Medieval Fables
Recent papers in Medieval Fables The presented edition of Sulkhan-Saba Orbeliani's "Book of Wisdom and Lies" is a reprint of... more
In the submitted paper, the author focuses on an analysis of the New Guidance, by Smil Flaška of Pardubice, from the rerspective of the ideal of sovereign power dominating in the Czech lands in the second half of the 14th century. Smil’s... more
A bilingual pari-passu reader for medievalists and other adult learners beginning their Latin studies. Twenty-one stories have been extracted from the Gesta Romanorum. Full text available at... more
"This essay will explore the form and spirit of beast fable. After selecting this topic, I was heartened to read the closing sentences of W. Brian Altano's editorial page in the inaugural volume of Bestia; they seemed to confirm the... more
Scrutinizes a short Latin poem written in the first quarter of the eleventh century, and refutes Alan Dundes's dismissal of literary evidence and to underscore the pertinence of studying medieval literature in coming to grips with that... more
This essay takes into consideration some of the literary intertexts of the medieval fairy tale-like poem 'Asinarius' in order to arrive at a comic-parodic reading. Among these are Simon Aurea Capra's 'Ylias', Vergil's 'Aeneid', Nigel of... more
Aristote ne la mentionne pas dans La Poétique, Sénèque ignorait son existence, et depuis La Fontaine, elle compte parmi les genres les plus représentatifs de la littérature française. L’évolution du genre de la fable n’est pas des plus... more
Le thème des fables mis en image dans les églises et cloîtres romans demeure un sujet peu étudié pour l'époque médiévale. On le retrouve pourtant sur l'ensemble du territoire occidental, des îles britanniques à la péninsule Ibérique, de... more
"Jan M. Ziolkowski not only provides a comprehensive overview of the theoretical debates about fairy tale origins but includes an extensive discussion of the relationship of the fairy tale to both the written and oral sources. Ziolkowski... more
"Animal Stories and Fables in Ancient Egypt" - Essay in the beautiful publication (Schriftenreihe des Landesmuseums Natur und Mensch, Heft 63) accompanying the cross-cultural exhibition "Tierisch moralisch. Die Welt der Fabel in Orient... more
in Lupus in fabula. Fedro e la favola latina tra Antichità e Medioevo. Studi offerti a Ferruccio Bertini, a cura di Caterina Mordeglia, Bologna, Patron, 2014, pp. 201-213.
1. Delle 32 favole di origine fedriana confluite nell'Epitome di Niccolò Perotti, in quella che si è soliti definire Appendix Perottina 1 , almeno otto sono state direttamente conosciute dai favolisti mediolatini, oitanici e italiani dei... more
The twelfth-century Latin beast epic Ysengrimus is one of the great comic masterpieces of the Middle Ages. This long poem, composed in what is today Belgium, recounts the relentless persecution of the wolf Ysengrimus by his archenemy... more
Παρατίθενται εδώ εισαγωγικά γραμματολογικά στοιχεία και μεταφράσεις για το είδος των διδακτικών μύθων (μύθοι ζώων, μύθοι αισώπειου τύπου) σε διάφορους πολιτισμούς της Ανατολής: Αίγυπτο, Μεσοποταμία, Ισραήλ, Ινδία. Αποδίδονται στη γλώσσα... more
draft submitted for The Encyclopedia of British Medieval Literature - if you're planning to quote from this, please contact me first, as the published version (which will likely appear in 2017) may differ significantly
L'intervento prende spunto dalla pubblicazione de L’«Esopus» attribuito a Gualtiero Anglico, a cura di Paola Busdraghi, Genova, D.Ar.Fi.Cl.Et. «Francesco Della Corte», 2005, 234 pp.,
ill. (Favolisti latini medievali e umanistici, X).
ill. (Favolisti latini medievali e umanistici, X).
