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Powerful and scientifically truthful, such is the Biblical story from the Old Testament relating about the 40 years spent by the people of Israel in the desert until all the nation, that is, all the men who were born in slavery, perished.... more
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      Post-Socialist SocietiesLinguisticsSocialismTheory and History of Culture
A contrastive approach towards concepts "good" and "evil" in Bulgarian and Russian Languages. Based on proverbs and questionnaire answers is constructed a matrix model for linguocultural comparison. It is not a surprise that the kernel... more
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      Slavic LanguagesConceptsSlavic StudiesLinguocultural Studies
В работе представлен анализ такого интересного типажа русской лингвокультуры, как писатель-эмигрант. Теоретической основой ана-лиза выступают преимущественно работы В. И. Карасика о лингвокуль-турных типажах. Особый упор делается на... more
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      Linguistic AnthropologyLinguocultural Studies
Эдвард Мунк и "богема Кристиании": между идиостилем и лингвокультурным типажом
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      Individual Style in WritingLinguocultural StudiesEdvard MunchIdiosyncrasy
The present stage of development of linguistics is characterized by anthropocentric paradigm of scientific researches which are conducted within psycholinguistics, cognitive linguistics, linguoculturology, etc. Article deals with the one... more
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      Discourse AnalysisStylisticsText LinguisticsFrame Analysis
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      EthnobotanySymbolismPhraseologyFigurative language
Les lexicographes ont traité traditionnellement les signifiés multiples comme des éléments im-prévisibles à apprendre par coeur, raison pour laquelle les dictionnaires présentent les différents sens d'une entrée polysémique sous forme de... more
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      MetaphorCognitive LinguisticsMétaphoreфразеология
У реферованій роботі комплексно досліджено мовленнєвий акт (МА) комплімент у німецькомовних драматичних творах XVIII–XX ст. у межах антропоцентричної наукової парадигми із застосуванням лінгвопрагматичного та системно-діяльнісного... more
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      Diachronic Linguistics (Or Historical Linguistics)German DramaSpeech actsCompliments
In modern studies on phraseology increasing attention is focused on the relation between language and culture. The acknowledgement of the importance of the inclusion of the cultural component in research on fixed phrases is connected to a... more
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      Contrastive AnalysisPhraseologyIdiomsContrastive Linguistics
English proverbs and sayings pertaining to the phenomena describing climate, weather, seasons are being analysed.
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      ProverbsLinguocultural Studies
Several years have elapsed since the defense of my PhD thesis. While I currently do not have opportunity to publish the work in a book form, I understand that recently there has been a revival and significant interest in the... more
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      Slavonic LanguagesRussian LanguageCulturologyBulgarian Language
In diesem Aufsatz wird eine im internationalen Forschungsdiskurs kaum wahrge­nommene, in der russischen und der postsowjetischen akademischen Welt jedoch überaus verbreitete und verwurzelte Wissenschaftsorientierung, die sog.... more
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      Cultural StudiesGerman LanguageApplied LinguisticsLanguage and Culture
The third volume of the “Intercontinental Dialogue on Phraseology” series is a continuation of the project, which was inspired by the symposium "Phraseology 2009" organised by Professor Katsumasa Yagi at Kwansei Gakuin University in... more
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      Discourse AnalysisLanguagesCultural StudiesEthnolinguistics
The volume contains papers by phraseologists from Europe and Asia, which were written within the framework of the project Intercontinental Dialogue on Phraseology conducted by the University of Bialystok in cooperation with Kwansei Gakuin... more
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      Discourse AnalysisLanguagesTranslation StudiesLanguages and Linguistics
The book is devoted to Polish, English and Italian units with animal names as their components. The aim is to compare the units excerpted from mono- and bilingual dictionaries, so that the differences and similarities between the pictures... more
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      EthnolinguisticsLanguages and LinguisticsItalian StudiesSemantics
The article deals with the concept - one of the basic units of cognitive linguistics. Specific features and various approaches (linguocognitive and linguoculturological) are analyzed in it. Concept structure and classification features... more
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      ManagementCognitive LinguisticsLinguocultural Studies
