Medical Waste Management
Recent papers in Medical Waste Management
This study comes to understand and to issue solutions for the previous big problem through collect actual data and facts regarding wastes (specially medical wastes) generated at the Healthcare Establishments (HCE) located in Amman City... more
This chapter utilizes a green criminological perspective to examine this key issue as it pertains to waste dumping in rural northwestern China. First, we offer a brief review of green criminology’s approach to waste crime and summarize... more
Background: This Paper aims at analyzing and defining the reasons and factors that lead to the absence and failure of medical waste management in Yemen. This absence has a catastrophic effect by causes a wide spread of epidemics,... more
Objective: To determine the knowledge levels of hospital administrators about the process of collection, temporary storage and delivery to the authorities about disposal of medical wastes. Methodology: This descriptive study was conducted... more
The study was conducted at healthcare establishments of Abhaynagar Upazila of Jessore District in Bangladesh to quantify amount of medical waste (MW) generated from the medical services; determine physical composition of MW; find out the... more
The world's population consists roughly of 50% women and girls. Slum and gender interrelate in many ways; women have lower rates of access to and control over water resources and weaker influence on planning and management of local... more
Disposal of medical waste (MW) must be considered as a vital need to prevent the spread of pandemics during Coronavirus disease of the pandemic in 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak in the globe. In addition, many concerns have been raised due to... more
Medical waste is of great importance due to its hazardous nature that can cause undesirable effects on humans and the environment. This study focuses on medical waste management in hospitals of Iran. Data were collected based on... more
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to identify the type of waste generation and the management of waste in order to reduce pollution in the health care sector with special reference to Colombo, Sri Lanka. The paper further aims to... more
Medical waste management is of major concern due to the potentially high risks to both human health and the environment caused by inadequate waste management practices. In Morocco, as in many developing countries, little information is... more
Health care institutions (HCIs) generate waste which can causes various injuries and infections to the patients, healthcare workers and also causes harm to the surrounding environment. Medical waste management (MWM) is vital for safe town... more
El propósito de esta directriz es contribuir a la estandarización de la comunicación visual de seguridad para la gestión de los residuos generados en los EAS, que informe y advierta a los trabajadores y al público sobre la presencia de un... more
The management of medical waste is of great importance due to its potential environmental hazards and public health risks. In the past, medical waste was often mixed with municipal solid waste and disposed in residential waste landfills... more
Berdasarkan prinsip “pembuat polusi yang membayar”, setiap Fasilitas Pelayanan Kesehatan harus bertanggung jawab secara finansial atas pengelolaan limbahnya secara aman. Biaya tersebut harus didanai dengan alokasi khusus dari anggaran... more
This work points out the main challenges of municipal and medical waste management sectors in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic in Romania. Key environmental threats are identified based on waste management deficiencies related to... more
It is of utmost importance to protect our healthcare professionals, who are the most important resources for any country today. The commitment behind this article and proposal is to ensure that we do not lose even one more doctor or nurse... more
Medical wastes from health care institutions pose risks for public health therefore proper management of medical waste is very important. The purpose of this study is to present the general situation of medical waste management system in... more
Objective: This paper aims to describe waste management in primary health care centers of the Secretary of Health in the municipality of Xalapa, Veracruz, Mexico, as a model case for developing countries. Material and methods: A... more
Pathological/Anatomical waste: This includes recognizable body parts and contaminated animal carcasses. Pathological waste consists of organs, tissues, body parts or fluid such as blood and plasma. Though the pathological waste may... more
It is of utmost importance to protect our health-care professionals, who are the most important resources for any country today. The commitment behind this article and proposal is to ensure that we do not lose even one more doctor or... more
Özet Bu çalışmada, Sakarya ilindeki entegre katı atık yönetimi, katı atık özellikleri, atıkların toplanması ve bertaraf uygulamaları incelenmiştir. Sakarya da günlük olarak ortalama 441 ton katı atık toplanıp, depolama sahasında bertaraf... more
Developing methods for treating hazardous waste from medical activities is currently a priority. These medical activities aim to obtain a final product which is friendly for the environment and for people's health. This paper is going to... more
The last decade has seen an unprecedented, worldwide acceleration of environmental and climate changes. These processes impact the dynamics of natural systems, which include components associated with human communities such as... more
Thoracic aortic aneurysms can be triggered by genetic disorders such as Marfan syndrome (MFS) and related aortic diseases as well as by inflammatory disorders such as giant cell arteritis or atherosclerosis. In all these conditions,... more
Risk management in medical waste needs extra care since many health professionals are in contact with this type of waste. Medical waste can induce infections in result of handling accidents, or when they are treated with neglect. It is... more
The whole world today is facing an enormous increase in plastic waste pollution caused by the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic. A complex chemical composition of personal protective equipment (PPE) mainly containing polypropylene (PP)... more
2) INTRODUÇÃO O artigo analisa a experiência de construção de uma proposta de modelo de indicadores voltado para a qualificação das águas em Salvador, em uma área pauperizada da cidade, incorporando as dimensões ambiental, econômica,... more
La reemergencia y persistencia de enfermedades metaxénicas, como la malaria, en Venezuela y en particular en la región de la península de Paria, estado Sucre, constituyen un serio problema ambiental y de salud pública que requiere de un... more
This paper provides a rapid assessment method of potentially infectious waste flow related to the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic in Romania focusing on the emergency state (from 16 March to 14 May 2020) where a national lockdown... more
Abstrak-Fasilitas kesehatan menghasilkan limbah padat dimana pengelolaannya yang tidak tepat dapat menimbulkan pencemaran lingkungan. Salah satu faktor yang menyebabkan adalah keterbatasan biaya operasional. Untuk itu diperlukan kajian... more
The whole world today is facing an enormous increase in plastic waste pollution caused by the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic. A complex chemical composition of personal protective equipment (PPE) mainly containing polypropylene (PP)... more
In the paper, an assessment of the compliance with air emission limit values and the impact on air quality of one of the largest medical waste incinerators in Poland, with a total capacity of about 300 kg/h (two waste incineration lines)... more
The Central Valley of California is a broad basin between two mountain ranges that captures dust in the fall, fog in the winter, pollen in the spring and chemicals in the summer heat. This environment has been identified as a catch basin... more
Objective: This paper aims to describe waste management in primary health care centers located in the municipality of Xalapa, Veracruz, Mexico, as a model case for developing countries. Material and methods: A observational, descriptive... more
The present paper presents, in a clear-cut manner, the overall management of dangerous waste and, in particular, of medical waste on board Disney Cruise Line (DCL) ships. In a previous paper, we analyzed the company's environmental policy... more
Mass gathering has made certain negative impact on our environment. the earth. It is one of the most important and sacred festival banks of river Ganga (Haridwar the Ganges, the Yamuna paper studies the water and 2019 at Prayagraj with... more
Mass gathering has made certain negative impact on our environment. the earth. It is one of the most important and sacred festival banks of river Ganga (Haridwar the Ganges, the Yamuna paper studies the water and 2019 at Prayagraj with... more
It is of utmost importance to protect our healthcare professionals, who are the most important resources for any country today. The commitment behind this article and proposal is to ensure that we do not lose even one more doctor or nurse... more
The increase in chronic illnesses globally has sparked a need for home-based healthcare interventions. In the African context, home-carers play a preponderant role in addressing the shortage of trained healthcare professionals by... more