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Electromechanical wave imaging (EWI) has recently been introduced as a noninvasive, ultrasound-based imaging modality, which could map the electrical activation of the heart in various echocardiographic planes in mice, dogs, and humans in... more
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      EngineeringAlgorithmsMedical ImagingComputed Tomography
Concern about the performance of wires wires in scaled technologies has led to research exploring other communication methods. This paper examines wire and gate delays as technologies migrate from 0.18-μm to 0.035-μm feature sizes to... more
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      Computer Aided DesignTechnological forecastingChipDelays
This paper is an attempt to raid both the literature on modular design and the literature on property rights to create the outlines of a modularity theory of the firm. Such a theory will look at firms, and other organizations, in terms of... more
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      Property RightsTransaction CostsStandardsTheory of the Firm
By analyzing the human antibody repertoire in terms of structure, amino acid sequence diversity and germline usage, we found that seven V H and seven V L (four Vk and three Vl) germline families cover more than 95 % of the human antibody... more
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      ThermodynamicsMolecular BiologyProtein FoldingKinetics
Endocytosis depends on an extensive network of interacting proteins that execute a series of distinct subprocesses. Previously, we used live-cell imaging of six budding-yeast proteins to define a pathway for association of receptors,... more
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      KineticsBiologyMedicineBiological Sciences
This paper describes the Heterodyne Instrument for the Far-Infrared (HIFI) that was launched onboard ESA's Herschel Space Observatory in May 2009. The instrument is a set of 7 heterodyne receivers that are electronically tuneable,... more
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      Star FormationDust (Astronomy & Astrophysics)Herschel Space ObservatoryAstronomy
Wnt signaling plays an important role in both oncogenesis and development. Activation of the Wnt pathway results in stabilization of the transcriptional coactivator b-catenin. Recent studies have demonstrated that axin, which coordinates... more
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      Management ScienceCustomer ServiceMathematical ModelsMathematical Model
Developing product architectures is a key phase in design and development processes. It encompasses the transformation of product function to alternative product layouts. In this paper, we describe a new approach for identifying modules... more
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      Information SystemsDesign studiesConceptual DesignProduct Development
We present an update to STIR, an Open Source object-oriented library in C++ for 3D PET reconstruction. This library has been designed so that it can be used for many algorithms and scanner geometries, while being portable to various... more
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      AlgorithmsBiomedical EngineeringNuclear Medicine PhysicsPositron Emission Tomography
Nervous systems are information processing networks that evolved by natural selection, whereas very large scale integrated (VLSI) computer circuits have evolved by commercially driven technology development. Here we follow historic... more
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      Caenorhabditis elegansMagnetic Resonance ImagingFractalsLinear models
This paper proposes a cross-layer optimization framework that provides efficient allocation of wireless network resources across multiple types of applications to maximize network capacity and user satisfaction. We define a novel... more
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      Distributed ComputingResource AllocationMultimedia CommunicationVideo Conferencing
A variety of academic studies argue that a relationship exists between the structure of an organization and the design of the products that this organization produces.
