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This paper contributes to the limited literature of monetary valuation of the effects of natural hazards. In particular, we focus on natural hazards caused by climate change and measure willingness to pay (WTP) to avoid relevant... more
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      Climate ChangeBuilt EnvironmentMarine biodiversityClimate Change Mitigation
Objective – This research aims to map and identify the areas vulnerable to flood in Central Java Province, Indonesia, using Geography Information System (GIS) and value the economic impact on flood mitigation using Contingent Valuation... more
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      Spatial AnalysisLocal WisdomEconomic valuationWillingness to Pay
Background: Adult outpatient parenteral antibiotic therapy (OPAT) programs have been reported in the literature for over 20 years, however there are no published reports quantifying preference for treatment location of patients referred... more
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      Library and Information StudiesProspective studiesPatient SatisfactionPatient Preference
How malleable are preferences? This paper provides experimental evidence on the extent to which insurance sellers can influence buyers and whether mandatory information disclosure offsets these effects. The experiment involves 214... more
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      Value at RiskInformation disclosureValue for moneyWillingness to Pay
Some firms (e.g. Intel and Medtronics) use a time-pacing strategy for product development (PD), introducing new generations at regular intervals. If the firm adopts a fast pace (introducing frequently), it prematurely cannibalizes its old... more
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      New Product DevelopmentMultidisciplinaryDiffusionResearch and Development
Since the origin of human beings, there exists a parallel waste generation. Human wants are unlimited; the generation of waste also differs. With the increase in industrial growth and urbanisation, waste generation was also going at an... more
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    • Willingness to Pay
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      Public SpaceCommunity buildingTransportation PlanningSocial Issues
The potential non-permanence of sequestered CO 2 emissions is a crucial issue to tackle in order to safely include forestry activities among eligible activities for the Clean Development Mechanism. Rather than looking at accurate ways of... more
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      Ecological EconomicsCarbon SequestrationApplied EconomicsClean Development Mechanism
A social-psychological model is developed to examine the proposition that environmentalism represents a new way of thinking. It presumes that action in support of environmental quality may derive from any of three value orientations:... more
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      PsychologyEnvironmental ConcernContingent valuationEnvironment Behavior
The aim of this study was to analyse the frozen food demand among consumers in Izmir, one of the three biggest provinces in Turkey. The study used a questionnaire survey of 271 randomly selected consumers; data was collected between... more
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      TurkeyKey wordsWillingness to Pay
Recreation is one of the ecosystem's secondary values of a well conserved natural ecosystem, associated with the direct use individuals make of these natural assets. In this paper we define and estimate the total economic recreation value... more
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      Hyperbolic DiscountingEstimationCount dataWorking Papers
In this paper, we examine for a sample of Los Angeles residents their willingness to pay to prevent significant climate change. We employ a frac- tional factorial design in which various climate change sce narios differing in ways... more
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      Climate ChangeMultidisciplinaryLos AngelesFactorial Design
Choice models are used frequently in marketing to help management make better or more informed product and pricing decisions. The most common statistical model for choice studies is the multinomial logit with heterogeneity via... more
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      Discrete Choice ModelingConjoint AnalysisPricingDiscrete Choice Experiments
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      InvestmentWillingness to PayCost Benefit AnalysisHigh Speed Rail
A contingent valuation study involving a quasi-experimental design was undertaken to measure motorists self and perceived others' willingness to pay (WTP) for improvements to the paved road surface. The three benefits considered were: (1)... more
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      EconomicsUrban And Regional PlanningExperimental DesignContingent valuation
A study was conducted to survey the residents of Bombay and elicit their willingness to pay for the maintainance and preservation of Borivli National Park (BNP) using the Contingent Valuation (CV) method. The CV method has come under... more
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      Decision MakingEcological EconomicsApplied EconomicsDeveloping Country
We review the measurement of product attribute importance, and find little consensus in definition or measurement methods. We compare four measurement methods: 1) two direct methods whereby respondents report the importance of attributes... more
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      BusinessMultidisciplinaryContext EffectChoice Experiment
