Mediation and Qatari foreign policy
Recent papers in Mediation and Qatari foreign policy
By getting involved in the Arab Spring, Qatar was determined to continue waging its foreign policy aimed at strengthening the positions of the country combined with the intention to create corresponding markets outside the country for... more
Article: The Middle East remains of a major geostrategic importance. Global powers found in the recent developments an opportunity to chart their way into the region; sending troops and reinforcements, rebuilding alliances and restoring... more
Mediation from soft diplomacy to foreign policy In this chapter we will explore how Qatar gained its current title as a "trusted partner" through mediation. Running in the 2nd decade of its enriched journey, where it was started from... more
The crisis symbolised by the withdrawal from Doha of the ambassadors of Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and the Kingdom of Bahrain in March, 2014, was the first of its kind since the establishment of the Gulf Cooperation... more
While the Great Recession and ensuing “Arab Spring” have taken a heavy toll on many nations in North Africa and the Middle East, yielding unprecedented volatility in country risk metrics, GCC member-states, with the exception of Bahrain,... more
This study analyzes the political reasons that allowed the Islamic State to expand successfully in Syria and Iraq, by enabling to ‘franchise’ worldwide, and the role of the regional governments in this issue. The essay provides a... more
Gli affari d’oro della nostra industria bellica in Qatar. Fincantieri connection - Le armi che Leonardo Italia ha venduto alle forze armate del Qatar - Sfilata della politica italiana in Qatar pro industria bellica. L’affaire Beretta -... more
This study investigates the dynamics that shaped the Turkish-Qatari relations from 2002 to 2013. First, through a rigorous survey of the literature, it probes the Turkish-Gulf Arab relations from late 1970s until 2000s with a view to... more
‘Country risk’ is essentially about assessing the economic prospects of a nation holistically, within the broader legal and geopolitical soil without which institutional investors cannot grow their assets. The government of Qatar is now... more
The Qatar-GCC diplomatic crisis began when three members of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries namely Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates and Bahrain abruptly cut off diplomatic relations with Qatar in June 2017. The ‘Qatar-Gulf... more
The Gulf crisis, which has escalated into a full-blown diplomatic and economic blockade on Qatar by Saudi Arabia, The United Arab Emirates (UAE), Bahrain, Egypt and their allies, is first and foremost the product of smoldering tensions... more
This paper examine the discourse and practices of the two most active GCC countries in the Mediterranean, and will conduct its analysis through a discussion of such highlighted issues as economy, migration and political ideas. Adopting... more
Largely unacknowledged in the international media, the blockade against Qatar, led by Saudi Arabia, UAE, Bahrain and Egypt has been in place since June 2017, the standoff persisting until today. The quartet’s justification for... more
A new memoir puts the spotlight on a period when Eritreans faced a double annexation—when the powerful nations tried to partition the former Italian colony between Sudan and Ethiopia which would have wiped the territory off the map as a... more
The article explores the new ideological threat to the Gulf Cooperation Council that revolves around Qatar-Saudi rivalry and the main ideological differences between these two Gulf states.
كان من الملفت ما حدث من تعليقات على استقبال الطيب رجب أردوغان لرئيس الكيان المحتل، حيث الانتقاد لهذه الزيارة والتصريحات التي صدرت بخصوصها، ويبدو أن الأمر يحتاج لوقفة متزنة نتبين فيها بعض المعطيات.
This paper investigates to what extent mediation has been a relevant foreign policy tool during the Arab Spring by looking into the mediation attempts of Turkey, Qatar and Iran. To answer this question, the paper examines why and how... more
The aim of this article is to examine how the process of foreign policy decision-making affects the conduct of states in the international system and how states respond to external threats according to internal factors, notably elite... more
The aim of this article is to examine how the process of foreign policy decision-making affects the conduct of states in the international system and how states respond to external threats according to internal factors, notably elite... more
With the deadly ISIS advance, the sudden rousing of Shia militias and the threat of Kurdish secession, Iraq faces a host of deep-seated and intractable problems. Together, these events raise a number of serious questions, not just for... more
Este trabalho desenvolve uma análise sobre o fracasso do embargo comercial, diplomático, e político de 2017 em controlar o comportamento do Qatar, como expresso na Lista de 13 Demandas. Tendo como foco as ações do Qatar desde então, a... more
Global sea trade expanded from 1.6 billion tonnes in 1965 to 10.3 billion tonnes in 2015/2016 and the disputes connected with it have grown up. International arbitration has been the most widely used mean of out-of-court dispute... more
Il Qatar, piccolo emirato che occupa una delle penisole situate nel Golfo Persico, confina esclusivamente con l'Arabia Saudita. Avendo alle spalle una tradizione nomade e scarse risorse idriche, la zona che oggi corrisponde all'emirato è... more
Qatar is a country of spectacular contrasts: from pearl fishing, its main industry until the 1930s, to gas and oil, which generate immense wealth today; it has famously been at the centre of both triumph and controversy in recent years... more
Qatar’s support for the Muslim Brotherhood is commonly portrayed as realpolitik, simply part of Gulf power politics. However, the personal history of Shaykh Yusuf al-Qaradawi in Qatar, and his influence on Qatari society, is just one... more
Bahrain appears to be the only country in the Arab world whose branch of the Muslim Brotherhood is loyal to the government, and has not been conceived of as a threat to regime stability. This stands in stark contrast to the Saudi and... more
A critical analysis on Qatar’s role in the crises on the southern shores of the Mediterranean, with a critical review of the evolution of Doha’s degrees of interference between 1995 and 2017. A focus has been placed on the Libyan crisis... more
Les crises qui se sont produites récemment au Moyen-Orient, ont rapproché la Turquie et le Qatar dont les relations étaient déjà au beau fixe. Le président de la République Recep Tayyip Erdogan avait récemment réalisé une visite d’Etat au... more
La République de Turquie et le Qatar ont décidé de faire avancer leurs bonnes relations dans le domaine militaire. Dans ce contexte, la Turquie établira une base militaire au Qatar. La décision de l’implantation d’une base militaire... more
Nearly four decades have passed since the establishment of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) in 1981. In a deeply divided and dysfunctional region, for some it is still an anti-Arab forum that keeps Arab divisions alive, for many others... more
Initially published on 26th April 2008 in American Chronicle, AfroArticles, Buzzle and OpEd News: Republished subsequently in the official site of the... more
1971’de bağımsızlığını kazanan ve yaklaşık 1.5 milyon nüfusu bulunan Körfez’in küçük fakat etkili ülkesi Katar’ın iç ve dış politikasını şekillendiren temel dinamik, rejimin yani Katar Emirliği’nin güvenliğini sağlamak olmuştur. Bu... more