Drafts by Rapha Niyongira
This assignment shows the historical background of regression discontinuity design, how it starte... more This assignment shows the historical background of regression discontinuity design, how it started in the education and psychology field, how it struggled to have statistical inference and almost abandoned and how in the year 90s it came back and the way it evolved in Economics and get popular with renowned authors in the year 2000. It is nowadays still popular in education and labor economics as well; it is also in crime, environment, finance, health, political economics, etc. The analysis has got statistical measurements and is getting applied in statistical software like STATA, R, etc. It has many varieties like multi-cutoff, kinks, fuzzy, sharp regression discontinuity etc. The assignment mainly shows how sharp RDD differ from fuzzy RDD, and we presented RDD's applications with example in different fields. My case has to use fuzzy regression discontinuity in estimating the causal effect of contract farming participation on welfare in participant and non-participant smallholder farmers.
Papers by Rapha Niyongira
Dictionary of Statistics & Methodology
Drafts by Rapha Niyongira
Papers by Rapha Niyongira