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Advances in wireless personal area networks have made the practical deployment of various services possible, which until a few years ago was considered extremely costly or labor intensive. We build such a wireless sensor network for... more
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      Precision AgricultureRoutingWireless Sensor NetworksAgriculture
This paper investigates implementation and design issues for a heterogeneous network for structural monitoring. The proposed application uses wireless sensors and the controller area network (CAN) to provide energy efficient monitoring.... more
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      Structural EngineeringSignal ProcessingRoutingWireless Sensor Networks
In order to maximize the system throughput, future wireless communication systems will employ a very tight frequency reuse. This leads to interference limited systems where the interference is high at the cell edges. The key ingredient to... more
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      Signal ProcessingUser interfacesReal TimeLink Layer
We present a novel distributed 'virtual localization'method for mesh networks, such as sensor meshes, which does not depend on radio ranging or the existence of anchor nodes. We show in simulation that it can be used for... more
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Proper analysis and understanding of security requirements are important because they help us to discover any security or requirement defects or mistakes in the early stages of development. Hence, security requirements engineering is both... more
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      Computer ScienceSecurity ManagementSensor NetworkSecurity Policy
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      Water qualityWater Framework DirectiveMESH NETWORKCoastal waters
This letter proposes the enhanced hierarchical routing protocol (EHRP) for ZigBee Mesh Networks. The EHRP finds the shortest hierarchical path based on the ZigBee hierarchical addressing scheme. The EHRP provides efficient and reliable... more
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      Distributed ComputingRoutingMesh NetworksRouting protocols
Mesh networks are candidate to play the role of switched Ethernet LANs over extended areas and with a sensibly higher flexibility. Actually, mesh networks can exploit both Ethernet and wireless technologies, e.g. Wi-Fi and/or free-space... more
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      Mesh NetworksFree Space OpticsWireless TechnologyLocal Area Networks
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      Distributed ComputingWireless Mesh NetworksMobile CommunicationMesh Networks
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      Wireless Sensor NetworksInternet of ThingsInternet Routing ProtocolMobile Communication
The admittance summation method is efficient in short circuit analysis of radial and weakly meshed networks. It is especially powerful if all node loads can be represented as any combination of constant impedance and constant current load... more
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      MESH NETWORKPower TransformerElectrical And Electronic Engineering
Data centers' energy consumption has attracted global attention because of the fast growth of the information technology (IT) industry. Up to 60% of the energy consumed in a data center is used for cooling in wasteful ways as a result of... more
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      Information TechnologyEnergy ConsumptionEnvironmental MonitoringOpen Source
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      Mobile Ad Hoc NetworksRoutingWireless Sensor NetworksRouting algorithm
In WDM networks, it is important to protect connections against link failures due to the high bandwidth provided by a fiber link. Although many p-cycle based schemes have been proposed for single-link failure protection, protection... more
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      EngineeringComputer ScienceTechnologyComputer Networks
Mesh networks are multi-hop wireless networks that can be used as a low cost infrastructure for community and city-wide access networks. In this context, support for killer applications such as cooperative services and mobile multimedia... more
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      Quality of ServiceAd hoc networkWireless Mesh NetworkMobile Multimedia
Although IEEE 802.15.4 is being considered as a promising standard for low-cost low-power Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs), several issues in the specification are still open. One of those open issues is how to build a synchronized... more
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      OPERATING SYSTEMAd Hoc NetworksLow PowerPeer to Peer
This paper is an introduction to survivability of WDM networks. All the main optical protection techniques proposed as far as now for the WDM layer are classified and reviewed. In particular, commonly adopted protection strategies for... more
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      Case StudyNetwork CapacityOptical networkMESH NETWORK
Wireless mesh networks (WMNs) consist of mesh routers and mesh clients, where mesh routers have minimal mobility and form the backbone of WMNs. They provide network access for both mesh and conventional clients. The integration of WMNs... more
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      EngineeringTechnologyRemote SensingComputer Networks
