Ancient City-States
Recent papers in Ancient City-States
In This Document ,Information is Given About the Ancient City of Sagalassos and the Temple of Apollo in the City.
Bu Dokümanda Sagalassos Antik Kenti ve Kentte Bulunan Apollon Tapınağı ile İlgili Bilgi Verilmiştir.
Bu Dokümanda Sagalassos Antik Kenti ve Kentte Bulunan Apollon Tapınağı ile İlgili Bilgi Verilmiştir.
On the occasion of Kynouria and in order to achieve the protection and projection of antiquities, a web-based model is proposed for highlighting individual monuments and archaeological sites, having in mind the historical and... more
The article takes a look at some historiographical perspectives that have conditioned the studies on the Greek polis during the last decades, paying particular attention to the concept of consumption city impelled by Moses Finley,... more
From issue of REMA in honour of Pierre Ducrey.
The city-state capital-a small urban center home to one ofthe scores ofpetty kings in Aztec central Mexicocan be considered the dominant form of Aztec urban settlement. By "dominant" I do not refer to political relationships (the imperial... more
"Η ιστορική εξέλιξη του πολιτεύματος της αρχαίας πόλεως των Αθηνών μέχρι την κλασσική εποχή. Συμβολή στην ιστορία των πολιτειακών θεσμών και της μνημειακής τοπογραφίας των πόλεων της αρχαίας Ελλάδας".
The construction of the Greek polis is a very complex process that coincides with the definition of the civic body according to symbolic systems that regulate the relations between state, individuals and social groups. The Greek world,... more
Lo studio traccia le linee dello sviluppo della superficie in diritto romano. L’istituto sorse tra secondo e primo secolo a.C., in conseguenza di rilevanti mutamenti demografici e urbanistici e fu probabilmente modellato sulle concessioni... more
Este libro propone un estudio de la pólis griega indagando los problemas conexos de los orígenes de la ciudad y sus estructuras de funcionamiento, así como los diversos enfoques forjados por los especialistas para dar cuenta de estos... more
eds.). 1978. The Early State. Mouton, The Hague. Claessen, H. J. M., and P. Skalník (eds.). 1981. The Study of the State. Mouton, The Hague. Claessen, H. J. M., and P. van de Velde (eds.). 1987. Early State Dynamics. E. J. Brill, Leiden.... more
The concept of a smart city goes back to the 6th century BCE in India and evidence of planned early historic cities were common in different parts of Western Odisha. The early cites were planned with certain facilities such as security... more
Polis birçok araştırmada hatalı bir şekilde kent-devleti olarak tanımlanmıştır. Ancak polis konusu, devlet olduğu kavramından başlayarak her noktasında tartışmaya açık bir konudur. Devlet olarak kabul edildiğinde, polisin Yakın Doğu’daki... more
Mystery Babylon is one of the most important elements of the book of Revelation. It closes the loop between the devil, working through his beast system with the anti-christ, and the nations of the earth. There have been many iterations... more
The Mixtec civilization (of Oaxaca, Mexico) is one of the most interesting to survive from pre-colonial Mesoamerica. Among its characteristic products were highly artistic pictographic codices depicting the history and dynasties of its... more
Книга предлагает читателю вариант исторической реконструкции социальных институтов, хозяйственных и политических структур Южной Месопотамии и соседних территорий в период ранней древности. Именно в это время в ходе взаимодействия... more
Our kknowledge about the ancient city of Miletopolis is very limited. From the informationgaied the ancient resourches, the city was located at the coast of a lake during the 1 st century AD. The lake at the coast of the Miletopolitis... more
Paper published in Gallaecia (Universidade de Santiago de Compostela), 35 (2016), pp. 99-128 [] CORRIGENDA: Repórtase un erro de citación neste traballo | Se reporta un... more
There is no greater good in a state than that the citizens should be known to each other' Plato Leg. 738 E
Herakleia Pontike (Karadeniz Ereğlisi) hakkında bilinenlerin bir araya getirildiği Memnon’un bu gayretli çalışması, kentin İÖ. 364 yılından İS. 47 yılına kadarki antikçağ tarihine ilişkin dikkate değer şeyleri gözler önüne sermek için... more
The Mixtec civilization (of Oaxaca, Mexico) is one of the most interesting to survive from pre-colonial Mesoamerica. Among its characteristic products were highly artistic pictographic codices depicting the history and dynasties of its... more
Cities on trade routes were always of the utmost importance during every period of history. Amorium, a city located at the intersection of Central Anatolia, the Mediterranean, and the Aegean, gained its importance through its location.... more
Στο βιβλίο "Η άνοδος και η πτώση της κλασικής Ελλάδας" ο Τζοσάια Όμπερ, σαν γνήσιος κοινωνικός επιστήμονας, αναζητεί τις ρίζες της πολιτισμικής ακμής του κλασικού κόσμου στην πολιτική και οικονομική βάση των ελληνικών κοινοτήτων, στην... more
В статье предпринята попытка генерализации термина цивилизации, что следует под таковым понимать. На основе в первую очередь археологического материала проводится уточнение количества признаков цивилизации и раскрывается содержательная их... more
A B S T R A C T Khao Sek, a coastal settlement located in the Upper-Thai Peninsula and 80 km south of the early urbanized port of Khao Sam Kaeo in the Chumphon province, yielded an impressive quantity of glass waste and ornaments... more
This paper presents the results of the excavations and an overview of the different industries’ technological studies of the late prehistoric port-of-trade of Khao Sek. It shows similarities with the incipient city-state of Khao Sam Kaeo,... more
Uruk is one of the largest ancient sites in Mesopotamia. At the time the famous city wall was built, at the beginning of the third millennium bc, a city area of 5.5 square kilometers needed to be encompassed, so the city wall was roughly... more