Maximum entropy
Recent papers in Maximum entropy
The disclosure of audio-visual meeting recordings is a new challenging domain studied by several large scale research projects in Europe and the US. Automatic meeting summarization is one of the functionalities studied. In this paper we... more
This paper suggests estimators of the frequencies (N. or proportions of Ndistinguishable objects contained in categories , given various types of information. We consider information in the form of exact constraints on the N., sample... more
The Boltzmann equation for transport in semiconductors is projected onto spherical harmonics in such a way that the resultant balance equations for the coefficients of the distribution function times the generalized density of states can... more
We have developed a new software tool, LENSVIEW, for modelling resolved gravitational lens images. Based on the LENSMEM algorithm, the software finds the best fitting lens mass model and source brightness distribution using a maximum... more
In this work, we present a method for approximating constrained maximum entropy (ME) reconstructions of SPECT data with modifications to a block-iterative maximum a posteriori (MAP) algorithm. Maximum likelihood (ML)-based reconstruction... more
This paper considers the problem of direction-ofarrival (DOA) estimation for multiple uncorrelated plane waves incident on so-called "fully augmentable" sparse linear arrays. In situations where a decision is made on the number of... more
... rich knowledge bases and vocabularies of clinical entities, such as the Unified Medical Language System (UMLS) (Lindberg, Humphreys, & McCray, 1993), which ... us-ing the existing MedEx tool, reported an F-score of 82.1% (Doan,... more
The concepts of symbolic dynamics and partitioning of time series data have been used for feature extraction and anomaly detection. Although much attention has been paid to modeling of finite state machines from symbol sequences, similar... more
Using explosion source, seismic refraction data, recorded in the 1978 and 1980 Yellowstone-Snake River Plain seismic experiments, a three-dimensional inversion of differential P wave attenuation was used to assess the relative variations... more
We discuss the maximum entropy approach to obtaining the weights associated with the ordered weighted averaging (OWA) aggregation operator. The resulting weights are called the MEOWA weights. Using the method of LaGrange multipliers, we... more
A method for measuring mooring line tension is proposed based on observation of the natural frequencies of the mooring line segment between the winch and the fairlead. The anchor line tension is observed through the string equation where... more
This paper describes an analytical sensitivity analysis and optimization implementation for cable-stayed bridge design. The finite element software is based on the Vax/VMS version of the Modulef code [I MODULEF Reference Guide. INRIA... more
Effective human and automatic processing of speech requires recovery of more than just the words. It also involves recovering phenomena such as sentence boundaries, filler words, and disfluencies, referred to as structural metadata. We... more
Gradual development of anomalies (i.e., deviations from the nominal condition) may alter the quasi-static behavior patterns of human-engineered complex systems. This chapter presents a recently reported technique of pattern recognition,... more
A new method is described using the sparse Bayesian learning (SBL) algorithm of Tipping to obtain an optimal and reliable solution to the Laplace transform inversion in dynamic light scattering (DLS).
