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Abstrak UU Bantuan Hukum memberi ruang bagi daerah untuk mengalokasikan dana penyelenggaraan bantuan hukum dalam APBD. Apabila daerah berkehendak mengalokasikan dana bantuan hukum dalam APBD, maka pemerintah daerah dan DPRD harus... more
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      Legal AidLocal Regulation
Este trabalho visa a investigar o impacto do processo de recentralização pelo qual o Brasil vem passando (i) na efetividade de medidas de regulação local adotadas por grandes municípios - aqueles para os quais não faz sentido aplicar a... more
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      Local GovernmentFederalismLocal Economic DevelopmentLocal Government and Local Development
RESUMEN El auge de las viviendas turísticas en España, a lo largo de la última década, ha puesto el fenómeno en el centro del debate público y ha llevado a muchos municipios a plantearse la necesidad de ordenarlos o limitarlos. Este... more
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      Urban PlanningSustainable TourismBarcelonaDerecho Administrativo
El auge de las viviendas turísticas en España, a lo largo de la última década, ha puesto el fenómeno en el centro del debate público y ha llevado a muchos municipios a plantearse la necesidad de ordenarlos o limitarlos. Este artículo... more
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      Urban PlanningSharing EconomyEconomía ColaborativaLocal Regulation
Hadirnya otonomi daerah telah membawa dampak pada pembuatan sebagian Peraturan Daerah yang kurang sesuai dengan hierarki peraturan perundangundangan. Hal ini berdampak pada pembatalan Peraturan Daerah. Dalam UU No 23 Tahun 2014 jo... more
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    • Local Regulation
Participatory programs and the transfer of the means of regulation to local populations can move local peo- ple to adopt government or development project agendas. They do not always succeed. When externally driven agendas fail to match... more
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      ForestryEnvironmental SustainabilityDecentralizationSenegal
The issue of noise is becoming increasingly problematic in urban areas. Researchers have revealed that not only does it contribute to hearing loss, but also to cardiovascular disease, psychiatric disorders, and even to a reduction of... more
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      Local Government and Local DevelopmentLocal RegulationNuisance
Although local governments possess limited autonomy in Hungary, they play a significant role in environmental policy. Apart from fulfilling mandatory tasks such as waste management, they face environmental challenges relating to other... more
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      Local GovernmentEnvironmental SustainabilityPublic ServicesHungary
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    • Local Regulation
Participatory programs and the transfer of the means of regulation to local populations can move local people to adopt government or development project agendas. They do not always succeed. When externally driven agendas fail to match... more
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      Human EcologyEconomicsForestrySocial Justice
Participatory programs and the transfer of the means of regulation to local populations can move local people to adopt government or development project agendas. They do not always succeed. When externally driven agendas fail to match... more
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      Human EcologyEconomicsForestrySocial Justice
O Brasil vive uma profunda crise econômica e política, não obstante ser um país rico e repleto de canais de participação formalmente disponíveis para o cidadão. O Estado brasileiro se confronta com três problemas cruciais. O primeiro é um... more
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      Constitutional LawFederalismLocal Government and Local DevelopmentDecentralization