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Companies collaborate to seize opportunities as well as exchange documents and other types of resources. This is achieved by following business processes that are subject to evolution. Collaborative portals are web oriented solutions... more
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      Information SystemsBusiness Process ManagementWeb ApplicationsBusiness Process Modeling
These last years, the new technologies produce each day large quantities of data. Companies are faced with certain problems of collecting, storing, analyzing and exploiting these large volumes of data in order to create the added value.... more
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      Model-Driven EngineeringHadoopBig DataMDE
A strategy for adaptive control and energetic optimization of aerobic fermentors was implemented, with both air flow and agitation speed as manipulated variables. This strategy is separable in its components: control, optimization,... more
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      Information SystemsElectrical EngineeringElectronic EngineeringCommunication Engineering
A deluge of data is to be expected in the years to come. Nowadays, huge masses of data is produced every day. For example, if we take only social network users and the Internet of Things, we shall find that they generate large volumes of... more
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      Model-Driven EngineeringBig DataMeta-modelMeta-Modeling
Nowadays building a web application is still a complex process that requires a big effort to get several tasks done. This article presents a domain specific language aimed to simplify web application development by using it within a MDSD... more
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      Web DevelopmentEclipseMDEPIM
Big Data technologies are rapidly becoming a key enabler for modern industries. However, the entry costs inherent to " going Big " are considerable, ranging from learning curve, renting/buying infrastructure, etc. A key component of these... more
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      Design ToolsModel TransformationMDEMeta models
Les entreprises ont de plus en plus besoin de collaborer suivant des processus métier. Les portails collaboratifs apportent une solution orienté web à ce besoin de collaboration. Cependant, leur conception et leur maintenance n'est pas... more
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      Information SystemsBusiness Process ManagementWeb ApplicationsBusiness Process Modeling
A disponibilidade de água em uma região está relacionada a sua presença em quantidade e qualidade necessárias para atender a demanda da sociedade. Nas últimas décadas, com a in-tensificação do processo de urbanização, a questão do... more
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      SRTMLandsat TMMunicipiosMDE
Ikerlan-IK4 Research Alliance, Arrasate, España [email protected]
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      Component-Based Software Engineering (CBSE)MiddlewareMDECBSE
Reverse engineering Legacy systems Model Driven Engineering (MDE) Framework Model Driven Reverse Engineering (MDRE) a b s t r a c t Context: Most companies, independently of their size and activity type, are facing the problem of... more
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      Information SystemsSoftware EngineeringModel-Driven DevelopmentModel-Driven Engineering
In this paper we show that the MDA can be considered as a software industrialization pattern (or a software factory). Nearly all industries today are haunted with how to reduce costs, improve quality, faster time-to-market and to maximize... more
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O sucesso de projetos na área da engenharia de software depende muitas vezes da aplicação das melhores práticas, de acordo com as características particulares do projeto e do conhecimento técnico dos responsáveis por garantir seu sucesso.... more
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    • MDE
Nowadays, in the world of industry end-users of business rules inside huge or small companies claims that it's so hard to understand the rules either because they are hand written by a specific structural or procedural languages used only... more
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      MDEDiabetic Macular Edema (DME)Metal Organic Frameworks (MOFs)BRMS
Railway Signaling System aims at resolving interoperability problems of railway signaling and train control/-command. An European system is taken place to guarantee interoperability between international borders. Such complex systems... more
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      Safety EngineeringFormal Methods (Formal Verification)Safety-Critical SystemsUML
Resumo Quantificar as consequências do escoamento superficial e grau de infiltração em bacia urbana permite avaliar o padrão de drenagem dos canais, a ocorrência de enchentes e erosões. O objetivo deste estudo foi estudar a... more
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      Watershed HydrologyMDE
MDE-based approaches have been proposed as a solution to cope with the inefficiency of current design methods. In this context, our work defines meta-models for application, capturing functionality by means of processes communicating by... more
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      Embedded SystemsEmbedded SoftwareSpace ExplorationModel Driven Engineering
Ikerlan-IK4 Research Alliance, Arrasate, España [email protected]
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      Component-Based Software Engineering (CBSE)MiddlewareMDECBSE
Toutes approche IDM nécessite l'enchaînement de plusieurs transformations. Cet enchaînement peutêtre vu comme un processus de production de logiciels. Dans le plus simple des cas, cet enchaînement est linéaire : les transformations... more
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      Computer ScienceTransformationMDE
The adoption of MDE in software development has drastically changed the way of developing software products. It gives a way of automating software development while reducing production time. While software companies need continually to... more
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      Model-Driven EngineeringMDEModel Transformations
Este trabalho apresentou as técnicas utilizadas no mapeamento de precisão da dinâmica costeira de curta duração como ferramenta estratégica aos estudos dos intensos processos costeiros sazonais atuantes (erosão, transporte, balanço e... more
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      GNSSMDEMonitoramento Costeiro
Model Driven Engineering (MDE) is often applied to support software engineering processes (i.e., from reverse to forward engineering, including maintenance and/or evolution tasks). However, as promoted by the Model Driven Organization... more
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      Software EngineeringEnterprise ArchitectureModel-Driven DevelopmentModel-Driven Engineering
The models transformation is the fundamental key in Model Driven Architecture approach. In Model Driven Architecture there are two transformations kinds: the CIM to PIM transformation and the PIM to PSM transformation. The researchers... more
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      Model-Driven DevelopmentModel-Driven Analysis and DesignModel Driven EngineeringModel Transformation
Nowadays, in the world of industry end-users of business rules inside huge or small companies claims that it's so hard to understand the rules either because they are hand written by a specific structural or procedural languages used only... more
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      MDEBRMSATL transformations
