Medieval Tournaments
Recent papers in Medieval Tournaments
published in: Stefan Krause and Matthias Pfaffenbichler (Ed.), Turnier. 1000 Ritterspiele, Vienna (KHM) and Munich (Hirmer) 2017 ( The publication contains 21 essays by 17... more
Compte rendu critique de l'ouvrage de Sébastien Nadot sur les tournois, joutes, pas d'armes et emprises, qui est une version légèrement remaniée de sa thèse soutenue à l'Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales. Critical review of a... more
Статья представляет собой краткий обзор и авторский перевод фехтовального трактата «Le Jeu de la Hache» (MS Francias 1996), что значит «Игры с топором». Это анонимный манускрипт на среднефранцузском языке, предположительно написанный в XV... more
Discusses the role of the Internet enabling "affinity groups", in this case influenced from the corpus of Arthurian romance blended with the historical literature on feats of arms. The emphasis is on the nature of the affiliations and the... more
Les armoriaux de l'Epinette reproduisent avec plus ou moins d'exactitude l'exemplaire présenté en janvier 1566 par Nicolas Tournemine et Jean de Villers à la gouvernance de Lille. La version la plus ancienne ayant pu servir de modèle,... more
René d’Anjou’s Livre des tournois is famous as the most substantial account of the organisation of a medieval tournament that has come down to us. It survives in eight manuscripts, most of which have an almost identical layout; the best... more
‘Best loved of the King’: homosocial bonding and male friendships at the courts of Edward IV and Henry VIII Homosocial bonding played a major role throughout the Middle Ages in the transfer of power and prestige between the king and... more
Chivalric traditions continued to shape all aspects of life for those of high status in the late medieval and early modern periods. But this same period has most often been characterised as witnessing a decline of chivalry. Indeed William... more
The winners of the jousts of the tournament company 'The White Bear' in Bruges, 1380-1458. An authentic manuscript from the Burgundian period. The manuscript in the Royal Library of Brussels is dated around 1460. It shows the coats of... more
GAMES OF THE KINGS European Arms and Armor of Renaissance and Mannerism in the State Historical Museum This is the first presentation of late Renaissance and Mannerist European ceremonial arms and armor from the collections of the State... more
Die vorliegende Arbeit wurde mit dem Barbara-Scholkmann-Nachwuchsförderpreis für Historische Archäologie Tübingen 2020 ausgezeichnet und gedruckt mit großzügiger Unterstützung der CERAMICA-Stiftung Basel sowie der Hedwig Linnhuber-Dr.... more
Scoring Masculinity: the English Tournament and the Jousting Cheques of the early Sixteenth Century The ambassador Philippe de Bregilles writing to Margaret of Savoy in August 1513 stated that she, 'is aware he is a second king and it... more
Whereas tournaments of the late thirteenth century were infused with cross-channel contact, whether in reciprocity of form or in the international composition of the participants involved, by the early fifteenth century, tournament forms... more
The tournament of Ghent, June 20, 1369 - Recently discovered manuscripts, dating from the 16th and 17th centuries, about this tournament show the participants with their coats of arms. The manuscripts are by Jacques le Boucq, herald and... more
This online (link below) booklet reflects the research on a group of stoves mainly made for Hungarian kings and their nobles. In it the use of pipe clay figures as stove tile decoration, the origin of the workshop in South-Western Germany... more
A contribution to the volume '"Vor Halbtausend Jahren...“ – Festschrift zur Erinnerung an den Besuch des Kaisers Maximilian I. in St. Wendel' (St. Wendel: Stadtmuseum; Trier 2012).