Advances in wireless personal area networks have made the practical deployment of various services possible, which until a few years ago was considered extremely costly or labor intensive. We build such a wireless sensor network for... more
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      Precision AgricultureRoutingWireless Sensor NetworksAgriculture
A novel model for detecting leaks in complex pipeline network systems has been developed. The model derives from the theory of Liapunov stability criteria. A leak is detected if the resulting eigenvalues from the deviation flow matrix... more
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      Chemical EngineeringComplex networkEigenvaluesCriteria
Mesh networks are multi-hop wireless networks emerging as a low cost infrastructure for community access networks and digital cities. In this context, support for killer applications such as cooperative services and mobile multimedia... more
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      Wireless Mesh NetworkMobile MultimediaMESH NETWORKAccess Network
Synchronization and beaconing attract much attention with the appearance of IEEE 802.11s Amendment draft specifying mesh networking based on IEEE 802.11 concepts. This paper discusses the drawbacks of using unsynchronized beaconing and... more
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      ICTSynchronizationMesh NetworksEnergy Management
Over the last two decades free-space optical communication (FSO) has become more and more interesting as an adjunct or alternative to radio frequency communication. Free-space optical (FSO) communication links are most susceptible to a... more
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      Next Generation NetworksFree Space OpticsCellular NetworkMESH NETWORK
Reliable broadband communication is becoming increasingly important during disaster recovery and emergency response operations. In situations where infrastructure-based communication is not available or has been disrupted, an Incident... more
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      Cognitive ScienceDistributed ComputingCrisis ManagementEmergency Response
Future metropolitan and access networks are expected to comprise heterogeneous optical and broadband wireless technologies. The growing demand of users for transparent, ubiquitous access to diverse communication services poses several... more
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      Mobile CommunicationWireless TechnologyQuality of ServiceMetropolitan Area Network
In this paper, we address the following two questions concerning the capacity and configuration of fixed wireless networks: (i) given a set of wireless nodes with arbitrary but fixed locations, and a set of data flows, what is the max-min... more
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      Distributed ComputingMesh NetworksOptimal mine design and schedulingWireless Network
A new decomposition method is presented that includes the network through ac modeling within the hydrothermal scheduling optimization process including the losses. In short-term hydrothermal scheduling, the transmission network is... more
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      Service QualityPower SystemLatin AmericaTemporal Constraints
This paper attempts to study the impact of wavelength converters in WDM wavelength routed all-optical networks. A new heuristic approach for placement of wavelength converters to reduce blocking probabilities is explored. Multihop virtual... more
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      Distributed ComputingComputer CommunicationsRouting and wavelength AssingmentSimulation Study
A critical review is presented in this paper on parallel computing, including parallel algorithms and parallel architectures. Emphasis is laid on different interconnection networks, including recent efficient multi-mesh network. The role... more
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      Space WeatherAdaptive SamplingHigh performanceParallel Algorithm
In the past a lot of effort has been put into resolving some of the major challenges of AdHoc networks especially the added ones brought up by the mobility of nodes and the absence of infrastructure in MANETs. Unlike MANETs, Wireless Mesh... more
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      Mobile Ad Hoc NetworksWireless Mesh NetworksMobile Ad Hoc NetworkWireless Network
This paper has outlined a method (called OBGP) of extending BGP to support lightpath setup and management across an optical network. The development of OBGP has been discussed by reviewing current BGP behavior and design requirements for... more
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      Optical NetworksQuantum CryptographyOptical SwitchProceedings
SUMMARY In this paper we present a method for establishing the value of a network's components from a reliability worth perspective. The method can be applied to a general distribution system i.e. both for radial and meshed network... more
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      Distributed SystemCustomer ValueMESH NETWORKIndexation
There is a potential for significant cost, footprint and power savings by eliminating unnecessary Opto-Electronic (OE) conversions on a signal path in a core optical mesh network. This paper addresses and clarifies some fundamental issues... more
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      Distributed ComputingNetwork ManagementOptical SwitchWavelength Division Multiplexing