Approaching the subject from an interdisciplinary point of view, in the present article I will suggest an interpretation of several capitals in the Romanesque church at the monastery of San Martín de Frómista (Palencia) in light of the... more
In The Babylonian Disputation Poems Enrique Jiménez studies a group of ancient Babylonian poems that feature discussions between animals and trees. Using intertextual parallels and comparison with similar works in other literatures, he... more
This paper bids a wide-ranging point of view on the latin fable during the Middle Ages and, particularly, on the works of Baldo («Novus Aesopus»), John of Capua («Directorium humanae vitae») and Raymond of Béziers («Liber Kalilae et... more
This article examines indications from Judeo-Arabic, Hebrew and Latin sources which suggest that one or more versions of the Toledot Yeshu, theJewish “counter-gospel”, were circulating in Egypt, Castile and northernEurope during the... more
Uno dei capitoli più interessanti della favolistica mediolatina riguarda le rielaborazioni, in prosa e soprattutto in versi (generalmente in distici elegiaci, spesso leonini) delle 42 favole di Aviano, che conobbero, durante tutto il... more
The paper, based on contextual analysis of Parabolae vulpium (Prague 1661), Latin translation of the Mishle Shu’alim, introduces its editor, Jesuit Melchior Hanel (1627-1689), and presents his work as a minor but integral part of an early... more
In comparison with earlier, medieval translations of Kalila wa-Dimna, such as the well-known Calila e Dimna (1251) or the Exemplario contra los engaños y peligros del mundo (1483), the version composed by Vicente Bratutti from a... more
… in culpa est PUZ … in culpa est
Para los hombres de un siglo en el cual existen comités encargados de regular el contenido de violencia de los cómics destinados al público infantil, de un siglo en el cual existen infinidad de personas deseosas de vivir en un mundo en el... more
What are myths? Are there ‘correct’ and ‘incorrect’ versions? And where do they come from? These and many other related questions are addressed in Writing Down the Myths, a collection of critical studies of the contents of some of the... more
This paper bids a wide-ranging point of view on the latin fable during the Middle Ages and, particularly, on the works of Baldo («Novus Aesopus»), John of Capua («Directorium humanae vitae») and Raymond of Béziers («Liber Kalilae et... more
L'intervento prende spunto dalla pubblicazione de Il «Novus Avianus di Vienna», edizione, traduzione, commento a cura di Emanuela Salvadori, Genova, D.Ar.Fi.Cl.Et. «Francesco Della Corte», 2005, 220 pp., ill. (Favolisti latini medievali e... more
Aesop Semblanza de Esopo y traducciones de Esopo al español. El interés sobre Esopo no decayó durante la Edad Media, cuando se mezclaron los fabularios con los grecorromanos, llamados a la sazón Isopete (esto es, Esopo) o Romulus.... more
International Conference, « Fables and the Art of Preaching in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Period/Fabel und Predigt im Mittelalter und in der Frühen Neuzeit », Erlangen-Nürnberg, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität (org. Michele... more
"The fall of 1981 was my first term of teaching at Harvard University. Under the aegis of the Department of Comparative Literature I offered a course entitled "Talking Animals from Aesop to Orwell." After taking this trial run, I later... more
Il collegamento tra i comics e la rappresentazione degli animali parlanti, in particolare quelli della favola esopica, affonda le sue radici nel Medioevo. Non solo perché dal punto di vista figurativo, secondo una tecnica che precorre le... more
Bibliografische Information der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek Die Deutsche Nationalbibliothek verzeichnet diese Publikation in der Deutschen Nationalbibliografie; detaillierte bibliografische Daten sind im Internet über more
Feller’s recently published edition of the Recensio Wissenburgensis successfully managed to update the last critical edition of the Romulus by Georg Thiele (1910). By focusing on the only witness of the Recensio Wissenburgensis, i.e., the... more
Recens. pubblicata in «Mediaeval Sophia» 13 (2013), pp. 390-396.
Gedruckt auf alterungsbeständigem, säurefreiem Papier.
Recension détaillée. Pour ce qui est des sources, si les éditeurs renvoient aux recueils habituels de fables ésopiques ou au catalogue de Gerd Dicke et Klaus Grubmüller (Die Fabeln des Mittelalters und der frühen Neuzeit. Ein Katalog der... more
The fountain of the closter of the Abbey of Saint Denis, achieved at the end of the 12th century, remains unknown and its iconographical program continues to be completely enigmatic as it is unique for the medieval period. This article... more
This essay explores the ways in which Isaac ibn Sahula (1244–c. 1284) drew upon philosophy, medical theory, astrology, and animal lore, both to polemicize against Christians and Muslims and to goad his Jewish readers to correct spiritual... more Metrum Leonis jest mało znanym utworem skomponowanym na początku XI w. przez Leona biskupa Vercelli, który w ten sposób dał upust swym żalom na los, jaki go spotkał po... more
"Were there animals in the myths, trickster tales, and fables told by the neolithic people who painted bison and deer on cave walls? Whatever the answer, there can be no doubt that animals have appeared in literature from the ages before... more