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Advancement in the field of technology has become ineluctably foreordained in every sphere. Over the years the conduct of war has transmuted dramatically only by the means of advancement and development in military technology. The year... more
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      Death PenaltyPunishmentInjection MoldingExecution
Decalogue 5 appears to be overtly preoccupied with the specific political issue of capital punishment, yet it is equally concerned with the larger moral contexts which are inherently social - the Law, as the film decrees, manifests our... more
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      EthicsFree Will, Moral ResponsibilityInterpersonal CommunicationDeath
The aim of this article is to describe the role of health care professionals in the capital punishment process. The relationship between the protocol of capital punishment in the United States and the use of health care professionals to... more
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      JurisprudenceConstitutional LawHealth Care EthicsCultures of Punishment