Within the GMT technology project (Generative Modeling Tools), an initial set of tools and artifacts for Global Model Management have recently been released under Eclipse. This paper presents the corresponding AM3 (ATLAS MegaModel... more
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      Software EngineeringModel-Driven DevelopmentModel-Driven EngineeringModeling
Reverse engineering is still a challenging process, notably because of the growing number, heterogeneity, complexity, and size of software applications. While the analysis of their structural elements has been intensively investigated,... more
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      Software EngineeringModel-Driven DevelopmentModel-Driven EngineeringModeling
Modeling of security and access control policies, along with their implementation in code, must be an integral part of the software development process, to ensure that the proper level of security in an application is attained. This... more
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      Access ControlMDE
During the past decade, there has been an explosion in the complexity of software applications, with an increasing emphasis on software design via model-driven architectures, patterns, and models such as the unified modeling language... more
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Since the Model Driven Architecture (MDA) approach appearance, model's transformation has been considered as one of the main computing keys in the software industry, which grows exponentially to ensure competitiveness. For that, the... more
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      UMLModel Driven EngineeringMDAModel-Driven Architecture
Este trabalho apresentou as técnicas utilizadas no mapeamento de precisão da dinâmica costeira de curta duração como ferramenta estratégica aos estudos dos intensos processos costeiros sazonais atuantes (erosão, transporte, balanço e... more
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      GNSSMDEMonitoramento Costeiro
As cloud computing allows improving the quality of software and aims at reducing costs of operating software, more and more software is delivered as a service. However, moving from a software as a product strategy to delivering software... more
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      Software EngineeringModel-Driven DevelopmentModel-Driven EngineeringModeling
Nowadays Cloud Computing is considered as the ideal environment for engineering, hosting and provisioning applications. A continuously increasing set of cloud-based solutions is available to application owners and developers to tailor... more
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      Software EngineeringModel-Driven DevelopmentModel-Driven EngineeringModeling
During the past decade, there has been an explosion in the complexity of software applications, with an increasing emphasis on software design via model-driven architectures, patterns, and models such as the unified modeling language... more
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      Access ControlUMLAspect Oriented ProgrammingMDE
Security assurance is a property that ensures that the application code behaves consistently with the access control policy specified at the design level. Security assurance proofs are valid as long as software engineers do not modify the... more
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Abstract:-The OMG's MDA (Model Driven Architecture) defines an approach to IT system specification that separates the specification of system functionality from the specification of the implementation of that functionality on a specific... more
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      Software EngineeringSoftwareMDASOA
Nowadays the software industry has known a significant growth, while the end-users have become very demanding. In this sense, the model transformation has become one of the essential solutions to ensure competitiveness in the field of the... more
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      Model Driven EngineeringModel Driven DevelopmentMDAMDE
Organizations undertake more and more software modernization projects every day, mostly due to rapid changes in the technological landscape pushing them to evolve their systems before they become obsolete. Such modernization projects are... more
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      Software EngineeringModel-Driven DevelopmentModel-Driven EngineeringModeling
The objective of this research is to develop techniques that integrate alternative security concerns (e.g., mandatory access control, delegation, authentication, etc.) into the software process. The resulting model-driven framework... more
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      Access ControlAOPAspect Oriented ProgrammingMDE
The objective of this research is to develop techniques that integrate alternative security concerns (e.g., mandatory access control, delegation, authentication, etc.) into the software process. The resulting model-driven framework... more
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      Access ControlAOPMDE
Abstract. Cloud computing has leveraged new software development and provisioning approaches by changing the way computing, storage and networking resources are purchased and consumed. The variety of cloud oerings on both technical and... more
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      Computer ScienceSoftware EngineeringModelingReverse Engineering
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      Component-Based Software Engineering (CBSE)MiddlewareMDECBSE
MDE-based approaches have been proposed as a solution to cope with the inefficiency of current design methods. In this context, our work defines meta-models for application, capturing functionality by means of processes communicating by... more
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      Embedded SystemsEmbedded SoftwareSpace ExplorationModel Driven Engineering
Tool development has always been a fundamental activity of Software Engineering. Nowadays, open source is changing the way this is done in many organizations. Traditional ways of doing things are progressively enhanced or even sometimes... more
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      Software EngineeringModel-Driven DevelopmentOpen Source SoftwareModel-Driven Engineering
Modeling complex systems involves dealing with several heterogeneous and interrelated models defined using a variety of languages (UML, ER, BPMN, DSLs, etc.). These models must be frequently combined in different cross-domain perspectives... more
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      Software EngineeringModel-Driven DevelopmentModel-Driven EngineeringModeling
Model Driven Engineering (MDE) is a software development approach family based on the use of models in the software construction. It allows the exploitation of models to simulate, estimate, understand, communicate and produce code. This... more
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      Computer ScienceComputer ArchitectureSoftware EngineeringObject Oriented Programming
In this paper, we propose a Round-Trip Engineering-based approach of optimizing the corrective, adaptive, evolutionary or perfective maintenance of applications on the OptimaDev, a MDA engine. It is a method which allows the automatic... more
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      Software EngineeringSoftwareMDASOA
Context: Mobile BIS apps demand is increasing, with shorter time-to-market requirements, but their production faces problems, such as handling business rules concurrently, multiple platforms, localization and extensibility. Objective:... more
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      Computer ScienceMobile appsBusiness rulesOCL