Effective Management and conservation of wildlife populations and their habitats largely depend on our ability to understand and predict species-habitat interactions. Intensive ground surveys cannot keep pace with the rate of land-use... more
Recent research has shown the benefit of framing problems of imitation learning as solutions to Markov Decision Problems. This approach reduces learning to the problem of recovering a utility function that makes the behavior induced by a... more
When Shannon entropy is used as a criterion in the optimal design of experiments, advantage can be taken of the classical identity representing the joint entropy of parameters and observations as the sum of the marginal entropy of the... more
Traditionally, the MaxEnt workshops start by a tutorial day. This paper summarizes my talk during 2001'th workshop at John Hopkins University. The main idea in this talk is to show how the Bayesian inference can naturally give us all the... more
The availability of detailed environmental data, together with inexpensive and powerful computers, has fueled a rapid increase in predictive modeling of species environmental requirements and geographic distributions. For some species,... more
Through the growth of common networking aera and its development, Internet has developed a capable stage for connected knowledge, replacing concepts and distribution sentiments. Common media covers an enormous quantity of the... more
Racehorses given a slurry of sodium bicarbonate (known colloquially as a 'milkshake') before a race have elevated concentrations of carbon dioxide in their blood. Racing administrators have reacted to this attempt to enhance the... more
The 2005 Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning (CoNLL-2005) is the ninth in a series of meetings organized by SIGNLL, the ACL special interest group on natural language learning. This year's CoNLL will be held in Ann... more
The two component extreme value (TCEV) distribution has recently been shown to account for most of the characteristics of the real flood experience. A new method of parameter estimation for this distribution is derived using the principle... more
This paper develops a methodology for quantifying model risk in quantile risk estimates. The application of quantile estimates to risk assessment has become common practice in many disciplines, including hydrology, climate change,... more
This paper proposes a solution to the spectral color constancy problem. The method is based on a statistical model for the surface reflectance spectrum and applies a maximum entropy constraint. Unlike prior methods based on linear models,... more
Absrmct-An algorithm for the solution of the h e a r equations for the "covariance method" of linear prediction is stated and proved. The algorithm requires only 0 (p2) arithmetic operations, and in form resembles the Levinson algorithm... more
A comparative study of the magnetocaloric effect (MCE) is reported in two different types of chemically synthesized magnetic nanoparticle systems-cobalt ferrite and manganese zinc ferrite with mean size around 5 and 15 nm, respectively.... more
The biodiversity scaling metrics widely studied in macroecology include the species-area relationship (SAR), the scale-dependent species-abundance distribution (SAD), the distribution of masses or metabolic energies of individuals within... more
We consider the problem of classifying documents not by topic, but by overall sentiment, e.g., determining whether a review is positive or negative. Using movie reviews as data, we find that standard machine learning techniques... more
The "covariance" of complex random variables and processes, when defined consistently with the corresponding notion for real random variables, is shown to be detc!rmioed by the usual (complex) covariance together with a quantity called... more
The NMRPipe system is a UNIX software environment of processing, graphics, and analysis tools designed to meet current routine and research-oriented multidimensional processing requirements, and to anticipate and accommodate future... more
Hydrogen-enriched methane flame Second law analysis Propagating triple flame a b s t r a c t A theoretical-numerical analysis based on the second law of thermodynamics is used to examine the propagation of laminar H 2 -enriched CH 4 -air... more
In this paper, we describe a novel uncertaintybased technique for predicting the future motions of a moving person. Our model assumes that people behave purposefully -efficiently acting to reach intended destinations. We employ the Markov... more
In this paper we introduce the class Weibull power series (WPS) of distributions which is obtained by compounding Weibull and power series distributions, where compounding procedure follows same way that was previously carried out by .... more
Pan troglodytes verus is considered one of the most endangered primates in the world due to habitat loss or degradation, and it is considered extinct in several regions of West-Africa. This study aims at developing a model that predicts... more
In the construction of a part-of-speech annotated corpus, we are constrained by a fixed budget. A fully annotated corpus is required, but we can afford to label only a subset. We train a Maximum Entropy Markov Model tagger from a labeled... more
We discuss a Statistical Mechanics approach in the manner of Edwards to the "inherent states" (defined as the stable configurations in the potential energy landscape) of glassy systems and granular materials. We show that at stationarity... more
Random numbers are used in a wide variety of applications from simulation and encryption to gambling and clinical trials. A good quality random number generator is an asset for applications like encryption, randomized designs and network... more
I explore the possibility that the laws of physics might be laws of inference rather than laws of nature. What sort of dynamics can one derive from well-established rules of inference? Specifically, I ask: Given relevant information... more
,-The application of the maximum irreversible entropy variation principle to the calculation of the lattice constant is suggested as a new methodological approach, PACS 61.90-Other topics in structure of solids and liquids, PACS... more
Topographic map algorithms that are aimed at building "faithful representations" also yield maps that transfer the maximum amount of information available about the distribution from which they receive... more