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This paper sheds light on the reasons why conventional messages prove largely ineffective at fostering pro-environmental behaviors among individuals with high egoistic values. We conducted three experiments comparing the effectiveness of... more
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      Self and IdentityValuesThe SelfEnvironmental Sustainability
To examine the effects of local versus global message framing concerning climate change, data were gathered from 114 undergraduate students at a Southern US coastal university. The experiment accounted for participants' perceived... more
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      Climate ChangePlace AttachmentEnvironmental CommunicationVisual Communication
Temporal framing has been heralded as a promising strategy to make risks appear more proximal and concrete and thus counter temporal discounting effects that are often limiting the appeal of long-term benefits of health behaviors.... more
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      DietMessage Framing
The study shows that the perceived healthfulness of processed organic foods, compared to their conventional counterparts, can be altered by slight variations in how promotional messages are framed. A sample of US organic food shoppers (N... more
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      Consumer BehaviorFood and Beverage ManagementAgriculture and Food StudiesConsumer Research
The public develops interpretations of physical and mental disabilities through a variety of resources, most notably representations presented by the news media. While disability scholars have long lamented negative portrayals of... more
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      AutismDisability StudiesCritical Disability StudiesMental Health
Companies are going green, both to benefit the planet and to make their brands more appealing. But some green initiatives have a twofold nature: they require cooperative behaviors by consumers, but save costs for the company. In such... more
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      Green MarketingMessage FramingNarrative Persuasion
Jesse Fox (M.A., University of Arizona; Ph.D., Stanford University) is an Assistant Professor in the School of Communication at The Ohio State University and founder of the Virtual Environment, Communication Technology, and Online... more
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      Virtual Reality (Computer Graphics)Virtual EnvironmentsEnvironmental PsychologyMedia Framing
When a lead character in a critically acclaimed and award-winning television programme is depicted as a proficient and meticulous heroine with a mental disorder, it is crucial to examine if this reflects a change in the media depiction... more
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      Cultural StudiesPsychologySocial PsychologyPsychiatry
There is no satisfactory account of the psychological processes that mediate a news framing effect. Based on an experimental study (N = 1,537), this article presents a mediation analysis of a news framing effect on opinion, testing for... more
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      CommunicationMedia StudiesQualitative MethodsMedia Framing
Framing is an important concept in communication, yet many framing studies set out to develop frames relevant to only one issue. We expand framing theory by introducing figurative framing. We posit that figurative language types like... more
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      Media FramingMetaphorSatire & IronyMessage Framing
There was a consensus among the elite journalists, mainstream politicians and Hillary Clinton supporters around the world: Donald J. Trump is a 'dangerous clown'. Not only is he badly informed; he is a liar, a misogynist, a birther and a... more
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      Discourse AnalysisAmerican StudiesAmerican PoliticsDigital Humanities
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      Cognitive ScienceCommunicationLanguages and LinguisticsSemantics
One crucial issue in the present Online Social Networks (OSNs) is to enable clients to control the messages that are posted individually private space to evade that undesirable substance is shown. Up to now, OSNs give little help to this... more
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      Bayesian Network ClassifiersOnline social networksMessage FramingOnline Social Networking
This analysis of the Black Lives Matter movement (hereafter: BLM) attempts to illustrate how a hashtag, set up by three women, could mobilize the outrage of an oppressed group of people across the US. Special attention will be paid to how... more
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      Discourse AnalysisSocial MovementsQueer StudiesCritical Discourse Studies
The demands of an increasingly knowledge based society and the dramatic advances in mobile phone technology are combining to spur the growth of mobile learning. However, for mobile learning to attain its full potential, it is essential to... more
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      Human Computer InteractionEducational TechnologyNon-formal EducationE-learning
"Abstract: In the lead-up to the first Australian parliamentary debates on an Emissions Trading Scheme in 2009, Ian Plimer - mining geologist, mining company director and climate change contrarian - published a book that argues there is... more
