Physical Oceanography
Recent papers in Physical Oceanography
This study aims to employ remote sensing as a means to ascertain the marine productive zones through the correlative relationship between Sea Surface Temperature (SST) and Chlorophyll-a (Chl-a) concentration. We used monthly data sets of... more
The Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS) is used to systematically investigate equilibrium conditions and seasonal variations of the Benguela system at a resolution of 9 km, including both the large-scale offshore flow regime and the... more
Results from 3 yr of hydrographic time series are shown for Willapa Bay, Washington, a macrotidal, partially mixed estuary whose river and ocean end members are both highly variable. Fluctuating ocean conditionsalternations between... more
In this paper, different types of new data sets (hydrography, Lagrangian and Eulerian current measurements) and Quasi-Geostrophic model results, obtained after altimetric data assimilation, are used to study the structure and variability... more
Interannual sea surface height variations in the Atlantic Ocean are examined from 10 years of highprecision altimeter data in light of simple mechanisms that describe the ocean response to atmospheric forcing: 1) local steric changes due... more
Horizontal tow measurements of internal waves are rare and have been largely supplanted in recent decades by vertical profile measurements. Here, estimates of isotherm displacements and turbulence dissipation rate from a towed vehicle... more
Various oceanographic instruments to collect samples are discussed in this material
The coastline from Damietta to Port Said is considered as one of the most important areas for industrial, agricultural, trade and fishing activates. Suez Canal, international Damietta Harbour and Recently natural gas exploration increased... more
Pekalongan and Batang beach are located in the northern coast of Central Java Province. Due to the influence of Java sea wave, shoreline changes occured. This study aims to analyze the wave transformation, calculate the longshore sediment... more
The coast is shaped by tectonic and structural features, the nature of the rock forming the coast and depositional and erosive activity. The basic type of coast is determined by tectonic and structural factors that have been imprinted... more
Microstructure and acoustic profile time series were collected near Ocean Station P in the eastern subarctic North Pacific and in Saanich Inlet at the south end of Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada, to examine production of... more
In marine geology, a guyot (also known as a tablemount) is an isolated underwater table mountain (seamount) with a flat top more than 200 m (660 ft) below the surface of the sea. The diameters of these flat summits can exceed 10 km (6.2... more
The OFS-BMKG system has been operating since the end of 2016 but has not been verified in Indonesian waters. This system was developed from the WaveWatch III (WW3) model. This study was conducted to verify OFS Significant Wave Height... more
The ocean mixed layer serves as buffer through which the deep ocean and atmosphere communicate. Fluxes of heat, momentum, fresh water, and gases must pass through the mixed layer, and phytoplankton flourish most in the mixed layer where... more
Using long-term oceanographic surveys and a 3-D hydrodynamic model we show that localized peak winds (known as shamals) cause fluctuation in water current speed and direction, and substantial oscillations in seabottom salinity and... more
The proliferation of unstructured data continues to grow within organizations of all types. This data growth has introduced the key question of how we effectively find and manage them in the growing sea of information. As a result, there... more
in 1893-a quarter of a century ago. Although an excellent official record of the progress of the Survey up to that time, this publication has naturally become largely out of date (now also out of print) and is, besides, in its voluminous... more
Description about ocean gyres and circulation patterns.
A new textbook Physical Oceanography: A short course for beginners by Y. D. Afanasyev is now available from CreateSpace eStore: (and from Amazon). ISBN-13: 978-1535312387 Oceanography is a vast... more
Dois compartimentos do litoral sul fluminense (SE do Brasil) foram avaliados quanto a resposta da linha de costa às forçantes meteo-oceanográficas nas escalas temporais de longo e médio prazo, bem como foram mapeados os graus de... more
Titanium is abundant in the Earth's crust, but it can be economically extracted from only a limited group of minerals, principally rutile (Ti0 2) and ilmenite (FeTi0 3), both found mainly in fossil beach-complex placer deposits. Both... more
L’objectif de notre étude est un apport quantitatif de données sédimentaires sur des échelles spatio-temporelles variables pour une meilleure compréhension de la dynamique des plages microtidales Méditerranéennes en climat semi-aride à... more
Basic Ocean Modelling - Hydrodynamic, Physical Oceanography, meteorology, etc.
Current assignment is a report on sediment particle size analysis: report on grain size experiment. Methodology includes software Mastersizer and R programming for statistical analysis. Mastersizer is a laser diffraction particle size... more
Dinamika lautan dipengaruhi oleh berbagai faktor. Namun faktor yang paling dominan mempengaruhi dinamika laut adalah gaya gradient tekanan, gaya coriolis dan gaya gesekan angin. Ketiga gaya tersebut menyebabkan dinamika arus, gelombang,... more
Editor - David Hopley, James Cook University.
Geografia : ensino fundamental e ensino médio : o mar no espaço geográfico brasileiro / coordenação Carlos Frederico Simões Serafim, organização Paulo de Tarso Chaves. – Brasília : Ministério da Educação, Secretaria de Educação Básica,... more
Pasang surut merupakan Parameter Oseanografi yang penting dalam melakukan penelitian di bidang Kelautan. Sumber data Pasang Surut yang berbeda menghasilkan data Pasang surut yang berbeda. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk... more
The fish availability and marketing system at three markets in Barisal were studied for a period of twelve months from August 2012 to July 2013. Data were collected through questionnaire interviews and focus group discussions. A total... more
The Bay of Bengal is the unique and largest bay in the world. Freshwater flux like runoff and rainfall can enhance stratification in the Bay of Bengal (BOB) through the formation of a barrier layer, which can lead to the formation of a... more
The study area is located in western Pacific Ocean, Mariana Trench. The aim of the data analysis is to analyse the potential influence of how various geological and tectonic factors may affect the geomorphological shape of the Mariana... more
Dinamika lautan dipengaruhi oleh berbagai faktor. Namun faktor yang paling dominan mempengaruhi dinamika laut adalah gaya gradient tekanan, gaya coriolis dan gaya gesekan angin. Ketiga gaya tersebut menyebabkan dinamika arus, gelombang,... more
This book is written for upper-division undergraduates and new graduate students in meteorology, ocean engineering, and oceanography. Because these students have a diverse background, I have emphasized ideas and concepts more than... more
Capitulo 1.- Introducción al Estudio de la Oceanografía. ¿Qué es la Oceanografía? Tipo de información que busca. Obtención de información oceanográfica. El laboratorio, equipos e instrumentación oceanográfica. Practica 1 de laboratorio:... more