and democratic competence (IDC).
This final report, Volume 4 builds on the cross-case analysis of the 21 innovative cases for the
development of IDC in teacher education, and an expert validation workshop.
The research findings of INNO4DIV emphasise the importance of teachers’ IDC in achieving quality
education, promoting social cohesion, and fostering inclusive societies ‒ a common goal of various EU
education and inclusion policies. The analysis identifies nine key enabling components for teachers’ IDC
development, that need to be considered by the multiple stakeholders engaged in IDC development. The
practices examined show numerous innovative approaches in addressing key enabling components, in
areas such as: the work towards a common understanding of IDC, the promotion of cooperation across
multiple stakeholders, curriculum development, teaching methodologies, supportive tools and mentoring
for teachers, and the implementation of the ‘whole school approach’. These findings have inspired a set
of practical recommendations for EU and national policymakers, which are also presented in this report
dentro y fuera de nuestras fronteras. Se trata de jóvenes, cuyas características han sido
ampliamente debatidas, que precisan de una atención especial por parte de las instituciones
gubernamentales y sus correspondientes profesionales. Generalmente, suelen definirse
como varones, de 16 años, procedentes de Marruecos y Rumanía, con varios hermanos y
una madurez mayor a la que corresponde para su edad cronológica. Sin embargo, no todos
han compartido el mismo contexto familiar. Varios estudios indican que la gran mayoría no
eran menores en situación de calle en su país de origen, sino que, en general, vivían con su
familia nuclear. Una vez en territorio europeo, se enfrentan a la imposibilidad de trabajar, ya
sea por la ley de extranjería o por la falta de formación laboral y/o académica. Es aquí, en un
país de cultura y costumbres diferentes, cuando se encuentran en situación de desamparo.
Desde la investigación Diálogo intercultural e interreligioso para fomentar la cultura de paz
en jóvenes y menores extranjeros no acompañados (MENA) en Barcelona y Melilla, subvencionada
en la convocatoria 2018 de proyectos Retos Investigación del Programa Estatal de
I+D+i Orientada a los Retos de la Sociedad, se sostiene que, ante la diversidad cultural y religiosa,
la cultura de paz deviene una alternativa fundamental para fomentar la convivencia
y la cohesión social de la pluralidad, respetando su vida y dignidad.
effectively and appropriately in different intercultural situations
to be successful in their teaching. In this context, in 2019 the JRC launched the INNO4DIV project with the aim to support polices in the field of IC of teachers, through the analysis of literature and innovative good practices which have successfully addressed the existing barriers for teacher´s IC development.
The initial project reports provide the conceptual framework of the project,
Competence: Working definition and implications for teacher education (Shuali et al., 2020), and the results of the literature review, Volume 2. Literature review on
competence development and their associated barriers (Simó et al., 2020). The methodology for the selection and assessment of innovative practices overcoming barriers in the development of intercultural and democratic competences was developed in the third report, Volume 3. Part 1: Assessment guidelines for teacher education and training practices on intercultural and democratic competence development.
This report provides an overview of the 21 selected innovative cases for the development of intercultural and democratic competences in teacher education, which analysis has been the basis to extract lessons learnt in support of evidence based educational policy development. The results of this analysis and the recommendations provided will be published in INNO4DIV Volume 4, the final project report.
This overview includes: the geographical scope of implementation, the sources of financial support, the diversity of stakeholders involved, the target groups addressed, the maturity of the cases in terms of duration, methodological alignment of the case with the Council of Europe Reference Framework for the Competence of Democratic Culture (CoE, 2016), the educational setting in which they take place (formal, non-formal education) and the number of participants (learners).
Following the overview, the report provides a short description of each case including: the participating actors and countries, the project start/end dates and its implementation status, the geographical scope, the target audience, the different stakeholders involved, the background context, the case summary and the major findings with regards to the innovation carried out, the overcome barriers and the major case outcomes.
En aquest context, els i les joves són especialment vulnerables, tant en els processos de radicalització religiosa, com d’intolerància religiosa. L’anomenat “radicalisme violent”, o “extremisme violent” és una preocupació de la societat europea actual, especialment la participació de joves “radicalitzats”, nascuts i socialitzats en països europeus, en els actes comesos en nom de l'anomenat Estat Islàmic, així com en els atacs terroristes altament visibles de naturalesa política comesos a les societats europees, com recentment ha viscut Barcelona i Cambrils. Alhora, i paral·lelament a aquests fenòmens, es constata com la pràctica i els discursos racistes i d’intolerància religiosa, especialment islamòfobs, també estan en augment. De fet, s’ha assenyalat com aquestes dues tendències es reforcen mútuament, conflueixen i afecten especialment el jovent.
La manca de competències per afrontar els reptes d’aquest diàleg intercultural i interreligiós esdevé un dels principals reptes que ha d’afrontar l’educació 2018-2020.
