Legal Design
Recent papers in Legal Design
O presente trabalho busca apresentar algumas reflexões iniciais a respeito do potencial uso da abordagem do legal design para a litigância estratégica na área de direitos humanos. Entende-se que o uso de ferramentas que busquem aprimorar... more
Полная версия статьи доступна бесплатно на английском языке: Статья посвящена юридическому дизайну, или Legal Design, который по сути является методикой творческого решения... more
This paper challenges two assumptions made by most lawyers: first, that contracts should consist of words alone; second, that only human beings are capable of designing the “look and feel” of contracts. These assumptions amount to taboos... more
Justice systems around the world are launching online courts and tribunals in order to improve access to justice, especially for self-represented litigants (SRLs). Online courts are designed to handhold SRLs throughout the process and... more
Patterns are a central tool in legal design. They are conceptual schemes or entities describing solutions to a recurring legal problem, helping to make contracts, disclosures and policies accessible to users and easier to prepare. In this... more
This paper addresses the issue of incomprehensible consumer contracts – the small print. I argue that when people suffer loss because they did not understand a contract condition, we should view it as a cognitive accident. This changes... more
Avukatlık mesleğinde ve yargılama sürecinde otomatikleşmeye dair bir inceleme.
Processo civile telematico e codice di rito. Problemi di compatibilità e suggestioni evolutive SOMMARIO: 1. Ritorno al futuro: l'obbligatorietà del processo civile telematico. -2. Forme e formati degli atti processuali. -3. Forme... more
A revolução 4.0 traz à tona transformações significativas ao mundo normativo, tendo em vista que conduz modificações exorbitantes no status quo. Consequentemente, o Direito é impelido a acompanhar tais mudanças observando os novos... more
This paper rests on three premises: First, ongoing digitalization is unleashing visualization (still or moving images) and audiovisualization (videos, audiovisual animations, etc.). This massive technological development is also... more
Legal Design is an umbrella term for merging forward-looking legal thinking with design thinking. It applies human-centered design to prevent or solve legal problems. Legal Design takes an interdisciplinary and proactive approach to law,... more
This article is dedicated to the notion of "Legal Design" which generally applies to creative approaches to legal tasks. The method has spread widely with the development of legal technologies (legal tech) which improve the efficiency of... more
COMUNICAZIONE EFFICACE-EFFICIENTE Comunicazione mirata al destinatario Testo-contesto Meno informazioni, quelle che servono (sovrabbondanza informativa, velocità) Fiendly-fiducia-empatia COMUNICARE A TUTTI? Esigenza di semplificare e... more
Mentre il modello statico ex ante, come quello ideato da Apple con le Privacy Nutrition Labels, resta ancorato a dinamiche tradizionali di somministrazione delle informazioni (sebbene tradotte in forma creativa e innovativa) e rischia di... more
This essay addresses the possible evolution of the legal thought on the light of the Media Convergence process, and considers the reasons why Legal Design can facilitate this process, and the possible results it can produce over the... more
While the static ex-ante model, like the one developed by Apple with the Privacy Nutrition Labels, is still anchored to traditional information administration criteria (even if in innovative and creative ways) and risks collateral effects... more
Il presente contributo analizza il tema della sicurezza dei minori nei veicoli soffermandosi sulle maggiori cause di decesso dei bambini nelle automobili. In particolare, è stata condotta una ricerca, attraverso diverse metodologie, al... more
The last two decades have seen law emerge online. This development has engaged computer scientists and web designers in communicating law. Recently, serious work has begun on visualizing contract clauses, generating cooperation between... more
diritto come un insieme di informazioni; gli studi giuridici ruotano, in fondo, intorno alle modalità con cui gli esseri umani elaborano, condividono, utilizzano queste informazioni» (R. Caterina).
Click here to indicate that you have read and agree to the terms presented in the Terms and Privacy policy of this abstract Abstract How many times have we checked that box without reading the Terms of the Service (ToS)? According to... more
For the first time in the history of European data protection law, the use of visualizations and especially of icons is explicitly suggested as a way to improve the comprehensibility of the information about data handling practices... more
Justice systems around the world are launching online courts and tribunals in order to improve access to justice, especially for self-represented litigants (SRLs). Online courts are designed to handhold SRLs throughout the process and... more
Corso di perfezionamento in Legal tech, coding for lawyers, AI and blockchain legal issues.
Organizzazione scientifica e partecipazione come moderatrice dell’area tematica giuridica “Code is Law”, all’interno di Internet Festival 2020, dal titolo “Reset”, insieme alla Prof.ssa Dianora Poletti (Università di Pisa); l’area... more
In this short article, I aim to make an introduction to legal design as an emerging field which combines law and design to transform the legal system. After the description of design and legal design in a nutshell, I explore the impacts... more
(a cura di Fernanda Faini e Dianora Poletti ) Nell'ultimo webinar della sessione giuridica "Code is Law" di Internet Festival 2020 i riflettori si accendono sul legal design, frontiera del rapporto tra diritto e tecnologia, da esplorare... more
Authors: Sergio Guida, M.Sc. LL.M., Sr Gestão. Líder de Relatório Integrado, Governança de Dados e Privacidade. / Rosário Modugno, Funcionário Tributário e Formado em Economia. Diante de um texto repleto de palavras técnicas, conceitos... more
How many times have you clicked on the “Next” button of a webgallery and then discovered that you have activated a subscription for some silly ringtones? If this is your case (or the case of “that” friend of yours who told you about it),... more
Take a look at your bundle of tags on Delicious. Would you ever believe you’re going to change the law with a handful of them? You’re going to change the way you research the law. The way you apply it. The way you teach it and, in doing... more
Why couldn’t law be designed by designers as well? Designers, humans being who love beauty and keep users in mind. All the time. Well, most of the time.
The GDPR suggests icons to convey data practices in a more straightforward way. Although visualizations to represent legal terms have many benefits, there is fear that they could be misrepresented by designers and misinterpreted by... more
O presente artigo visa, obedecendo as etapas de análise do Design Thinking, abordar o tema de legalização das drogas de uma forma mais intuitiva e acessível para o público em geral. Com foco principal na (in)constitucionalidade do artigo... more
Today’s contracts are complex and their meaning is not always clear to those who are impacted. What can we do to provide transparency and understandability and to prevent inadvertent non-compliance and negative surprises? In our previous... more
Psicanalista, Mentor e Consultor de Estratégia Corporativa, graduado em Direito, cursos de extensão em Psicanálise, Ética, gestão e liderança, entre outros, mestrado em Direito/Dignidade Humana, vasta experiência em liderança e... more
This position paper focuses on responsibility and responsiveness as two core attributes of trustworthy and desirable technology-based dispute resolution systems. It discusses some measurability dimensions that could operationalize their... more
The report is co-produced by ALITA and SMU School of Law. It is the second report in as many years. A foreword is written by Justice Lee Seiu Kin, a Judge of the Singapore Supreme Court. It runs up to 212 pages, covering 12 jurisdictions... more
In recent years, legal departments and law firms around the world have been busy developing legal guidance for business people to follow. Legal compliance handbooks and policy manuals vary in coverage and title, but many have one thing in... more