Henry VIII is not now remembered for his military exploits, which were rather thin. However, it is important to examine the fact that this is how he wanted to be remembered, nonetheless. War with France was the established means by which... more
Dass Maximilian I. als "letzter Ritter" kein Auslaufmodell war, ist weithin bekannt. Auch war er kein Einzelfall, wurde doch auch den französischen Königen Karl VIII., Ludwig XII. und Franz I. wie auch dem englischen König Heinrich VIII.... more
This article explores the significance of writing history for a late medieval Antwerp patrician family. In recent historiography, these families (in this case Van Halmale) have not received the attention they deserve, in part because... more
Medieval tournaments were heavily regulated in 13th century England. These regulations did little to quash enthusiasm for tournaments, and in fact may have hurt the reputation and governing abilities of the kings who enacted them. This... more
This article focuses on the reign of James II of Scotland (1437–1460) and argues that the Scottish king deliberately attempted to gain a monopoly over chivalry as part of his assertion of royal power. In seeking to integrate the... more
From 4 to 7 May 1439 a massive tournament (235 participants) was organized at the Grote Markt in Brussels, in which the Burgundian duke Philip the Good himself participated. This tournament was maybe one of the last in the massive (urban)... more
Étudier des gestes à partir d'une littérature technique nécessite de comprendre leur environnement matériel, le milieu social de leurs acteurs et le contexte événementiel qui permet leur performance. Dans une situation agonale, les gestes... more
The union of Normandy and England in 1066 recast the political map of western Europe and marked the beginning of a new era in the region's international history. This book is a groundbreaking investigation of the relations and exchanges... more
The heralds' compendia are covering a surprising variety of texts, dealing as well with the heralds and their office itself as well as the different ceremonies of chivalry and the organisation and the symbols of the noble society.... more
Jousting is the most iconic form of mounted combat. For more than five hundred years, the contest itself, and the chivalric culture that surrounded it, took on almost mythical qualities. Here, Tobias Capwell explains the glitz and glamour... more
Publication de la journée d'étude "la chevalerie en représentation" organisée par Guillaume Bureaux le 17 avril 2016 à l'Institut Historique Allemand de Paris
This paper examines the role of the Turnierbuch in helping to build a greater understanding of the tournament during the reign of Holy Roman Emperor Maximilian I (1459-1519). Through these unique literary works we may learn more about the... more
This paper analyses two late sixteenth-century armorials with the coats of arms of the 235 participants of a tournament organized in May 1439 on the central market square, the Grote Markt, of Brussels. The armorials, trustworthy copies of... more
Cet article traite du rapport entre texte et image au sein d'un corpus de sources techniques, codifiant les gestes guerriers à la fin du Moyen Âge. Ce lien est examiné en particulier au travers des approches codicologiques et... more
Besides entertainment, the Hispanic Arthurian literature is a vehicle of ideological and religious contents, and a privileged instrument of moral instruction of the nobility. This work defines and analyzes some relevant dimensions of the... more
A brief summary of a research project (Paul Mellon Fellowship, CASVA, National Gallery of Art, Washington D.C., Nov./Dec. 2014) on Freydal, the tournament book of Emperor Maximilian I (1459-1519) in Vienna (KHM) and its early draft in... more
This book tells the history of Cambridge from the earliest Roman and Anglo Saxon inhabitants through to the notorious Cambridge Spies, who actively spied for the Soviet Union in the 1950s. Told in an accessible manner, and illustrated... more
Honour was one of the key social concepts in medieval aristocratic culture but its rules and conventions often go unspoken in contemporary sources. Studying the tournament, a public display of chivalry in which reputations were both won... more
Die Datei wurde hochgeladen mit freundlicher Genehmigung des Herausgebers Univ.-Prof. Dr. Harald Stadler
Lecture course surveying how the medieval tournament changed from its earliest forms through the expensive festivals of the sixteenth century, emphasizing the role renown and how such feats have been structured to exercise martial skills... more
En la esgrima medieval y moderna, la espada que tenía filo de corte y punta punzante se denominaba espada blanca, de ahí el modismo, todavía en uso, de denominar armas blancas a las que son hirientes y cortantes, como cuchillos,... more