Ludvig Holberg
Recent papers in Ludvig Holberg
Plaquete distribuída gratuitamente em janeiro de 2018.
Submitted in Directed Reading at St Andrews, this short essay explores the complexity of Holberg's identities. It received a mark of Clear Distinction.
Written as the second part of an assignment in MO5032 Material Bibliography at St Andrews, this short essay explores the early print history of Holberg's novel. I emphasise the Latin 1741 edition as the principal one, comparing it with... more
Publiceret på Ludvig Holbergs Skrifter,
(PhD project description). The overall focus of this project is the early modern origins of the female intellectual identity (FII) in Denmark from the period 1650-1800. Using new methods from feminist history of philosophy together with... more
“A tale of giants, siege, escape, / And ominous incantations / Of witchcraft, war and virgin rape / In various locations.” In his comedy “Ulysses von Ithacia” (1724), Holberg does not only present a mix of stories from ancient and Norse... more
17 Simona Anselmi, Self-translators' teloi 37 Bruno Berni, «Pura pedanteria e annotazioni inutili». Holberg traduttore di Holberg 55 Alessandra D'Atena, «Nil pensar -apauco precar» / «Gar nichts denken -beinah beten». Studio della poesia... more
A utopia is, from a certain standpoint, a theoretical model. Like real political structures , utopian States cannot ignore the territorial boundaries separating them from neighbours, since borders contribute to a better defining of... more
Originally published in R. Gaasland og H.E.Aarseth (red.) Mellom europeisk tradisjon og nasjonal bevissthet, Oslo 1999
Publiceret i Aigis, Supplementum IV
Festskrift til Fritz S. Pedersen i anledning af hans 70 års fødselsdag
Festskrift til Fritz S. Pedersen i anledning af hans 70 års fødselsdag
This article discusses the works of the first two lecturers on natural law in Copenhagen, Henrik Weghorst and Christian Reitzer. Contrary to the existing scholarship which characterises their works as derivative of either Grotius or... more
Ludvig Holberg: Metamorphosis eller Forvandlinger (1726), edited with an introduction by Niels Grotum Sørensen with commentary by Niels W. Bruun and Niels Grotum Sørensen.... more
La présente réflexion sur les sources du Brigadier de Fonvizin s’inscrit dans une problématique beaucoup plus vaste, à l’étude de laquelle cet article vise à contribuer. Il s’agit de s’interroger sur les rapports entre les genres... more
I dette temanummers indledende artikel argumenterer Hanne Sanders for at sekularisering i 1700-tallet kan ses som en moderniseringsproces, hvor gudsforholdet i stigende grad opfattes som en individuel tro snarere end et givent kulturelt... more
Artikel i
Hvad tales her om? Festskrift til Johnny Christensen.
Museum Tusculanums forlag 1996.
Hvad tales her om? Festskrift til Johnny Christensen.
Museum Tusculanums forlag 1996.
Ludvig Holberg: Dissertatio V. de historicis Danicis (1719), edited by Niels Grotum Sørensen with introduction, commentary, and translation by Aage Kragelund.
in Nathalie Kremer, Jean-Paul Sermain et Yen-Mai Tran-Gervat (dir.), Imposture et fiction dans les récits d’Ancien Régime, Paris, Hermann, 2016, pp. 253-272
This book investigates the margins of literature (paratexts, footnotes, frames) through 899 fragments mimicking the object of study. In Norwegian.
Edition of Ludvig Holberg: Samling af adskillige Nye Samtaler (1728).
Ludvig Holberg: Fasciculi novorum qvorundam dialogorum (1728), edited by Niels Grotum Sørensen with introduction, commentary, and translation by Aage Kragelund.