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      JournalismClimate ChangePropagandaMessage Framing
The goal of this paper is to identify the frames employed on the issue of asylum seekers by the government of Australia. It also investigates the dominating themes in the asylum seeker debate used by the Refugee Council of Australia, a... more
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      Media FramingAsylum seekersMessage FramingFraming
Michel Houellebecq est un auteur controversé, non seulement parce que certains critiques s’interrogent sur le statut littéraire de son oeuvre, qui a connu un immense succès commercial, mais aussi parce que ses romans, souvent... more
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      EthicsLiteratureLiterary CriticismCognitive Narratology
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      New MediaStigmaPrejudiceStereotypes and Prejudice
Takas, E. & Samaras, A.N. (2016). «Legitimation and De-legitimation Processes of Memorandum II in Greece: Facets of Strategic Framing in Greek Parliamentary Discourse». French Journal For Media Research, 5:1-23 Abstract Τhis paper... more
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      RhetoricPolitical TheoryPolitical SciencePolitics
Abstract: The Institute of Public Affairs (IPA) is an Australian neoliberal think tank and high-profile news source that rejects the evidence of anthropogenic climate change and opposes mitigation strategies such as an Emissions Trading... more
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      JournalismClimate ChangePropagandaMessage Framing
To cite this article: Britta C. Brugman, Christian Burgers & Gerard J. Steen (in press): Recategorizing political frames: a systematic review of metaphorical framing in experiments on political communication. Annals of the International... more
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      Political ScienceConceptual MetaphorPolitical communicationMedia Framing
Purpose -The purpose of this paper is to investigate public online consumer complaint responses from three different perspectives: the complainer, the company and third party consumers. Consumer complaint behaviour and management has been... more
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      EmotionCognitionMessage FramingPsychology of Communication
As the United States faces low savings rates and an aging population, examining messages that encourage saving behavior is critical. Adding to this need is growth in ethnic minority groups (e.g., Hispanic Americans) that tend to... more
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      CommunicationAdvertisingMessage FramingHispanic Studies
It is a story about a blind man and his message on his piece of a paper. It is a famous story but this time it worth to me.
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      BlindnessMessage Framing
This paper investigates how contract structure influences inter-firm dispute resolution processes and outcomes by examining a unique dataset consisting of over 150,000 pages of documents relating to 102 business disputes. We find that the... more
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      ContractsContract LawDispute ResolutionInterorganizational Relationships
Framing is an important concept in communication, yet many framing studies set out to develop frames relevant to only one issue. We expand framing theory by introducing figurative framing. We posit that figurative language types like... more
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      Communication TheoryMedia FramingMetaphorSatire & Irony
The study shows that the perceived healthfulness of processed organic foods, compared to their conventional counterparts, can be altered by slight variations in how promotional messages are framed. A sample of US organic shoppers (N =... more
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      MarketingConsumer BehaviorFood and Beverage ManagementAgriculture and Food Studies
We use a value orientation framework to analyse how the participation benefits of Australian private land conservation (PLC) schemes are framed.We find that messages are biased towards promoting environmental benefits compared to... more
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      Message FramingConservation PolicyPrivate Land Conservation
Si hay un formato informativo audiovisual que haya cobrado una vigencia y una relevancia inusitada como creador y modulador de la opinión pública, ése es sin duda la tertulia política televisiva, que ha encontrado su forma natural de... more
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      PropagandaPolitical SciencePoliticsReality television
Climate change impacts are inevitably threatening the future of our planet. Considering the high priority and the urgency of the topic, efforts to mitigate global climate change cannot be limited to government legislations or regulatory... more
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      Climate ChangeMeta-Analysis and Systematic ReviewMessage Framing
This study tested the "valence framing effect": an assumption that negatively conceptualized attitudes (as opposing the non-preferred alternative) are more resistant to later persuasion attempts. In the experiment we created choice... more
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      Cognitive FramingMessage FramingResistance to PersuasionAttitude Framing