The thesis has been elaborated within the scientific area of linguoculturology (linguistics and cultural studies). The “concept” has been chosen as a major unit of analysis for the dissertation, and could basically be defined as a mental... more
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      Slavic LanguagesRussian LanguageBulgarian LanguageLinguistics and Culture
The main focus of this paper is on language and communication as the central meaning generating mechanisms of culture. The paper aims to systematically and heuristically investigate the complex alliance of language, culture and... more
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      Cultural StudiesPhilosophy Of LanguageIntercultural CommunicationCross-Cultural Studies
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      Intercultural CommunicationIntertextualityLinguisticsCultural linguistics
Аннотация В статье прослеживается ряд основополагающих факторов англоязычной лингвокультурной экспансии, включая языковую политику «модернизации» и «вестернизации»; рассматриваются ее инструменты, такие как агрессивное продвижение языка,... more
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      Language Planning and PolicyLinguocultural Studies
The purpose of this paper is to reconstruct the methods in the goldworking technology of the Tagalog community based on Fray San Buenaventura's Vocabulario de Lengua Tagala published in 1613. The study examines the processes and technical... more
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      Ancient Technology (Archaeology)Ancient Goldsmith TechniquesTagalogLinguocultural Studies
The paper discusses how the connotative potential of anthroponyms is used in idiomatic expressions. The problem is analysed in a cross-linguistic perspective: the multiword idiomatic units excerpted from English and Italian dictionaries... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsItalian StudiesEnglish languageEnglish
We intend to show in this work that cassava is a representative cultureme of Brazilian Portuguese, and that there is a parallelism with wheat bread in European Spanish, as well as rice in Chinese. We analyze the important role of these... more
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      Anthropological LinguisticsConceptual MetaphorFigurative languageMétaphore
The present article examines some aspects of penetration of the concepts ‘tree’ and ‘stone’ in Bulgarian language and culture. Language material from dictionaries, reference books and proverbs is used in order to interpret the perception... more
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      EthnolinguisticsCultural linguisticsBulgarian LanguageLinguocultural Studies
In the article are compared certain Bulgarian and Russian proverbs containing nouns good and evil which author believes are language representations (names) of general concepts of good and evil in both Bulgarian and Russian. Such a... more
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      Russian LanguageConceptsBulgarian LanguageContrastive Linguistics
This paper examines how the representatives of the Bulgarian and Polish linguocultural community understand hospitality. Focusing on the linguistic picture of the world in both languages (which entails a lingo-anthropological analysis of... more
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      Cultural StudiesEthnolinguisticsSlavic LanguagesSlavonic Languages
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      Cognitive LinguisticsLinguocultural Studies
Лингвокультурологическая обусловленность создания языковых анекдотов Аннотация: Статья посвящена изучению языковой игры в текстах жанра анекдота, объединенных общей лексико-семантической структурой и коммуникативно-прагматическими... more
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      JokesWordplayLinguocultural Studies
The floral semantic field constitutes a privileged example to study the relation between cultural symbols and figurative language from a cross-linguistic point of view. Following the main guidelines of the Conventional Figurative Language... more
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      EthnobotanySymbolismPhraseologyFigurative language
Апстракт: У раду се, контрастивним приступом, посматрају француски и српски зоонимски фразеологизми библијског порекла с циљем да се покажу све сличности и разлике које се јављају на семантичком и лингвокултуролошком плану двају... more
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      SemanticsPhraseologyLinguocultural Studies
A number of proverbs contain onomastic constituents, i.e. proper names. Many of the components at issue are anthroponyms, i.e. names of persons, which reflects the anthropocentric viewpoint of language users. It should be emphasized that... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsItalian StudiesProverbsPolish Studies
Abstract The floral semantic field constitutes a privileged example to study the relation between cultural symbols and figurative language from a cross-linguistic point of view. Following the main guidelines of the Conventional Figurative... more
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      EthnobotanyChinese StudiesCultureMetaphor
In the paper the cultural references in jokes are discussed from a translational perspective. Attention is paid to such elements as culture-bound proper names, intracultural winged words and names of various culture-specific artifacts.... more
