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On August 11, 2006 more than 2 million liters of Bunker C oil spilled in southern Guimaras Island, central Philippines. Over 200 kilometers of coastline have been affected including the traditional livelihood in the island. The immediate... more
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      GeographyMangrovesPhilippinesOil Spill
La producción acuícola ecuatoriana ha tenido crecimiento exponencial a los mercados internacionales, causando de manera directa un incremento en la extensión de hectáreas deforestadas especialmente en las zonas costeras de manglar del... more
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      MangrovesEcuadorRemote Sensing and MangroveDeforestation
In many parts of the tropical world mangroves coexist with traditional, rural or urban people living in poor or developing areas. In these cities and villages learning processes at school or outside it are challenges enlarged by the few... more
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      Environmental EducationClimate ChangeRestoration EcologyMangroves
Mangrove Ecosystems in Sri Lanka: Climate Change Impacts and Community-Based Conservation and Restoration Sri Lanka has 19,500 hectares and more than 20 species of true mangroves. Mangrove forests are highly valuable ecosystems that... more
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      Climate ChangeEcotourismEcosystem ServicesClimate Change Adaptation
Mangroves in Guyana The predominant mangrove species found in Guyana are Avicennia germinans, Laguncularia racemosa and Rhizophora mangle (Pastakia, 1990). Avicennia germinans is often found in monospecific stands along much of the coast... more
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    • Mangrove Restoration
Mangrove forests are valuable and vulnerable ecosystems covering the liminal area between sea and land. According to Forest Department data, Sri Lanka has 15,670 hectares of mangroves which are mainly concentrated in the Puttalam, Jaffna,... more
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      Ecosystem ServicesClimate Change AdaptationMangrovesSri Lanka
Studies in mangrove ecosystem are often focused on biological or ecological criteria and interdependency between mangroves and people is normally neglected. The situation is similar in Tamil Nadu; India which has a coastline of about 950... more
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      Ecosystems EcologyEcosystem ServicesConservation BiologyConservation
This paper introduces a large-scale mangrove restoration project, the Guyana Mangrove Restoration Project(GMRP) which aims to address the decline in mangrove forest area in Guyana. The paper initially describes issues associated with... more
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    • Mangrove Restoration
La deforestación y la degradación de ecosistemas es un problema global e impacta su capacidad de proveer una gran diversidad de bienes y servicios. La restauración del paisaje forestal tiene la intención de asegurar que la funcionalidad... more
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      Ecosystem ServicesLand-use planningLand Use ChangeMangrove Restoration
The organizing committee is pleased to welcome you to Georgetown, Guyana for the 1st Guyana Mangrove Forum, Restoring and Managing Mangrove Ecosystems in a changing world. We are excited to have a strong turnout with more than 100... more
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    • Mangrove Restoration
El presente reporte preliminar revisa algunos aspectos iniciales a las condiciones socioambientales a la zona estuarina de la desembocadura del río Neverí, Barcelona, Venezuela. Se realizan algunas aproximaciones taxonómicas de la... more
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      MangrovesMangrove EcologyStudy of Mangrove SpeciesRemote Sensing and Mangrove
The Cat Ba Archipelago is an island chain bordering Hai Phong City in North Vietnam and has been recognized as a biosphere reserve by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) since 2004. However, the... more
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      Climate ChangeWillingness To Pay-WTPMangrove Restoration
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    • Mangrove Restoration
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      Mangrove RestorationMangrove EcosystemsBulukumbaWWF(WORLD WIDE FUND)ORGANIZATION
Guia para restaurar los manglares de Panamá
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      Mangrove EcologyMangrove RestorationMangrove Ecosystems
Although the protective role of mangroves for coasts has been increasingly recognized, that of estuarine mangroves is less well acknowledged. The complex root, stem, and canopy system of healthy estuarine mangroves efficiently reduces the... more
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      MangrovesEcologyMangrove EcologyMekong Studies
INTRODUCCIÓN Los manglares son un tipo de vegetación arbórea o arbustiva que se desarrolla en las costas tropicales e intertropicales del mundo en áreas salobres con inundación temporal o permanente y forman una zona de transición o... more
