Mangrove Ecosystems
Recent papers in Mangrove Ecosystems
The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, etc. in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and regulations and... more
Over the past few decades, clearing for shrimp farming has caused severe losses of mangroves in the Mekong Delta (MD) of Vietnam. Although the increasing importance of shrimp aquaculture in Vietnam has brought significant financial... more
Dense mangrove swamps currently dominate tidal wetlands of the Tampa Bay Estuary System on the central peninsular Gulf Coast of Florida (USA). Late-19th century Coast and Geodetic Survey topographical charts and Government Land Office... more
Mangrove forests occur throughout the coastlines of Arabia, one of the most environmentally extreme regions of their global distribution. The gray mangrove [Avicennia marina (Forsk.) Vierh.] is the only widespread tree species in this... more
Guia para restaurar los manglares de Panamá
Keberadaan plankton pada ekosistem mangrove memberikan kontribusi besar terhadap produktivitas primer setelah serasah mangrove. Hal tersebut juga sangat didukung oleh faktor lingkungan yaitu fisika kimia perairan. Penelitian ini dilakukan... more
The purposes of this research are to estimate the economic value of a mangrove ecosystem of Rutong village, and design strategies for management of mangrove ecosystem on the basis of the economic value. Research results show that there... more
Worldwide, there has been a drastic decline in mangrove ecosystems; hence, there is a need for information on the spatiotemporal characteristics of mangrove ecosystems to inform sustainability efforts. This study sought to provide... more
Mangrove forests are disappearing at an alarming rate. Mangrove planting is the most common method of restoring these forests. However, this approach is not often successful, especially when the reasons for mangrove degradation were not... more
The Kuala Selangor Nature Park (KSNP) was established and managed by the Malaysian Nature Society (MNS) since 1987. During the World Wetlands Day in 2013, MNS launched the "KSNP for Ramsar" campaign and working together with the Selangor... more
Abstract Parameters a and b of the length-weight relationship (LWR) were estimated for eleven species of mudskippers caught in the coastal areas of Selangor, Malaysia. The values of b ranged from 2.56 to 3.50 with the mean b equal to 2.95... more
Lately, mangroves in many parts around the world have been facing challenges in the form of extreme anthropogenic disturbances, coupled with the increasing impacts of climate change. Mangroves and coastal resources exploitation have... more
In the area at the mouth of the rivers Chone and Portoviejo, which consists of mangrove forest, islands, beaches, wetlands and saltwater areas, and incorporates the dry tropical forest of the Bálsamo Mountain Range, local communities have... more
The similarity of δ13C and δ15N patterns in hairs of different individuals from the Tsavo East orphaned elephant herd indicates that a single hair represents the dietary preferences and behavior of the entire group. Multiple tail hairs... more
The importance of mangrove ecosystems as blue carbon, causes the need for sustainable mangroves. National mangrove area is 3.67 million hectares; divided in Papua). Challenges mangrove deforesation in Indonesia needs solution to maintain... more
Eddy S, Iskandar I, Ridho MR, Mulyana A. 2017. Land cover changes in the Air Telang Protected Forest, South Sumatra, Indonesia (1989-2013). Biodiversitas 18: 1538-1545. The Air Telang Protected Forest (ATPF) is a mangrove forest in the... more
Fauna makrobentik sering digunakan sebagai bioindikator kualitas lingkungan dan informasi tentang karakteristik lingkungan maupun keberadaan fauna makrobentik di kawasan reboisasi mangrove masih sangat terbatas. Kajian profil kawasan... more
Abstract The capacity to respond to environmental challenges ultimately relies on phenotypic variation which manifests from complex interactions of genetic and nongenetic mechanisms through development. While we know something about... more
This study aimed to investigate and compare the current status of mangrove areas, as well as the composition and species diversity of mangrove stands in both regions of Dudepo and Ponelo Islands. The results showed that the mangrove areas... more
ONE of the biggest industries hard-hit by the Movement Control Order due to the spread of Covid-19 is tourism. Nature tourism in particular is the second largest contributor to Malaysia's economy. It brings visitors from around the... more
Mangrove vegetation plays a vital role in habitat and nursing ground for different organisms and prevents coastal erosion caused by wave and tide action. In recent years the mangrove vegetation in Chattogram coast, Bangladesh, has been... more
Pengabdian kepada masyarakat (PKM) ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa keberadaan objek wisata hutan manggrove dan hutan kota bagi peningkatan pendapatan kelompok sadar wisata di kota Langsa. Metode yang digunakan adalah pendekatan... more
Eddy S, Iskandar I, Ridho MR, Mulyana A. 2017. Land cover changes in the Air Telang Protected Forest, South Sumatra, Indonesia (1989-2013). Biodiversitas 18: 1538-1545. The Air Telang Protected Forest (ATPF) is a mangrove forest in the... more
We examine the southern Vietnamese site of Rach Nui, dated to between 3390 and 3850 cal BP, in the context of three major aspects of the Neolithic in Mainland Southeast Asia: mound formation and chronology, construction techniques, and... more
Old photos of the rivers in the Sydney basin show that there was far fewer mangrove present than there are today. This article looks at why mangroves have thrived.
The wild Bengal tigers of Bangladesh are facing extinction crisis due to various man made negative actions. In the midst of all these, transnational corporations from British tycoons plan on exploring oil and gas in the last remaining... more
Mangrove is a coastal ecosystem that is vulnerable when it is exposed to oil spills. Cleaning up oil spills in mangrove ecosystems is very difficult and highly costly. Ecological sensitivity index (ESI) of mangrove ecosystem is an... more
In the subtropics, climate change is pushing woody mangrove forests into herbaceous saltmarshes, altering soil carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) pools, with implications for coastal wetland productivity and C and N exports. We quantified total... more
Mangrove is a coastal ecosystem that is vulnerable when it is exposed to oil spills. Cleaning up oil spills in mangrove ecosystems is very difficult and highly costly. Ecological sensitivity index (ESI) of mangrove ecosystem is an... more
This study aimed to investigate and compare the current status of mangrove areas, as well as the composition and species diversity of mangrove stands in both regions of Dudepo and Ponelo Islands. The results showed that the mangrove areas... more
This study aimed to investigate and compare the current status of mangrove areas, as well as the composition and species diversity of mangrove stands in both regions of Dudepo and Ponelo Islands. The results showed that the mangrove areas... more
We examine the southern Vietnamese site of Rach Nui, dated to between 3390 and 3850 cal BP, in the context of three major aspects of the Neolithic in Mainland Southeast Asia: mound formation and chronology, construction techniques, and... more
Salah satu aspek penting dalam kajian perubahan iklim salah satunya adalah bagaimana mengembangkan secara kuantitatif dan prediktif penyerapan karbondioksida (CO2) dari atmosfer oleh tanah dan tegakan hutan. Hal ini akan... more