Monumental Fountains
Recent papers in Monumental Fountains
Zacatecoluca es una ciudad particular. Entre otras cosas, es dueña de una fuente victoriana que recién fue salvada de la ruina. Unos creen que es una oda al dios Neptuno. Otros aseguran que un expresidente la trajo como un regalo de... more
Complément à la revue Fontes (éditeur : ASPM, ce document offre une approche comparative entre la démarche anglaise (le mécénat privé) et la démarche française où on attend du pouvoir un approvisionnement en eau. Sir... more
Il saggio presenta per la prima volta l'utilizzo dei resti del Settizonio come fontana effimera negli apparati per l'ingresso di Carlo V a Roma (1536) e ripercorre la cultura antiquaria quattro-cinquecentesca sul monumento. Nel percorso... more
Dorothee Rippmann: ... zum allgemeinen statt nutzen. Brunnen in der europäischen Stadtgeschichte Axel Christoph Gampp: Sprudelnde Moral. Die Ikonographie des Fribourger Brunnenprogramms als Ausdruck geistig-moralischer Aufrüstung im 16.... more
De Miranda Adriana Anno di Edizione: 2018 Edizione: L'ERMA di BRETSCHNEIDER Collane: Studia Archaeologica, 224 Il volume affronta lo studio delle fonti antiche che hanno testimoniato l' uso e l' importanza delle fontane a sorpresa,... more
In the proposed contribution, a new analysis will be proposed of the two Roman phases of the Arsinoe fountain in Messene, an urban monumental water facility originally built at the end of the 4th century BC and transformed many times... more
La història del Pla de Palau és el resultat de poders sobre la ciutat, ja que respon a les solucions dels estaments militars, públics i a la inversió immobiliària de la nova burgesia, però en aquest indret s'obrien camins envers una... more
This fountain which is located in the Dewa Veediya near the main entrance to the Temple of the Tooth in Kandy, Sri Lanka, is referred as the Coffee Flower Fountain or the Fountain of Prince of Wales. It has been called the “Nuwara Wathura... more
The fountain – houses were important structures in the Greek cities. This article proposes the typological study of the Apollonia's fountain, in order to understand if it had a particular shape, like the researchers often say, or has been... more
H ύδρευση της Αθήνας δεν μπορούσε να καλυφθεί μόνο από τις φυσικές πηγές και τους ποταμούς, για αυτό από πολύ νωρίς επινοήθηκαν και κατασκευάστηκαν έργα που ωφέλησαν τους κατοίκους και κάλυψαν κατά μεγάλο βαθμό τις καθημερινές ανάγκες... more
S.,Y. Raptopoulos, Report on the Damages caused by Earthquake to the Monuments of Ancient Corinth, 1905: Architectural Heritage and Public Servants in Early 20th Century Greece: The proposal of a Greek Engineer , P. Dimitropoulos, in... more
Des terrasses monumentales à faire pâlir l’Italie. Un château qui déploie ses ailes, de galeries en portiques. L’eau, la promenade au grand air, l’odeur du buis. Puis la pénombre des grottes, où les dieux et les héros scintillent :... more
In the proposed contribution, it will be proposed a new analysis of the two Roman phases of the Arsinoe fountain in Messene, an urban monumental water facility originally built at the end of the 4th century BC and transformed many times... more