Willingness to pay (WTP) for a basic chilled soup product and for an improved, self-heating version was measured by methods experimentally varied according to a 2 Â 3 design, varying the basic measurement approach (contingent valuation,... more
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      MarketingConjoint AnalysisInformation ProcessingInformation
Consumers currently tend to rely more and more on extrinsic cues and credence characteristics, including process characteristics (e.g. the way animals are raised), to form their expectations about animal-based food products. This review... more
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      Willingness to PayFood Sciences
Although money-back guarantees (MBGs) have a long tradition in marketing and retailing practice, a deeper understanding of how consumers value this instrument is still lacking. The results of two experimental studies show that in addition... more
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      MarketingRetailingRisk PerceptionExperimental Study
A good deal of research has recently focused on people's commitment to biodiversity conservation by investigating their " willingness-to-pay " (WTP). Because of the public's self-reported preferences for species that are more charismatic... more
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      CharismaBiodiversity ConservationWillingness to Pay
This paper examines the equality of utilization for equal need and equity of out-of-pocket expenditure for health services in a large urban area in Thailand. Data from a household health interview survey were used to explore patterns of... more
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      SociologyAnthropologyPovertyHealth Care
This paper presents a contingent valuation study concerning landscape impacts generated by the construction of one dam (Baker 1) of the HIDROAYSEN hydropower project located in the Chilean Patagonia. A survey was used to collect... more
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      Water resourcesLandscapeWater Resources ManagementMultidisciplinary
This paper illustrates the use of discrete-choice analysis, a nonmarket valuation technique, for assessing the effect of different management or fishing site quality variables on demand for urban fisheries. The study was carried out in... more
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      Conjoint AnalysisFishery ManagementAmericanFisheries Sciences
Until recently, the majority of commercial forestry in the UK has comprised blanket planting of non-native coniferous species which typically do not offer a high level of biodiversity. However, the UK government, and consequently the UK... more
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      Ecological EconomicsApplied EconomicsUnited KingdomContingent valuation
The value of road safety is the fundamental input in social cost-benefit analysis of road safety schemes. It is also an increasingly important input in the social evaluation of almost any transport infrastructure project. This value is... more
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      Road safetyUrban And Regional PlanningContingent valuationWillingness to Pay
Success of eco-labeling schemes, broadly defined, varies among products and across countries. Based on a simple theoretical framework, we show that the nature of environmental attributes among products (i.e., private versus public) and... more
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      Ecological EconomicsAltruismApplied EconomicsPublic Good
Prior research on the monetary costs of criminal careers has neglected to focus on homicide offenders and tended to minimize the public costs associated with crime. Drawing on expanded monetization estimates produced by Cohen and Piquero,... more
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      PsychologyCriminal JusticePublic HealthDelinquency
This paper presents the first attempt to estimate the benefits of reducing crime using the contingent-valuation (CV) method. We focus on gun violence, a crime of growing policy concern in America. Our data come from a national survey in... more
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      Applied EconomicsDeveloping CountryContingent valuationSurvey data
This paper presents the results of a dichotomous choice contingent valuation (CV) study of flood control policy in Bangladesh. The application of CV studies in the domain of flood exposure and flood control, where people are asked to... more
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      SeasonalityRisk AversionDeveloping CountryContingent valuation
People's greater willingness to help identified victims, relative to non-identified ones, was examined by eliciting real contributions to targets varying in singularity (a single individual vs. a group of several individuals), and... more
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      Willingness to PayPreference Reversal
Does simply believing that a processed food is organic improve how enjoyable it tastes, influence caloric estimations, or increase how much people are willing to pay for the item? In the present study, 115 participants recruited from a... more
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      Organic FoodDual Process TheoryWillingness to Pay
This paper assesses consumers' willingness to pay (WTP) for organic chicken using a choice experiment. Specifically, we examined consumers' WTP for a general organic label and a USDA certified organic label on chicken breast. Our results... more
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      MarketingOrganic FoodChoice ExperimentOrganic production