This paper is focused on broadband wireless mesh networks based on OFDMA resource management, considering a realistic SINR model of the physical layer with a fine tuned power control at each node. A linear programing model using column... more
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      Linear ProgrammingWireless Mesh NetworksEnergy ConsumptionComputer Model
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      Computer EngineeringDistributed Shared Memory SystemCache MemoryComputer Systems
The requirements and solutions for industrial wireless mesh networks are much more challenging and complicated than those for the consumer mesh networks. This puts additional stress on existing hardware chips on the market for wireless... more
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      Process ControlWireless Mesh NetworksSynchronizationHardware
IEEE 802.15.4 is an emerging next generation wireless standard specifically designed for low-rate wireless personal area networks (LR-WPAN) which suit wireless sensor networks applications. It attempts to provide a low cost, low power and... more
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      Wireless Sensor NetworksTopologyWireless NetworkAd Hoc Networks
Wireless mesh networks (WMNs) consist of mesh routers and mesh clients, where mesh routers have minimal mobility and form the backbone of WMNs. They provide network access for both mesh and conventional clients. The integration of WMNs... more
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      EngineeringTechnologyRemote SensingComputer Networks
In this article, a new technique for grooming low-speed traffic demands into high-speed optical routes is proposed. This enhancement allows a transparent Wavelength-Routing Switch (WRS) to aggregate traffic en route over existing optical... more
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      Distributed ComputingLinear ProgrammingInteger ProgrammingMesh Networks
Packet-based on-chip networks are increasingly being adopted in complex System-on-Chip (SoC) designs supporting numerous homogeneous and heterogeneous functional blocks. These Network-on-Chip (NoC) architectures are required to not only... more
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      Design SupportComplex SystemPower ConsumptionNetwork on chip
The bandwidth of a wavelength channel in WDM optical networks is very high compared to the user's requirements for various applications. Therefore, there is a scope for better utilization of channel bandwidth by traffic grooming, in which... more
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      Traffic GroomingMESH NETWORKNetwork TopologyElectrical And Electronic Engineering
This paper describes an INtrusion-tolerant routing protocol for wireless SEnsor NetworkS (INSENS). INSENS securely and efficiently constructs tree-structured routing for wireless sensor networks (WSNs). The key objective of an INSENS... more
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      Distributed ComputingWireless SystemsRouting algorithmFault Tolerance
Spatial reuse in a mesh network can allow multiple communications to proceed simultaneously, hence proportionally improve the overall network throughput. To maximize spatial reuse, the MAC protocol must enable simultaneous transmitters to... more
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      Distributed ComputingWirelessMACAnalytical Model
Innovative asynchronous circuits are central to the Ethernet switch chips from Intel's Switch and Router Division (formerly Fulcrum Microsystems). These circuits are complex, and it can be hard to gauge their benefits since there are few... more
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      NanoelectronicsSocMIPSSystem on Chip
We evaluate several routing protocols for mobile, wireless, ad hoc networks via packet level simulations. The protocol suite includes routing protocols specifically designed for ad hoc routing, as well as more traditional protocols, such... more
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      ParasitologyDistributed ComputingSpineNetworks
Multicast is a key technology that provides efficient data communication among a set of nodes for wireless multi-hop networks. In sensor networks and MANETs, multicast algorithms are designed to be energy efficient and to achieve optimal... more
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      Mobile ComputingData CommunicationNetwork ProtocolsSensor Network
Worldwide there has been increasing interest over the past few years for so-called "Smart Meters", in academia, governments and in industry. Such smart-metering systems need a way to communicate the collected data reliably and cost... more
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      Wireless Mesh NetworksRouting protocolsAutomatic Meter ReadingData Collection
Nowadays, critical control systems are a fundamental component contributing to the overall performance of critical infrastructures in our society, most of which belong to the industrial sector. These complex systems include in their... more
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      EngineeringInformation and Communication technologyControl systemComplex System
In the recent past, there has been a tremendous increase in the popularity of VoIP services as a result of huge growth in broadband access. The same VoIP service poses new challenges when deployed over a wireless mesh network while... more
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      Distributed ComputingVoice over IPQuality of ServiceWireless Mesh Network
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      Distributed ComputingTelecommunication NetworksDeveloping CountrySolar Power