Studies of how tourists react to unethical incidents in destinations are scarce. Based on an online survey (n =1350) and grounded in cognitive appraisal theory, this study examines people's reactions to a hypothetical breach of ethics at... more
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      CommunicationAggression (Psychology)Management of Violence and AggressionOnline Communities
(forthcoming in George Dimitriu, Beatrice de Graaf and Jens Ringsmose - Strategic Narratives, Public Opinion and War: Winning domestic support for the Afghan War, February 2015). In this chapter, we offer a contribution to the growing... more
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      Military HistoryStrategy (Military Science)International RelationsCommunication
This study examined the communication effects of smoking cessation by using message framing (positive messages/negative messages) and audience situation (smoker/nonsmoker and high/low self-efficacy). The study used 207 valid homogeneous... more
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      Social MarketingMessage FramingSmoking CessationCigarette Smoking
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      PropagandaPolitical ScienceMessage FramingThink Tanks
h i g h l i g h t s Examines tourists' reactions to an unethical destination incident. Applies cognitive appraisal theory to a novel tourism context. Highlights opposing effects of negative WOM and avoidance on destination loyalty.... more
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      MarketingPsychologyCommunicationManagement of Violence and Aggression
Objective: Researchers argue that gain-framed messages should be more effective for prevention behaviors, while loss frames should be more effective for detection behaviors . Evidence for this taxonomy has been mixed. This study examines... more
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      Health CommunicationHIV/AIDSExperimental ResearchMessage Framing
The terrorist attack on the Word Trade Center on the 11/9 led to the development of the War of Terrorism master frame in the USA. The message of the military operations as well as all the other measures taken by the Bush administration... more
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      International RelationsNew MediaJournalismInternational Communication
How can the frame of the two-dimensional still image instigate a tension between presence and absence, and a play between limit and transgression? A frame, by conventional definition, is an assertion that the edges of the still image are... more
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      Critical TheoryArt TheoryVisual SemioticsMessage Framing
The present study investigated the persuasiveness of gain- and loss-framed information recommending healthier choices in fast-food restaurants. Visitors of two fast-food restaurants (N = 235) filled in a questionnaire concerning their... more
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      Message FramingFast Food
Studies of green advertising have had mixed findings from using single and hybrid appeals to consumers’ green attitudes and behavioral intentions. However, the effects of ordering or sequencing the appeals or repeating them have scarcely... more
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      Social MarketingMessage FramingGreen Adversiting
Two experiments examined allocation of responsibility in the context of a fictitious, but realistic, product-use scenario in which a young girl suffers serious brain injury after consuming a product with a non-obvious hazard... more
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      Civil LitigationInjury PreventionWarningsResponsibility
The present study examined how gain- and loss-framed informational videos about oral health influence self-reported flossing behavior over a 6-month period, as well as the roles of perceived susceptibility to oral health problems and... more
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      Health PsychologyEducationRisk assessmentAdolescent
All humor has a common structure. It involves “double framing” in which something is presented that is suddenly revealed to be something else, often by being recontextualized during the course of the humorous presentation. The apparent... more
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      Cultural StudiesAnthropological LinguisticsFolkloreSocial Anthropology
This article analyzes the use of anti-immigration rhetoric and organizing efforts by extreme rightwing racist groups to present themselves as political actors. The authors analyze this process through a case study of the Keystone State... more
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      SociologyCriminologyPolitical SociologySocial Movements
Men who have sex with men (MSM) of color are disproportionately affected by HIV in the United States. Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) using antiretroviral medications is a newer biomedical prevention modality with established efficacy for... more
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      Focus GroupsQualitative ResearchMedicineChicago
The present study examined how gain- and loss-framed informational videos about oral health influence self-reported flossing behavior over a 6-month period, as well as the roles of perceived susceptibility to oral health problems and... more
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      Health PsychologyEducationAdolescentHealth risk communication and behavior change