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      EthnolinguisticsLanguages and LinguisticsCultureTranslation
This study investigates the concept of ‘success’ as a cultural value and part of the national-specific thinking of the Bulgarian people. The paper suggests a close relationship betweenBulgarian culture and that of individuals with an... more
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      Cultural StudiesEthnolinguisticsSecond Language AcquisitionPsycholinguistics
Pavel N. Donec / Csaba Földes ,Replikantiaʻ aus dem frühen Kindes-und Grundschulalter Befunde und Schlüsse eines psycho-linguokulturellen Experiments In: Smailagić, Vedad (Hrsg.): Die Leistung der Philologie bei der Deutung der... more
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      PsycholinguisticsGerman LanguageLanguage and CultureCultural linguistics
Many fixed phrases of various kind belong to widespread units, shared by several ethnic communities. Apart from full equivalents, given meanings can be expressed by parallel equivalents, i.e. units which differ in the imagery. However,... more
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      LanguagesLanguages and LinguisticsPopular CultureProverbs
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      PhraseologyCross Linguistic StudiesFigurative languageIdioms
The aim of the paper is to analyze whether, and, if yes, how the cultural component is presented in bilingual dictionaries of idioms, both Polish-English and English-Polish. The central argument is that the cultural component has been... more
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      Cultural StudiesLanguages and LinguisticsCultureCross-Cultural Studies
Resumo: O objetivo do nosso trabalho é falar sobre o Projeto “Dicionários Culturais” desenvolvido na Universidade de Granada, Espanha, sob a coordenação do Prof. Dr. Juan de Dios Luque Duran. Discutimos acerca de alguns tipos de... more
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В данной статье понятие концепта рассматривается в качестве точки пересечения основных единиц формирования лингвокультурных компетенций. Концепт включает в себя как понятийное и образное, так и ценностное измерения. Концепт можно считать... more
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      ConceptsIntercultural CompetenceCross-Cultural CommunicationLinguocultural Studies
In the present paper, it is undertaken to discuss phraseological terminology and to present selected classifications of phraseological units developed in the Polish and Anglo-American traditions. Furthermore, this article seeks to outline... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsEnglish languageEnglishContrastive Analysis
The article studies the standpoint of the concept of wine in Bulgarian language and culture from a linguocultural point of view. Based on corpus material from a variety of dictionaries, Bulgarian National Corpus and National Register of... more
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      Bulgarian LanguageLinguocultural StudiesLinguoculturology
The present text aims to discuss the problems related to culture-boundness of the connotations of proper names. The general objectives of the present paper are twofold: first, to discuss proper names as carriers of connotations developed... more
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      Translation StudiesLanguages and LinguisticsOnomasticsApplied Linguistics
The focal issue of the paper is the systematic equivalence of culture-bound lexical units, constituting gaps in a cross-linguistic perspective. Several Polish items, i.e. mohery, słoiki, Warszawka/warszawka, kaczyzm and ZUS, are discussed... more
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      Cultural StudiesLanguages and LinguisticsLexicologyStylistics
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      SociolectsContrastive LinguisticsLinguocultural StudiesNomination
The article is devoted to the investigation of the basic concept Quantity structural components correlation. The continual character of the human mind, the absence of clear-cut boundaries and abundance of transition zones allows the... more
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      Cognitive LinguisticsConceptsLinguocultural Studies
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      Cognitive LinguisticsLinguocultural Studies
The paper addresses the verbalization of the axiologeme of “humility” in Ukrainian linguoculture based on the Corpus of the Ukrainian language. The semantics of the “tokens of humility” in Early Christian literature and Ukrainian fi ction... more
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      Early ChristianityCorpus LinguisticsKoine Greek languageUkrainian Literature
Учебная работа 2013 года. Попытка описать, что такое НГ для тех, для кого он достаточно значим, чтобы писать на сайте стихотворения с 31 на 1 число :)
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    • Linguocultural Studies
В статье проводится лингвокультурологический и лингвогенетический анализ метафоры Мирового Древа германо-скандинавской лингвокультуры. На основе понятия дескриптивной лексики и первообраза описывается соотношение между понятиями метафоры,... more
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      Conceptual Metaphor TheoryLinguocultural Studies