The current organizations, characterized by its globally, complexity,connectivity and interculturality need of Collaboration between its members. Thiscollaboration gives answers to the organizational requirements as well the psychosocialneeds of the persons that interact in order to achieve emotional wellbeing andcontinuous learning both at the individual as the collective level. After a review of theliterature, has been identify the concept Interprofessional Collaborative Practice ICP andhas been selected a tool for its assessment Assessment of Interprofessional TeamCollaboration Scale (AITCS) developed by Orchard, et al. (2012). This instrumentoriginally developed for the health field has been adapted to broad the organizationalcontext and translated to the Spanish.
This new version of the scale, with 37 items on a 5-point Likert scale,was administered to 507 students.
The Spanish version of the AITCS included three subscales: Partnership(21 items), Cooperation (11 items) and Coordination (5 items). Its overall reliability was 0.954, which accounted for a variance of 50.1%. The internal consistency of thereliability of each subscale was estimated to range between 0.724 and 0.921. Somedifferences between the factor structure of the AITCS and of this new version wereidentified, but they do not affect the conclusion that it is a reliable and valid instrument.
The psychometric analysis of the Spanish version of the AITCS has proven it to be a valid and reliable instrument.
: Interprofessional, Collaborative Practice, Assessment, WellbeingLearning, Generic skills
competencia emocional y estrategias de afrontamiento del alumnado de Educación Social de tres universidades (Universidad de Barcelona, Universidad de Valencia y Universidad de Granada) a fin de mejorar la formación inicial y su desarrollo profesional, destacando las potencialidades y los retos de nuestros estudiantes. La recogida de datos se realiza mediante un cuestionario de autopercepción compuesto por cuatro componentes: a) Datos sociodemográficos y de identificación, b) Escala de prejuicios hacia colectivos minorizados, c) Escala de desarrollo emocional en adultos y d) Escala de afrontamiento de conflictos en contexto de diversidad y aplicado a una muestra es de 135 estudiantes universitarios. Los resultados muestran que no hay diferencias significativas entre géneros, si bien las mujeres tienen menos prejuicios. Se constata que las personas que tienen más desarrollada su competencia emocional afrontan mejor sus conflictos y que las personas más jóvenes tienen mejor competencia emocional y mejores estrategias de afrontamiento. Sigue llamando la atención el antisemitismo, anticristianismo y anti LGTBI en el colectivo
de estudiantes. Por tanto, una educación transformadora desde la universidad es necesaria para poder llevar a cabo futuras acciones educativas y profesionales que impacten de forma global.
Presentar unas recomendaciones muy concretas orientadas tanto a técnicos como a políticos.
Ilustrar la naturaleza compleja y multifacética de las relaciones interculturales en nuestros contextos profesionales y sociales
La transferencia del conocimiento ha pasado a ocupar un lugar destacado en la agenda de las Instituciones de Educación Superior. En la Facultad de Educación de la Universidad de Barcelona, desde el Prácticum del grado de Pedagogía se desarrollan una serie de acciones para fortalecer, enriquecer y definir las relaciones de transferencia entre la universidad y los centros de prácticas. En este contexto se reúnen procesos de aprendizaje generados mediante la inmersión del alumnado en centros de prácticas (Millan et al, 2014). El Prácticum puede ejercer como un nodo de enlace de conocimiento y transferencia entre el amplísimo espectro de centros colaboradores (de sector educativo, social y empresarial de diversas tipologías) y el conocimiento generado en la Facultad de Educación de la Universidad de Barcelona, fruto de los grupos de investigación y de las actividades docentes y divulgativas (Vilà et al., 2015).
Para dar respuesta a la finalidad prevista, se propone un estudio por encuesta que identifica los elementos prioritarios a desarrollar en la comunidad de práctica virtual. Se ha utilizado un cuestionario online “una comunidad de práctica virtual para la co-transferencia y la empleabilidad” (https://goo.gl/forms/LVIlNj4UNDcIyi1V2) con una escala compuesta por 6 indicadores (tabla 1), con alta fiabilidad (alpha de Crombach = 0,917). En el estudio han participado 90 tutores de prácticas: 11 tutores y tutoras de la Universidad de Barcelona, y 79 de diferentes centros de prácticas
De entre los muchos resultados, cabe destacar que el aspecto que mayor puntuación obtiene en la escala y por tanto que se prioriza con mayor intensidad (4.2 sobre 5 puntos) es informar sobre la polivalencia de competencias de la figura del pedagogo / a en los diferentes entornos de las organizaciones de prácticas. Este indicador tiene relación con la dimensión primera de la escala sobre “compartir con otros centros de prácticas”. En cambio el resto de aspectos a los que se da mayor prioridad tienen que ver todos con la dimensión “diseño del prácticum”.
Los resultados obtenidos permiten identificar aquellos aspectos considerados clave por los usuarios potenciales de la comunidad de práctica, los tutores de centros y de universidad. Estos elementos serán priorizados en la comunidad virtual de práctica. En primer lugar a los usuarios les interesan un grupo de aspectos relacionados con el diseño del prácticum, seguidos de los recursos orientados a ayudar al tutor en su tarea y a mejorar la formación y la empleabilidad del alumnado; por último destacan los recursos colaborativos orientados a compartir entre los propios centros de prácticas.