Lobbying in the EU
Recent papers in Lobbying in the EU
In recent decades, civil society organisations (CSOs) have grown both in number and in their impact on policy-making, at European and also non-Member state level. Public institutions, motivated by the need to increase their legitimacy,... more
In the aftermath of Eurozone crisis many politicians, scholars and EU leaders openly called for enhanced institutional reform and further EU integration in order to solve outstanding problems of the union. In that light the EU created the... more
Th is book explores the activism promoted by organised networks of civil society actors in opening up possibilities for more democratic supranational governance. It examines the positive and negative impact that such networks of civil... more
Germany likely employs Europe’s largest national lobby labor force. This article presents a comprehensive study of German lobbyists’ workplaces and employer expectations of competencies. It provides insights into emerging requirements for... more
This presentation was made during the Junior Chamber International conference, organized in Cluj, Romania with the occasion of 100 years activity of the worldwide organization.
Reprinted in: S. Hummelbrunner/L. Kirchmair/B. Pirker/A.-C. Prickartz/I. Staudinger (eds), Shaping the Future of Europe, Vienna: Jan Sramek Verlag 2022, 15-51 Citizens’ perception that lawmaking is dominated by special interests... more
La première page de ma contribution à l'ouvrage collectif "Le Parlement européen au travail" sous la direction de Sébastien Michon
Rooted in the ideals of the global Islamist movements of the twentieth century, the Muslim Brotherhood is not a supporter of liberal democracy or western values. Its ultimate goal is the acquisition of power to build an Islamic State... more
Wie sieht die Zukunft der politischen Kommunikation in Deutschland aus? Wird es den gläsernen Abgeordneten geben, gewinnt die Europäische Union mehr Macht, können sich die traditionellen Leitmedien behaupten? Welche Chancen haben neue... more
During the last 10 years children's rights in the EU are being manipulated by adoption proponents and others with vested (financial) interests in the business with children. These actors succeeded in getting their grievances onto the... more
Reveals the diplomatic history behind a controversial international definition of antisemitism, adopted by the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) in May 2016. Shows that this definition has been consequentially... more
В статье проанализировано лоббирование корпорациями и некоммерческими организациями общественных и частных интересов в Европейском Союзе. НКО (некоммерческие организации) в сфере частных интересов чаще всего лоббируют потребительские... more
The article outlines the international standards for the regulation of lobbying. These standards were introduced at four international organizations and supranational associations: 1) the European Union; 2) the Council of Europe; 3) the... more
Nesterovych V.F. Constitutional and Legal Bases of the Institute of Lobbying: Foreign Experience and Perspectives for Ukraine: Monograph Нестерович В.Ф. Конституционно-правовые основы института лоббирования: зарубежный опыт и перспективы... more
SOMMARIO: 1. Premessa: lobbying, corruzione, interesse pubblico.-2. Le dinamiche della partecipazione degli interessi.-3. La regolazione del lobbying nello scenario comparato.-3.1. Il modello statunitense e la sua evoluzione e... more
This thesis explores the advocacy strategies and influence of interest groups in EU foreign policy. It examines in particular the impact of institutional factors on the strategies and lobbying outcomes. Conceptually, it contributes to the... more
Lobbying as an alternative to democratic procedures: the experience of the European Union. (In Russ)
An open and structured dialogue between the Commission and special interest groups: Commission of the European Communities (93 /C 63 /02) // Official
Il secondo quaderno della Research Unit on Law & Economics (RULES) dell’Università Bocconi è dedicato al lobbying. Perché approfondire il tema della pressione degli interessi privati sulle istituzioni? È attuale? Che tipologia di problemi... more
Il presente volume è stato preliminarmente sottoposto ad una revisione da parte di una Commissione di Lettura interna nominata dal Consiglio del Dipartimento di Giurisprudenza. Detta Commissione ha formulato un giudizio positivo... more
Lobbying is central to the democratic process. Yet, only four political systems have lobbying regulations: the United States, Canada, Germany and the EU (most particularly, the European Parliament). Despite the many works offering... more
Lo Stato, in misura e con velocità diversa da luogo a luogo, è oggetto di detronizzazione. La sua sovranità politica si trova a fare i conti con un’altra sovranità che si va affermando, a prima vista irresistibilmente, perché su... more
This book aims to uncover and assess changes in the EU's foreign policy towards Ukraine in the times of wide-scale social protests in Kyiv. To accomplish this task, this book enlists and analyses documents, agreements, and treaties which... more
Dieser Beitrag vermittelt Grundwissen, um für einen Verband Lobbying-Konzepte zu erstellen. Er regt zunächst dazu an, über Lobbyarbeit als Politikberatung und das dafür nötige Selbstverständnis nachzudenken. Er stellt Lobbychancen im... more
Noise pollution has negative health impact on people. Studies showed that the measurement method present in different past Directives (70/157/EEC, 97/24/EC, 2001/43/EC, 2002/49/EC) does not reflect real world driving behaviour anymore;... more
En décembre 2020, les Suisses votaient sur l’initiative populaire « pour des multinationales responsables ». Cet épisode récent a rappelé que la régulation de l’activité des sociétés multinationales fait l’objet de luttes politiques,... more
Extractive industry academic partnership for higher education.