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      MangrovesMangrove EcologyMangrove RestorationMangrove Analysis
Buku berjudul “Mangrove untuk SDGs” ini mencoba untuk memberikan potret dan analisis ringkas tentang fungsi dan kebermanfaatan mangrove serta hubungannya dengan Agenda Global 2030 atau TPB/SDGs. Bagi sebagian besar orang awam, memahami... more
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      Mangrove EcologyVegetation EcologyMangrove RestorationMangroves, Coastal Management
Using a space-for-time substitution approach, we investigated the effects of a typhoon on the vegetation and soil development trajectories of monospecific stands of Rhizophora mucronata mangroves of different ages (6-, 8-10-, 11-, 12-,... more
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      Earth SciencesRestoration EcologyMangrovesDisturbance Ecology
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      Mangrove EcologyNature ReservesMangrove RestorationMangrove Ecosystems
On August 11, 2006 more than 2 million liters of Bunker C oil spilled in southern Guimaras Island, central Philippines. Over 200 kilometers of coastline have been affected including the traditional livelihood in the island. The immediate... more
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      MangrovesPhilippinesOil SpillMangrove Restoration
This work is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License AOMB.MS.ID.000517. Figure 1: Mangrove fruit which can be processed into crackers. Pigment of mangrove waste for hypoallergenic natural batik dye The use of mangrove... more
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      Geological OceanographyMangrovesPhysical OceanographyMangrove Restoration
The response of mangrove (Avicennia marina) seedlings to treated (wet) sludge from a sewage treatment plant (STP) was tested in a randomized block design experiment at a tree nursery on Mubarraz Island in the Arabian Gulf. The growth... more
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      MangrovesWastewater TreatmentMangrove EcologySewage sludge
Structural analysis of mangrove forests was carried out in Turiaçu Bay during 1997 and 1998. The study area is influenced by brackish to saline waters with the occurrence of Rhizophora mangle, Avicennia germinans, Laguncularia racemosa... more
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      MangrovesMangroveMangrove RestorationMangrove and coastal lagoons
Mangrove trees have been considered to possess a higher carbon fi xation capacity than terrestrial trees although a reliable method to estimate their CO 2 fi xation capacity has not been established. In this study, net CO 2 fi xation in... more
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      Climate ChangeCarbon SequestrationClimate Change Adaptation And Mitigation StrategiesLivelihood
This paper focus on the Holocene palaeogeography of the Ja'alan coast from the 6th to the 4th millennium cal. BC, integrating the dynamics of mangroves, lagoons, khors-estuaries and deltas, with sea-level change and the evidence from... more
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyGeoarchaeologyGeoArcheology
Climate change and global warming have a destabilizing effect on the global environment, and governmental statutory bodies are emphasizing a reduction of emission coupled with restoration of degraded forest lands as a carbon... more
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      Carbon ManagementMangrove RestorationBlue Carbon
El río Neverí concentra el 60% del agua dulce en la región oriental de Venezuela, abasteciendo a la misma a través del embalse de Turimiquire, y se encuentra en gran riesgo por los procesos de contaminación de su cauce, principalmente... more
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      MangrovesMangrove EcologyMangroveStudy of Mangrove Species
The Guyana Mangrove Restoration Project (GMRP) is a project co-funded by the Government of Guyana and the European Union under the Global Climate Change Alliance. The overall objective of the program is to abate climate change (carbon... more
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    • Mangrove Restoration
It is very uncommon for thousands of dead honey bees to wash up on beaches (Taylor Jr, 1977). As a result of this, little is known on the mortality of flying insects along shorelines (Schaefer et al., 1987). On 14th July 2019, I... more
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      Mangrove EcologyPopulation Ecology (Biology)Tropical forestTrinidad and Tobago
Mangroves in the Arabian Gulf are under pressure from land use change, leading to compensatory planting at sites without natural mangroves. In this study, we examine the potential long-term success of this form of afforestation of... more
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      Marine ConservationMangrove EcologyBenthic EcologyBenthic macroinvertebrates