Using data from a 1992 survey of Maine hunters, we estimate the willingness to pay for a program that would eliminate the risk of non-participation in an otherwise lotteryrationed hunting system. We develop an empirical model to estimate... more
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      Ecological EconomicsApplied EconomicsContingent valuationEcological
Five ecosystem services that could be restored along a 45-mile section of the Platte river were described to respondents using a building block approach developed by an interdisciplinary team. These ecosystem services were dilution of... more
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      Ecological EconomicsApplied EconomicsContingent valuationRiver Basin
An important contribution to the literature on valuing Digital Culture: This study is an evaluation of Britain on Film (BoF) which offers curated film collections from the BFI National Archive and Regional and National Archives, launched... more
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      Digital CultureContingent valuationRevealed and Stated PreferencesWillingness to Pay
We develop a two-stage conceptual consumer decision model from the risk perspective to understand the role of online user reviews in consumers' Willingness-To-Pay (WTP). In stage one, consumers assess product uncertainty with product... more
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      MarketingConsumer BehaviorWillingness to PayE-Commerce
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) prohibits discrimination in all its programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, religion, age, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, and marital or... more
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      Applied EconomicsBusiness and ManagementResearch and DevelopmentCrop Production
We experimentally test overconfidence in investment decisions by offering participants the possibility to substitute their own for alternative investment choices. Overall, 149 subjects participated in two experiments, one with just one... more
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      Experimental EconomicsDecision MakingBehavioral FinanceRisk Aversion
Urban trees provide a multitude of tangible and intangible services which include provisionary, regulatory, as well as cultural and support services to the community. Unfortunately, to set a monetary value on these said services is... more
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      Willingness to PayUrban ParkOrdered Logit Model
Faced with growing environmental problems, food safety issues, and increasing obesity rates, many consumers desire healthier, less processed natural foods that are less harmful to the environment. Yet organic foods only partially benefit... more
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      MarketingFood SafetyConsumer BehaviorEnvironmentalism
The motivation for the present study is to understand food choice in relation to animal food production and to study how preferences are influenced by information. To do this, we carried out a choice experiment. In the analysis, we focus... more
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      LawApplied EconomicsAnimal ProductionConsumer Policy
To ensure the acceptability of community-based insurance (CBI) by the community and its sustainability, a feasibility study of CBI was conducted in Burkina Faso, including preference for benefit package of CBI, costing of health services,... more
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      Community-Based Mental Health ServicesConsumer BehaviorDeveloping CountriesHealth insurance
Land reclamation of derelict landscapes, until in recent times, was a rare experience, especially in developing countries. This has however changed with the adoption of environmental policies and legislative frameworks in most countries... more
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      Public GoodDeveloping CountryProfitabilityLand Reclamation
Commercial, nonthermal processing of food, such as high hydrostatic-pressure processing (HPP), has increased. The safety and quality of foods produced by HPP has not been well communicated to the public. An online, nationwide consumer... more
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      FoodFood science educationWillingness to PayHigh pressure processing
A lab experiment was conducted in France to evaluate the impact of health information on consumers' choices for functional food. Successive messages revealing benefits and uncertainties of consuming yoghurts with added plant sterols for... more
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      Experimental EconomicsFood PolicyFunctional FoodConsumer Choice
There is an increasing body of contingent valuation (CV) studies applied to cultural heritage sites. These CV studies assess the social benefits of cultural resources, but few provide advice on the policy use of the results and the ways... more
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      Labor EconomicsCultural HeritageCost-Benefit AnalysisUrban Design
Protected areas are under increasing pressure to provide economic justification for their existence, particularly in developing countries where demand for land and natural resources is high. Nature-based tourism offers a mechanism to... more
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      EcotourismConservation BiologyTourismBiological Sciences
Some sectors of the forest products industry have adopted environmental certification and labeling as a business strategy. Typically, the designation of these products is through the use of eco-seals (environmental 'seals-of-approval').... more
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      Forest EconomicsBusiness StrategyForestry SciencesWillingness to Pay