Elisio Calenzio (1430-1502) was a member of Accademia Pontaniana, frequenter of the court of Alfonso of Aragon and in relationship with Panormita and Pontano. In 1933, Benedetto Croce reprinted an "elegia iocosa" written by Calenzio,...
moreElisio Calenzio (1430-1502) was a member of Accademia Pontaniana, frequenter of the court of Alfonso of Aragon and in relationship with Panormita and Pontano. In 1933, Benedetto Croce reprinted an "elegia iocosa" written by Calenzio, accompanied by a brief introductory note. This article attempts to illustrate the few "correzioncelle" made by Croce, trying to understand the reasons for his interest in the author and his work, with the help of a letter sent by him to Vittorio Rossi. Abstract: This work intends to study the collection of short stories Historias peregrinas y ejemplares, published in 1623 by Gonzalo de Céspedes y Meneses in Zaragoza. Following the Italian novelistic tradition (Boccaccio, Bandello, Straparoli and others) and the innovation realized by M. de Cervantes in his Novelas ejemplares, Céspedes y Meneses contributes to the baroque prose with these six short stories, which are a mixture of history and fiction, reality and imagination. The real protagonist of the stories are six Spanish towns, Zaragoza, Seville, Cordova, Toledo, Lisboa and Madrid, described in their realities and as scenary of six different love stories. Intervista ad Antonio Sbirziola: storia di un povero, onesto gentiluomo, di Enzo Fragapane ………………………………………………………………………. p. 43 Abstract: Antonio Sbirziola was born in 1942 in Butera, in the province of Caltanissetta. He began writing his autobiography in 1953. His story is now in two books: Povero, onesto e gentiluomo takes place in Sicily and at Genoa, where he moved to find a job, and covers the years 1953-1961, before his emigration to Australia. Un giorno è bello e il prossimo migliore, instead, is about the second part of his life that Antonio Sbirziola is spending there. This interview focuses on his reasons of writing and on significant passages of Antonio Sbirziola life. 4 Lisbeth Salander e le sue sorelle. La trasformazione dei personaggi femminili nella letteratura poliziesca scritta da donne, di Sebastiano Triulzi…………………. p. 51 Abstract: The literary figure of Lisbeth Salander and the evolution of female character in the crime novel literature written by women. Seven authors ˗ Dominique Manotti, Liza Marklund, Sharon Bolton, Den French, Aryan Franklin, Laura Lippman, Dominique Sylvainare questioning about their way of writing; and also they explain why solving a murder and pursuit of justice are the occasion to redefine the condition of woman in our society. Storia dell'editoria ……………………………………………………………... p. 63 Intervista a Isabella Ferretti, fondatrice della casa editrice 66thand2nd, di Roberta Camarda………………………………………………………………….………. p. 65 Abstract: Isabella Ferretti, founder of a small indipendent publishing house in Rome, 66thand2nd, speaks about her publishing mission, outlines the book series and the genesis of the novels published and explains the challenge of her bookclub to a market full of commercial pitfalls and cultural gaps.