The similarity of δ13C and δ15N patterns in hairs of different individuals from the Tsavo East orphaned elephant herd indicates that a single hair represents the dietary preferences and behavior of the entire group. Multiple tail hairs... more
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      Marine BiologyCoastal ManagementMarine EcologyMarine Protected Areas
Structural analysis of mangrove forests was carried out in Turiaçu Bay during 1997 and 1998. The study area is influenced by brackish to saline waters with the occurrence of Rhizophora mangle, Avicennia germinans, Laguncularia racemosa... more
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      MangrovesMangroveMangrove RestorationMangrove and coastal lagoons
Mangrove rehabilitation is often challenged by a lack of support from local communities. The success of mangrove rehabilitation can increase the chances of success by increasing the local economy, which will help increase public... more
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      Mangrove EcologyEcotourism and Sustainable DevelopmentMangrove RestorationCommunity-based Ecotourism
INTRODUCCIÓN Los manglares son un tipo de vegetación arbórea o arbustiva que se desarrolla en las costas tropicales e intertropicales del mundo en áreas salobres con inundación temporal o permanente y forman una zona de transición o... more
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      MangrovesMangrove EcologyMangrove RestorationMangrove Analysis
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      Indonesian StudiesMangrovesMangrove EcologyStudy of Mangrove Species
Despite all efforts and massive investments, the restoration of mangroves has not always been successful. One critical reason for this failure is the vulnerability of young mangroves, which cannot grow because of hydrodynamic disturbances... more
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      Ecology of Coastal SystemsMangrove RestorationCoastal Resilience to DisastersCoastal and Ocean Engineering
Wetlands International report (1989)
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      Indonesian StudiesMangrovesMangrove EcologyStudy of Mangrove Species
In many coastal areas of SouthEast Asia, attempts have been made to revive coastal ecosystem by initiating projects that encourage planting of mangrove trees. Compared to the terrestrial trees, mangrove trees possess a higher carbon... more
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      Climate ChangeClimate Change AdaptationCarbon SequestrationBiological Sciences
Mangroves are making the headlines again in the continuous conflict between development and the preservation of nature. The survival of a stretch of mangroves and mudflats near Penaga and Kuala Muda is under threat by the proposal from... more
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      MangrovesMangrove EcologyMangroveRemote Sensing and Mangrove
MANGROVES and seagrasses possess distinctive characteristics with remarkable adaptation features, allowing them to naturally occupy Malaysia’s fragile tropical coastlines. Their presence is significant in terms of providing multiple... more
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      MangrovesMangrove EcologyMangroveRemote Sensing and Mangrove
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    • Mangrove Restoration
El Parque Nacional Laguna de la Restinga (PNLR) fue creado el 6 de febrero de 1974, se encuentra ubicado en la Isla de Margarita, incluye una variedad de ecosistemas y especies endémicas, que le atribuye un valor impresionante que a su... more
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      Conservation BiologyMangrovesBiodiversity ConservationOpen Standards
Inundation associated with flooding and sea level rise is predicted to have major impacts on survival , growth and productivity of mangroves. A manipulative mesocosm experiment was conducted to assess whether nutrient enrichment enhances... more
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      Mangrove EcologyMangrove RestorationCommunity mangrove management
In Kampot Province, Cambodia, the mangrove species Rhizophora apiculata is afforested on a salt flat near to the eco-community of Trapaing Saingke. At the planting site there are four age classes, 16, 31, 36 and 71 months, and nearby... more
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      Community Engagement & ParticipationCommunity EcologyCambodiaMangroves
Mangrove communities are tropical systems which have fewer species than tropical forests, especially in Latin America and display a single architecture, usually lacking the various strata commonly found in other forest ecosystems. The... more
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      MangrovesMangrove EcologyRemote Sensing and MangroveMangrove Restoration
In many coastal areas of South-East Asia, attempts have been made to revive coastal ecosystem by initiating projects that encourage planting of mangrove trees. Compared to the terrestrial trees, mangrove trees possess a higher carbon... more
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      Climate ChangeClimate Change AdaptationCarbon SequestrationLivelihood