Nonprofit Organizations
Recent papers in Nonprofit Organizations
The Economy of Endowments: the case of Roman associations,” In Koenraad Verboven, Katelijn Vandorpe and Véronique Chankowski-Sable (eds.), ‘Pistoi dia tèn technèn’. Bankers, loans and archives in the Ancient World. Studies in honour of... more
"Since its very inception, social work has been considered an organizationally based profession, with the majority of its workforce employed within formal organizations. Whether in nonprofit, for-profit, or governmental agencies, the... more
Abstract Even though the topic of ethical leadership has drawn many research studies in the literature, little has focused on the effect of ethical behavior and practice specifically in nonprofit organizations, on organizational... more
Adrienn Reisinger (2012) Social participation and local development – role of civil/nonprofit
organizations. ERSA 52nd Congress, Regions in Motion, Bratislava. 2012. augusztus 21–25. REPEC database
organizations. ERSA 52nd Congress, Regions in Motion, Bratislava. 2012. augusztus 21–25. REPEC database
Emerging at the end of the twentieth century, non-profit sector has taken on a new significance. Non-governmental organisations, health institutions, educational institutions and museums are examples for the variety of non-profit... more
Traditional volunteer management is a bureaucratic process involving recruitment, screening, training, assignment, scheduling, recognition, retention, and reporting on volunteers. New workplace technologies provide ways to conduct these... more
The accuracy of the Content should not be relied upon and should be independently verified with primary sources of information. Taylor and Francis shall not be liable for any losses, actions, claims, proceedings, demands, costs, expenses,... more
Nonprofit organizations are increasingly using Internet-based technologies to address accountability. This article presents a set of conceptual, theoretical, and empirical innovations to help understand this phenomenon. First, this... more
In recent years, some public officials and advocacy groups have urged that private philanthropies be subject to more uniform standards and stricter government regulation—ranging from board composition to grant distribution to... more
KUVÍKOVÁ, H., STEJSKAL, J., SVIDROŇOVÁ, M. 2014. Neziskové organizácie – teoretické a ekonomické súvislosti. Belianum. Vydavateľstvo UMB v BB, EF. Vysokoškolská učebnica. ISBN 978-80-557-0709-9.
Dr. Márkus Edina: A nonprofit szektor társadalmi és gazdasági szerepeinek vizsgálata, különös tekintettel a foglalkoztatási funkcióra DOI SZÁM:
This article describes mortality patterns for nonprofit organizations in a major U.S. metropolitan area between 1980 and 1988. Twenty percent of the nonprofits in a paneZ ceased operations during this period. Mortality rates were found to... more
Purpose This paper aims to explore how volunteers choose one nonprofit organisation (NPO) rather than another. It identifies the drivers of choice, and the relationship between them, to enable NPOs to strengthen their volunteer... more
This paper applies Narver and Slater's (1990) conceptualisation of market orientation to nonprofit organisations. The study constructs a reliable and valid scale of the market orientation in nonprofits in order to test the relationship... more
Many low-income countries are implementing non-profit medical insurance to increase access to health services, especially among low-income households, and to raise additional revenue for financing public health services. This paper... more
The objective of this paper is to analyze and discuss the role of volunteers in decision-making within the for-profit and non-profit organizations. According to Lawrence and Weber (2011), volunteers are “people who assist others in the... more
Community Health Insurance (CHI) in Uganda faces low enrolment despite interest by the Ugandan health sector to have CHI as an elaborate health sector financing mechanism. User fees have been abolished in all government facilities and CHI... more
This Article combines an analysis of documents submitted in connection with Chapter 11 cases filed by religious organizations with the results of in-depth interviews with these organizations’ leaders and their bankruptcy attorneys to... more
How are nonprofits using information technology (IT) to enhance mission-related outcomes and boost organizational performance? In this paper we examine large-scale survey data of nonprofits’ technology planning, acquisition, and... more
Organizational life cycle refers to different stages of operations, spanning from concept and founding to decline and closure. " Life cycles have been used to describe the development needs and life chances of both public and private... more
Wildlife rehabilitation centers are tasked with the difficult challenge of providing medical care to wildlife while limiting human contact to ensure a successful transition into the wild. Building off of interviews with volunteers and 6... more
Project for the course «The Roles and Responsibilities of Nonprofit Boards of Directors within the Governance Process», offered by the State University of New York on Coursera.
Charitable crowdfunding is a global and rapidly growing new method for raising money to benefit charities and individuals in need. While mass fundraising has existed for more than a hundred years, crowdfunding is distinguishable from... more
"ABSTRACT In an effort at theoretical clarification, the authors reviewed 45 recent articles reporting empirical research employing the concept of `social capital'. The literature is roughly equally divided between those who treat social... more
This paper discusses various issues and challenges facing philanthropy and nonprofit organizations in the United States of America. This report presents effective fundraising strategies and discusses management techniques employed by... more
Ground-breaking examination of organizations founded on a social mission – social enterprises, non-profits, co-operatives, credit unions, and community development organizations. The second edition contains six new case studies as well... more
Free Expression of Religion and Freedom of Speech or Not, That is the Question
With newly commissioned contributions from an international set of scholars at the forefront of nonprofit management research, this volume provides a thorough overview of the most current management thinking in this field. It... more
Tento text ze sborníku "Dobrovolnictví a nestátní neziskové organizace při řešení následků povodní v ČR" přináší informace o aktivitách ADRA o. p. s. v kontextu mimořádných událostí, zejména povodní. Zabývá se rolí organizace ADRA v rámci... more
Use to analyze a nonprofit's financial health quickly and visually.
As charities expand into social enterprises they must adapt their model to not only create value, but also capture it. This paper explores two cases of charities developing SE's and their journey in discovering how to capture value.
This article describes the application of activity-based costing (ABC) to calculate the unit costs of the services for a health care provider in Peru. While traditional costing allocates overhead and indirect costs in proportion to... more
British professional football clubs mostly began as mutual, membership clubs, then converted to limited companies, with shares to buy and sell, in the late 19th century. In January 2000, Supporters Direct was launched to promote... more
Úvodní příspěvek ze sborníku "Dobrovolnictví a nestátní neziskové organizace při řešení následků povodní v ČR". Cílem příspěvku je uvést čtenáře do problematiky nestátních neziskových organizací a dobrovolnictví při povodních v ČR,... more
This article examines five common misunderstandings about case-study research: (a) theoretical knowledge is more valuable than practical knowledge; (b) one cannot generalize from a single case, therefore, the single-case study cannot... more
Во овој извештај се анализирани наодите од анкетата „Општествената одговорност на граѓаните“ која беше спроведена по четврти пат на национален репрезентативен примерок на граѓаните на Република Македонија. Цел на истражувањето беше да се... more