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      Open Source SoftwareProduct DesignProblem SolvingSoftware Industry
We present a program visualization tool called Jeliot 3 that is designed to aid novice students to learn procedural and object oriented programming. The key feature of Jeliot is the fully or semi-automatic visualization of the data and... more
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      Object Oriented ProgrammingUser InterfaceFlow ControlResearch Agenda
We present first results of our search for high-redshift galaxies in deep CCD mosaic images. As a pilot study for a larger survey, very deep images of the Chandra Deep Field South (CDFS), taken with WFI@MPG/ESO2.2m, are used to select... more
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      Image ProcessingGalaxy ClustersDust (Astronomy & Astrophysics)Dark Energy
M odularity has been heralded as an organizational and technical architecture that enhances incremental and modular innovation. Less attention has been paid to the possible implications of modular architectures for imitation. To... more
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      Complex SystemsManagement of InnovationManagement ScienceModular Systems (Architecture)
We study the dynamics of modularization in a minimal substrate. A module is a functional unit relatively separable from its surrounding structure. Although it is known that modularity is useful both for robustness and for evolvability ,... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyAdaptationEngineering DesignForecasting
Growth factors have become an important component for tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. Insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) and transforming growth factor-beta1 (TGF-b 1 ) in particular have great significance in cartilage... more
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      BiomaterialsTissue EngineeringKineticsDrug delivery
Identifying new intrusions and developing effective signatures that detect them is essential for protecting computer networks. We present Nemean, a system for automatic generation of intrusion signatures from honeynet packet traces. Our... more
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      Expert SystemsPacket SwitchingFalse Positive RateDetection Rate
w . The first version of the Human Combinatorial Antibody Library HuCAL is a single-chain Fv-based phage display Ž w . 9 library HuCAL -scFv with 2 = 10 members optimised for high-throughput generation and targeted engineering of human... more
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      ImmunologyFlow CytometryImmunohistochemistryDrug development
In this paper the design problems encountered when designing heterogeneous systems are studied and solutions to these problems are proposed. It will be shown why a single heterogeneous specification method ranging from concept to... more
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      Systems AnalysisDigital Signal ProcessingComputer HardwareControl Systems
Vectors have been developed for inducible gene expression in Lactobacillus sakei and Lactobacillus plantarum in which expression of the gene of interest is driven by strong, regulated promoters from bacteriocin operons found in L. sakei... more
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      MicrobiologyGene expressionMultidisciplinaryAntibiotic Resistance
Background: Instructions to fabricate mineralized structures with distinct nanoscale architectures, such as seashells and coral and vertebrate skeletons, are encoded in the genomes of a wide variety of animals. In mollusks, the mantle is... more
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      PigmentationTransmission Electron MicroscopyGene expressionIn Situ Hybridization
We have developed a General Ecosystem Model (GEM) that is designed to simulate a variety of ecosystem types using a fixed model structure. Driven largely by hydrologic algorithms for upland, wetland and shallow-water habitats, the model... more
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      Computational ComplexityWater qualitySensitivity AnalysisMultidisciplinary
P roduct architecture and organizational communication play significant roles in complex product development efforts. By using networks to characterize both product structure and communication patterns, we examine the impact of mismatches... more
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      Organizational CommunicationManagement ScienceNew Product DevelopmentComplex Networks
In this paper, related product functions are determined for a group of approximately 70 consumer products. Using customer need data, a new matrix approach is introduced to identify these relationships. Techniques are then created for... more
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      Engineering DesignMass CustomizationCase StudyProduct Development
Tethered membranes have been proven during recent years to be a powerful and flexible biomimetic platform. We reported in a previous article on the design of a new architecture based on the self-assembly of a thiolipid on ultrasmooth gold... more
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      BiophysicsElectrochemistrySelf AssemblySilicon
A strawberry fruit cDNA showing sequence similarity to higher-plant pectate lyase genes has been isolated by differential screening of a strawberry fruit cDNA subtractive library. The cDNA contains a 396 amino acids open reading frame... more
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Background: Genome assemblers have grown very large and complex in response to the need for algorithms to handle the challenges of large whole-genome sequencing projects. Many of the most common uses of assemblers, however, are best... more
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      AlgorithmsOpen Source SoftwareBiological SciencesDNA
We have been developing an overlay construction toolkit called Overlay Weaver as the groundwork for future research on algorithms. Algorithm designers can implement structured overlay algorithms in just hundreds of lines of code with the... more
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      Distributed ComputingModelingRoutingRouting algorithm
A CMOS metal-electrode-based micro system for bidirectional communication (stimulation and recording) with neuronal cells in vitro is presented. The chip overcomes the interconnect challenge that limits today's bidirectional... more
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      Information ProcessingCell CultureMicroelectrode arrayIn Vitro
Biomolecular networks have to perform their functions robustly. A robust function may have preferences in the topological structures of the underlying network. We carried out an exhaustive computational analysis on network topologies in... more
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      Systems BiologyDrosophila melanogasterTranscription FactorsSignal Transduction
The Biopsychology-Toolbox is a free, open-source Matlab-toolbox for the control of behavioral experiments. The major aim of the project was to provide a set of basic tools that allow programming novices to control basic hardware used for... more
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      NeuroscienceCognitive ScienceAlgorithmsProgramming Languages
T his paper addresses the strategic impact of modular design on the optimal length and price of a differentiated product line. We represent consumer demand with a Bayesian logit model. We also break operations costs into product design... more
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      MarketingApplied MathematicsProduct DesignRisk Aversion
Function sharing in mechanical design is the simultaneous implementation of several functions with a single structural element.
