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      ComedyTragedySatyr PlayLycophron
Sembra che la questione -insieme morfologica e tematica -affrontata nelle tre dense giornate napoletane di Compalit 2015, e ripresa in questo fascicolo di Between, abbia tre teste: un po' come quel famoso dipinto di Tiziano in cui sopra... more
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      Comparative LiteratureLaughterHumour StudiesSatire
The Mistaʿarvim are Jewish undercover agents who masquerade as Arabs in order to infiltrate Palestinian and other Arab societies in the service of the Israeli military. The first Mistaʿarvim unit, which served in the pre-1948 Palmach... more
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      EthnomusicologyPerformance StudiesIsrael/PalestineMusic Aesthetics
The unfolding of emotions in medieval and modern Europe took place against the political and social backdrop which assigned them profoundly different meanings depending on social structures like kinship, community, confraternity and the... more
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      History Of EmotionsCroatian HistoryMediterraneanRitual Procession
Humour is peculiar to human beings and an essential characteristic of human life. When it is applied in English teaching, it enhances students’ learning ability. If the teachers start adding element of humour in their teaching method it... more
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      Humour StudiesMimicryMockery
"The word paternoster has been applied in a variety of senses. In the Middle Ages paternoster became a synonym for lovemaking. An early instance of this usage appears in the anonymous medieval Latin Prisciano regula. Later it occurs in... more
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      Comparative ReligionIntellectual HistoryComparative LiteratureLiturgical Studies
Das nicht mehr schöne Bildnis Druckgraphische Porträts als Medien der Diffamierung in der Frühen Neuzeit Die Erfindung der Druckgraphik, ihre gewerbsmäßige Produktion und ihr warenmäßiger Vertrieb bewirkten ab dem 16. Jahrhundert eine... more
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      PortraitsSocial RepresentationsPortraitureSocial Exclusion
On the framework of cognitive appraisal theory, the current research proposes a paracrisis development model that illustrates how the cognitive appraisal of social norms and visual mockery in the social media evokes negative affect and... more
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      ParodyEconomic CrisisSocial ProofMockery
Adnan Oktar (Harun Yahya) n societies that are far from religion, some people spend a lot of time investigating other people's deficiencies and exposing their weaknesses, for they are excessively devoted to this life and desire to be... more
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      Harun YahyaMockeryAdnan Oktar
This article focuses on the analysis of gossip that is done in a playful key, including laughter as a salient feature, drawing on extracts taken from two naturally occurring conversations among Galician female undergraduate students. The... more
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      Discourse AnalysisConversation AnalysisConversation Analysis (Research Methodology)Corpus Linguistics and Discourse Analysis
Our program participates in the initiative of Australia's Hellenic community, We speak Greek in March. Wednesday 30th of March is devoted to the term Anecdotes. Dr Andreas Serafim, from Cyprus Open University, elaborates on the term in... more
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      ClassicsGreek ComedyLanguages and LinguisticsPerformance Studies
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      Discourse AnalysisHumorCrossingHawai'i
This article explores the function of mockery and laughter in the short novel “El celoso hasta la muerte” by Alonso de Castillo Solórzano. I interpret this text as a “novela de burlas” or comic novella, a specific type of narrative in... more
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      LaughterSpanish Literature of the Golden AgeAlonso de Castillo SolórzanoSpanish Novella
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      Greek ComedyAristophanesDionysusGreek Mythology and Rites