Most downloaded papers in Micro-econometrics
Recent literature tried to explain the Indian growth miracle in different ways, ranging from trade liberalization to industrial reforms. Using data on Indian manufacturing firms, this paper analyzes the relationship between firm's... more
This paper develops an empirical model to examine the relationship between ownership change and two-sided-platform formation in the air transport industry. We investigate whether privatization enhances the dynamic capabilities of airports... more
Being an important input for many economic models and being widely used in economic decision making by the federal and regional government, capital stock data are not readily available at the sub-national level for most countries,... more
The study examines how the recent economic crisis and the related unfavourable economic features affect poverty. As economic crisis is usually associated with many economic and social problems, it tries to determine to what extent it... more
Universal Coverage and financial protection are the goals of health systems the world over. Using data from the Harmonized Nigerian Living Standard Survey HNLSS 2009/2010 to calculate the catastrophic and impoverishing impacts of... more
Poor people often have just hand to mouth existence and have few reserves for major expenses such as illness, weddings, house repairs or education. They are unable to build their savings and are forced to borrow at exorbitant rates. This... more
The economics of "happiness" shares a feature with behavioral economics that raises questions about its usefulness in public policy analysis. What happiness economists call "habituation" refers to the fact that people's reported... more
Using survey data for firms from Eastern European transition economies we investigate the determinants of credit rationing. Our rationing definition incorporates firms whose loan application was rejected, but also ‘discouraged’ potential... more
Improving rural farmers' access to direct agricultural markets is required to ensure sustainable supply of food. Rural farmers in the developing world account for the largest share of food supply including cassava. Globally, cassava... more
The size of government has largely affected the growth of economies and scaled up their indebtedness. This study examines the impact of government size on external debt in five SSA countries, using data spanning 26 years (1990-2015), and... more
Economic growth which is considered as one of the best indicators of measuring the robustness of every economy is essential in understanding its relationship with unemployment which is an important macroeconomic indicator that reflects... more
Colin Blyth's paradox <<of three pies>>: setwise vs. pairwise event preferences The pairwise independence of events does not entail their setwise independence (Bernstein's example, 1910-1917). The probability distributions of all pairs... more
This term paper sets out to examine the economy of china historically and itemize the policies and actions of china in the past that have led to its rapid growth and world renowned position. For china, it has not been that easy as china... more
Ce travail explore la dynamique de production résidentielle de la cassitérite en République Démocratique du Congo à l'aide de données mensuelles tirées du bulletin mensuel d'informations statistiques de la Banque Centrale du Congo de Mars... more
We investigate the returns to promotions and separations from firms using Portuguese linked employer-employee data. More than 90% of the total variation in wages can be ex- plained by observed and unobserved characteristics of workers and... more
The paper surveyed 140 rural farm households to determine factors affecting food security resilience in the Peanut Belt of Senegal. The methods of analysis are PCA and regression analysis. The results show income diversification,... more
This paper identifies and compares the determinants of within- and between-firm job mobility in Portugal. Estimates are based on models that distinguish promotions by whether or not they involve a change in the tasks performed, and... more
Using survey data for firms from Eastern European transition economies we investigate the determinants of credit rationing. Our rationing definition incorporates firms whose loan application was rejected, but also 'discouraged' potential... more
We analyse the nature of interindustry wage differentials using Portuguese data. Estimates from models controlling for observed worker and firm characteristics reveal significant and persistent raw interindustry differentials, which... more
Economic growth which is considered as one of the best indicator of measuring the robustness of every economy is essential in understanding its relationship with unemployment which is an important macroeconomic indicator that reflects the... more
This study examined the determinants of food price inflation and its impact on the economy of PNG from 2001 to 2011 (10 years) using time series data. Secondary data obtained from credible sources such as BPNG, ADB, WB, and IMF were... more
Climate change is a major development challenge affecting developing countries that rely on rain-fed agricultural production for food and income. Smallholder farmers in these countries are using multiple adaptation practices to manage the... more
ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui fenomena plypaper effect pada belanja daerah kabupaten/kota di Propinsi Sulawesi Tenggara. Penelitian ini menggunakan data sekunder dengan mengamati data PAD, DAU dan Belanja Daerah... more
Improving rural farmers’ access to direct agricultural markets is required to ensure sustainable supply of food. Rural farmers in the developing world account for the largest share of food supply including cassava. Globally, cassava... more
Climate change is a major development challenge affecting developing countries that rely on rain-fed agricultural production for food and income. Smallholder farmers in these countries are using multiple adaptation practices to manage the... more
This paper discusses the impact of exchange rates on the export performance of selected Southeast Asian economies, namely, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand. We construct an empirical model to account for the role of the real... more
This assignment shows the historical background of regression discontinuity design, how it started in the education and psychology field, how it struggled to have statistical inference and almost abandoned and how in the year 90s it came... more