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      Information SystemsMechanism DesignDesign studiesSheet Metal
A pilot-scale system for the intensive land-based culture of abalone was established using an integrated design aimed at eliminating the dependence on external food sources, whilst reducing water requirements and nutrient discharge... more
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      Resource sharingComplex SystemFood supplyProfitability
The WHAT IF molecular-modelling and drug design program is widely distributed in the world of protein structure bioinformatics. Although originally designed as an interactive application, its highly modular design and inbuilt control... more
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      Computer GraphicsComputational BiologyBiological SciencesCrystal structure
This paper presents four optimization models to demonstrate that the optimization of software reliability within the available resources can be accomplished. The models help us find the optimal software system structure while considering... more
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      Information SystemsInteger ProgrammingDynamic programmingSoftware Management
Orbital debris in low Earth orbit (LEO) are now sufficiently dense that the use of LEO space is threatened by runaway collisional cascading. A problem predicted more than thirty years ago, the threat from debris larger than about 1 cm... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringAerospace EngineeringInternational CooperationSpace
Cys-loop receptor neurotransmitter-gated ion channels are pentameric assemblies of subunits that contain three domains: extracellular, transmembrane, and intracellular. The extracellular domain forms the agonist binding site. The... more
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      PhysiologyCyanobacteriaSerotoninCell line
Background: Since the full genome sequences of Saccharomyces cerevisiae were released in 1996, genome sequences of over 90 fungal species have become publicly available. The heterogeneous formats of genome sequences archived in different... more
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      GenomicsComputational BiologyComparative GenomicsFungi
Most ligands targeting RNA are identified through screening a therapeutic target for binding members of a ligand library. A potential alternative way to construct RNA binders is through rational design using information about the RNA... more
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      RNABiological SciencesMyotonic DystrophyDrug Delivery Systems
In this paper, we develop a theory of modular design and refinement of hierarchical hybrid systems. In particular, we present compositional trace-based semantics for the language Charon that allows modular specification of interacting... more
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      Model CheckingHybrid SystemsFormal SemanticsSoftware Design
The development of complex mechatronic systems requires a careful and ideally verifiable design. In addition, engineers from different disciplines, namely mechanical, electrical and software engineering, have to cooperate. The current... more
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      Software EngineeringModel CheckingHybrid SystemsComplex System
OpenTracker, an open software architecture that provides a generic solution to the different tasks involved in tracking input devices and processing tracking data for virtual environments. It combines a highly modular design with a... more
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      Open Source SoftwareAugmented RealitySoftware ArchitectureOpen Source
The logic gates NAND/NOR were mimicked by enzyme biocatalyzed reactions activated by sucrose, maltose and phosphate. The subunits performing AND/OR Boolean logic operations were designed using maltose phosphorylase and cooperative work of... more
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This paper develops a modularization scheme based on the functional model of a system. The modularization approach makes use of the function-behavior-state (FBS) model of the system to derive the entity relations. The design structure... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringFunctional AnalysisMechatronicsModeling
We present a software module which allows one to efficiently perform molecular dynamics and local minimization calculations in internal coordinates when incorporated into a molecular dynamics package. We have implemented a reference... more
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      EngineeringAlgorithmsMagnetic Resonance SpectroscopySoftware
Abstmct-In this paper, we present a systematic method of implementing a VLSI parallel adder. First, we define a family of adders, based on a modular design. Our design uses three types of component cells, which we implement in static... more
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      Distributed ComputingComputer HardwareComputer SoftwareCarry Look-ahead Adder