Many special interests are engaged in lobbying the European Union, raising questions over levels of transparency among leading EU figures and within EU institutions and whether the EU has done enough to ensure... more
The purpose of this analysis is to present and test an information processing theory of interest group influence in the EU. While it has long been acknowledged that information is the currency of lobbying in the EU, a systematic... more
Šis darbas unikalus tuo, kad kol kas nei Lietuvos, nei užsienio mokslinėje literatūroje nebuvo pateikta konceptualios lobistinės veiklos teisinio reguliavimo analizės. Šio darbo tema neabejotinai yra įdomi ir aktuali., kadangi lobizmo... more
Immer mehr gewinnt die Europäische Union mit ihren inzwischen 27 Mitgliedstaaten unter einem Dach an Bedeutung. Innerhalb der Grenzen der Europäischen Union leben rund 500 Millionen Menschen. Die jährliche Wirtschaftsleistung erbringt... more
Tureckie organizacje biznesu jako agenci procesów europeizacyjnych. Casus TÜSİAD siątych XX wieku. Znaczenie TÜSİAD w obszarze współkreowania polityki zagranicznej Turcji bywa porównywane z wpływami Rady Bezpieczeństwa Narodowego, organu... more
Der Schlussbeitrag untersucht die Schwierigkeiten, die unterschiedliche Interessenorganisationen mit der Einführung der Digital Public Affairs haben, wieso es zu Widerständen und Abwehrreaktionen kommt und welche Potenziale derzeit noch... more
The European Commission relies on external advice to fulfil its legislative and policy-making tasks, convening so-called expert groups which bring together government representatives and industry, plus some academics and representatives... more
Abstract Why are some interest groups successfully using social networks for their lobbying campaign whereas others don’t? This article suggests that some actors are aware that social networks can be used in a positive direction to lobby... more
Cuadernos Europeos de Deusto es una revista universitaria especializada en el estudio de la Unión Europea desde un enfoque interdisciplinar. Su objetivo fundamental es difundir conocimientos sobre el proceso de construcción europea en sus... more
Question: How does the change of equilibrium between the allocation of Risk, Hardship and the Impossibility doctrines affect the parties to an international sale of goods contract, under the provisions of the CISG, UNIDROIT Principles,... more
La plupart de bourses sont passées aujourd’hui au trading électronique et ont supprimé complètement ou presque la négociation à la criée et au langage des signes. Depuis au moins une décennie, les bourses se cotent elles-mêmes en espérant... more
Regulatory initiatives are frequently shaped by the ability of the financial industry to build alliances across the wider business community. Yet comparative and international political economy scholarship remains divided over how to... more
This paper offers a comparative analyses between lobbying regulation in the EU and in the US. It looks at the tools used by political scientists to measure the strength of lobbying regulation and how effective these tools are. It compares... more
"S-a decis de la Bruxelles" sau "Vine de la Bruxelles" spun des politicienii şi autorităţile româneşti pentru a explica decizii dificil de înţeles şi de aplicat, sau politici care bulversează sectoare întregi. Pe bună dreptate, pentru că... more