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Keywords: coexistence approach mean annual temperature method evaluation modern floras Palaeoflora database
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      CenozoicClimate ReconstructionCoexistence ApproachMean Annual Temperature
Source and information evaluation is identified as being a critical element of the analytical process and production of intelligence products. However there is concern that in reality evaluation is being carried out in a cursory fashion... more
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      IntelligenceLaw EnforcementAnalysisFocus Group
The evaluation of instructional products is widely recognized as an essential activity of any teaching-learning process. Instructional products, such as online courses, training programs, tutorials, instructional modules, course... more
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      Software EngineeringInstructional DesignDistance EducationMethod Engineering
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      IntelligenceLaw EnforcementAnalysisFocus Group
The evaluation of instructional products is widely recognized as an essential activity of any teaching-learning process. Instructional products, such as online courses, training programs, tutorials, instructional modules, course... more
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      Software EngineeringInstructional DesignDistance EducationMethod Engineering
, and participants at the Bank of England's conference on "Credit Risk Modelling and the Regulatory Implications" for their comments and suggestions.
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      FinanceApplied MathematicsEconomicsEconometrics
Several techniques for database replication using group communication have recently been proposed, namely, the Database State Machine, Postgres-R, and the NODO protocol. Although all rely on a totally ordered multicast for consistency,... more
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      Computer ScienceGroup communicationDistributed SystemDatabases
In an attempt to make universal design an integral part of industrial design in general, an experiment was implemented early during the industrial design education. The aim of the experiment was to increase the awareness of the students... more
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      Design educationInclusive DesignIndustrial DesignProduct Design
Health expectancy indices combine the mortality and morbidity experience of a population into a single composite indicator. This paper summarizes and evaluates methods for the calculation of health expectancies and presents trends in the... more
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      SociologyDemographyTime SeriesAustralia
The research presented herewith is aimed at supplementing a larger research project to design a competency profile for agricultural extension instructors (AEIs). The subject group chosen consisted of a select group of farmers from 17... more
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      Instructional TechnologyAgricultural extensionPlant Molecular BiologyTeaching Methods
Train passengers often read newspapers while traveling. Vibration is one of the key factors that may occasionally inhibit this activity. An experimental study was, therefore, conducted to investigate the extent of interference perceived... more
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      Random VibrationLow FrequencyIndustrial ErgonomicsPerformance Evaluation
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      PsychologySpecial EducationBehavior ModificationDecision Making
ABSTRACT: Current approaches in seismic vulnerability evaluation methods follow three main stages: walk-down, preliminary and final evaluations. All these stages require time and financial sources. In order to optimize time and other... more
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      Damage AssessmentData CollectionSeismic RiskSeismic Vulnerability
It is not known to what extent the outcome of studies assessing the environmental impacts of agricultural systems depends on the characteristics of the evaluation method used. The study reported here investigated five well-documented... more
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      Organic agricultureEnvironmental ManagementLife Cycle AssessmentEnvironmental Sciences
A new generation of public programs emerges, which specifically addresses complex societal problems we witness today. Programs for these types of complex issues—in this article, we consider more closely the challenge of sustainable... more
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      Program EvaluationComputer ScienceEnvironmental EducationSustainable Development
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      PsychologySocial PsychologyHealthPrevention
We present a new evaluation methodology to better evaluate video processing performance. Recent evaluation methods [10], [9], [11] depend heavily on the benchmark dataset. The result may be different if we change the testing video... more
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      Video ProcessingLayoutEvaluation MethodologyUpper Bound
The purpose of this study was to determine whether low-intensity pulsed ultrasound (LIPUS) could enhance the regeneration of myofibers and shorten the healing time in injured muscle. NIH C2C12 cells, a wellknown myoblastic cell line, are... more
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      Skeletal muscle biologyClinical TrialTreatment OutcomeUltrasound
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      PsychologyRoad safetyHong KongTime series analysis
Summary Purpose of this paper is to shortly present the general principles of sustainable development, the problems arising from island status, the definition of aquaculture and its role to global food production. Our research's main... more
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      Sustainable DevelopmentEconomic DevelopmentHuman ResourceFood Products
The subject of this paper is a study of the influence of the inertial sensors errors on the position, speed and attitude of a bidimensional strap-down inertial navigation system in a horizontal plane. The MATLAB/SIMULINK models used for... more
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      Inertial navigationNumerical SimulationInertial Navigation SystemPoint of View
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      Software EngineeringEducational SoftwareOnline CoursesLearning Process
As valuable software systems get old, reverse engineering becomes more and more important to the companies that have to maintain the code. Clustering is a key activity in reverse engineering to discover a better design of the systems or... more
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      Software EngineeringInformation TechnologySoftware MaintenancePublic Domain
We introduce a framework for evaluating human detectors that considers the practical application of a detector on a full image using multi-size sliding window scanning. We produce DET (Detection Error Tradeoff) curves relating miss... more
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      Civil EngineeringComputer VisionImagingEvaluation