Recent papers in Medium
In the Philippines, the K+12 system is newly introduced and the readiness for its implementation undoubtedly made the teaching community confused and confounded. Thus, extra efforts are being done to upgrade and update all instructional... more
Mobile applications are too handy and easy to use. They are used as an option to the traditional process. Applications developed have users which through proper authentication can access the system. Teacher and students both have their... more
Theyyam is a ritual art form exclusive to Northern Kerala, performed by the Scheduled Castes & Scheduled Tribes. It is the socio-religious movements that gave them a platform to put forth their problems and change the attitude and... more
This article explores turn-of-the-twentieth-century occult photographic experiments by Louis Darget and Hippolyte Baraduc that eliminated the technological medium of the photographic equipment and worked with an altogether different kind... more
The theory of social presence is perhaps the most popular construct used to describe and understand how people socially interact in online learning environments. However, despite its intuitive appeal, researchers and practitioners alike... more
Upon returning from a long crusade in the Holy Land, during which he had hoped to discover the meaning of his life and the certainty of God"s existence, the knight Antonius Block finds his homeland ravaged by the plague and in the grips... more
Starting from dozens of studies on neural correlates during mystical experiences and the use of extrasensory skills from common sense, I proceeded to contextualize in a more scientific way the concept of extrasensory mediums and... more
In a 1982 essay entitled “The Fact of Television”, the American philosopher Stanley Cavell revisits the topic of genres and notes the difference between the concept of “genre-as-cycle” and that of “genre-as-medium”. He uses the former to... more
Bugün sanat olarak nitelendirdiğimiz, insanın kendini çeşitli malzemeler ve yöntemlerle ifade etme isteği her zaman var olmuştur. Sanatın tanımı ve kapsamı ise yaşanılan zamanın anlayışına göre değişiklik göstermiştir. Günümüzde sanatın... more
In line with Spinoza, Deleuze and Braidotti, I would like to propose a new conception of the image and also highlight the emergence of new audiovisual art features and capabilities ―always in relation to the evolution of audience habits.... more
Mutant Algae and Fighting Fascism with Félix Guattari This lightening talk is based on fragments from a lost radio interview with Felix Guattari Ideas of, Ecosophy (Ecological Philosophy), Chaos-mosis and The Three Ecologies as useful... more
Call And What's up +44-7861079928 For such bigger problems there is a very powerful totke for vashikaran. Problems like competitors in business. These are some major problems that a person has to deal with in their day to day lives.... more
The category of voice in Modern Hebrew is perceived in the current study as displaying a set of oppositions between two or three binyanim (templates) for a single consonantal root, instantiating different argument structures that do not... more
Cette étude traite des phénomènes paranormaux au Québec. À partir d’un terrain mené de 2014 à 2015 dans la région des Laurentides, cette recherche propose un portrait de la croyance paranormale, du spiritisme et des croyants dans la... more
Wenn in der Philosophie – wie Hegel in der Phänomenologie des Geistes schreibt – „an die Sache selbst, nämlich an das wirkliche Erkennen dessen, was in Wahrheit ist, gegangen wird“, dann wollen wir in diesem Beitrag die Sache selbst... more
Une règle de jeu n'est pas un texte ordinaire. C'est un texte qui se transmet intact, dans le temps et dans l'espace, à travers les langues et les traductions, en conservant son contenu. Les mots et leur syntaxe peuvent évoluer ou être... more
Distribution électronique pour Association Médium. © Association Médium. Tous droits réservés pour tous pays.
Seramik binlerce yıldır pek çok kültürde, öncelikle işlevsel ürünlerde kullanılmış bir malzemedir. Farklı bölgelere ait kil bünyeleri, teknikler ve gelenekler ile bu ürün çeşitliliği ve kullanım alanları zenginleşerek günümüze ulaşmıştır.... more
ÖZET Descartes'ı modern felsefenin kurucusu yapan epistemolojik öğelerin uzantıları, onun görme kuramında da görülür. Descartes'ın felsefesinde görülen düalizm, onun görme kuramının her bir öğesine nüfuz etmiştir. Descartes'ı "Ego cogito... more
Quality and yield response of soybean (Glycine max L. Merrill) to drought stress in sub–humid environment
Growing Good Corn A simple and interesting story has traversed the mailboxes of several people, and can also be found on many blogs. However, absorbed in our daily lives, we seldom have time to pay attention to everything, given the... more
Ce mémoire de maîtrise est une recherche exploratoire sur les expériences de localisation vécues dans l’espace urbain montréalais par des sujets en relation à l’information dite « de localisation ». La localisation est un processus... more
Ovo je prikaz predavanja koje sam održao na radionici Photo-Robot, na 9 Međunarodnaoj letnjoj školi Univerziteta umetnosti u Sremskim Karlovcima 2009. Zasnovano je na video predavanju Bastards of the Cool koje je bilo prikazano na izložbi... more
Claude-Henri de Saint-Simon (1760-1825), penseur du changement social par Pierre MUSSO Professeur à l'Université de Rennes 2 et à Télécom Paris Tech Saint-Simon est un fondateur. Sa « philosophie inventive » a fixé les règles de la... more
Long-term mannitol-induced osmotic stress leads to stomatal closure, carbohydrate accumulation and changes in leaf elasticity in Phaselous vulgaris leaves
The film Das Cabinet des Dr. Caligari by Robert Wiene (1920) is analyzed in the article in detail. The author examines the spatial model, the relationships between the characters and the ambiguity of the narrative structure. It is noted... more
Culture as “Inter”-Culture ‒ Is itpossible to elaborate a hermeneutical conception of culture from the direction of the inter-culturalism which is based on the presuppositions of the philosophical hermeneutics? In my study, I try to look... more
Distribution électronique pour Association Médium. © Association Médium. Tous droits réservés pour tous pays.
The over exploitation of African mahogany in tropical forest has threatened the genetic base of this useful timber and medicinal tree species and as such, an experiment was conducted on the in vitro culture of Khaya grandifoliola, an... more
Tutkielma kuvailee pyöräilyyn liittyviä toiseuden kokemuksia kaupunkitilassa. Toistaiseksi pyöräilyä on Suomessa tutkittu kulkutapaosuuksien ja turvallisuuden näkökulmasta. Kokemuksellista näkökulmaa pyöräilyyn liikkumismuotona urbaanissa... more
Women entrepreneurs have been considered to use business networking as a determinant to enterprise performance. A key question that arises is – Does networking determine the performance of women-owned SMEs in Nairobi County? A survey was... more
Online learning communities are introduced as a comprehensive model for technology-enabled learning. We give an analysis of goals in education and the requirements to community platforms. The main contribution of the article is a... more
Perkembangan teknologi yang terus berkembang dan maju membuat para aplikasi fintech berlomba-lomba untuk terus melakukan sebuah inovasi baru. Kini masyarakat bisa bertransaksi menggunakan applikasi digital payment yang dapat mempermudah... more
Women entrepreneurs have been considered to use business networking as a determinant to enterprise performance. A key question that arises is – Does networking determine the performance of women-owned SMEs in Nairobi County? A survey was... more
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pemahaman, pemaknaan serta pengalaman wartawan televisi pada saat peliputan kerusuhan Aksi 22 Mei. Teori yang digunakan adalah teori fenomenologi Alfred Schutz. Penelitian ini menggunakan... more
Pola komunikasi politik di era multimedia ini sudah sangat mengandalkan kehadiran media baru yang berbasis internet, seperti Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Line Today, dll. Penguasaan teknologi informasi adalah bagian dari... more
Pendahuluan Design thinking adalah metode atau konsep atau pola piki r yang dapat digunakan untuk menyelesaikan masalah dengan cara yang kreatif. Dengan design thinking kita dapat menyelesaikan masalah kita yang belum diketahui inti... more
Distribution électronique pour Association Médium. © Association Médium. Tous droits réservés pour tous pays.