Legal Codifications
Recent papers in Legal Codifications
This article focuses on the European standard of civilisation regarding domestic legal systems and its application in imperial Ethiopia. It establishes a link between European legal imperialism, Abyssinian imperialism, and imperial... more
After the dissolution of the Ottoman Empire, the Turkish nation was born out of the ashes along with the founding of the new Turkish Republic. Due to providing unity on law, the new Republic should have to lead the enactment process.... more
en colaboracion con Francisco Barberan
Hellenic Maritime Law Code in printer friendly format (2 pages per A4 sheet).
in Khaled Abou El Fadl , Ahmad Atif Ahmad and Said Fares Hassan (eds.), Routledge Handbook of Islamic Law (Routledge, 2019)
Historia et ius-ISSN 2279-7416 rivista di storia giuridica dell'età medievale e moderna 26 1 Giuseppe Speciale Il can. 2209 del Codex iuris canonici del 1917: appunti sulla disciplina del concorso di... more
SOMMARIO: 1. Una premessa. -2. L'introduzione dell'ABGB nel Lombardo-Veneto: dalla parte dei 'pubblici' bravi zelanti artigiani. -3. … dalla parte dei 'privati' bravi zelanti artigiani del diritto. -4. I notai. -5. Gli avvocati. -6. Lo... more
Trieste, 16 novembre 2017
The presented article is an attempt at a synthesis of problems connected with the notion, shapes and the role of codification in a democratic state of law. Codification constitutes the foundation of legal order which a given state... more
Die Landesordnung der Markgrafschaft Mähren aus dem Jahre 1516 (Die Anfänge der Kodifizierung des Landesrechts in Mähren
Comparative legal history is a fashionable new discipline which aims at a better understanding of the law's past by comparing similarities and differences of legal phenomena in two or more jurisdictions beyond the limits of national legal... more
La législation pénale est une branche trop considérable de la politique pour que les rêveurs l'aient oubliée » 1 .
Streszczenie: Przedmiotem artykułu jest porównanie przebiegu prac i motywacji towarzyszących kodyfikacji prawa cywilnego w Republice Chińskiej (1912-1949) ze współczesną piątą już próbą skodyfikowania prawa cywilnego w Chińskiej Republice... more
Table of contents: 1. Introduction: the three different categories of general principles relevant for the construction of an EU system of private international law. 2. The general principles of private international law and the general... more
The study presents the edition of an important reform project which was written for Maria Theresa in 1772 during discussions on the Bohemian Famine. It explains in a systematic manner most of the Josephine reforms. The authorship is... more
Yirmi beş yıl önce, Dekan Georges Vedel, idare hukukunun içtihadî karakterinin sorgulanmasını, onu daha az esrarlı ve daha ulaşılabilir kılmak için savunmuştu. Bundan sonra idare hukuku, bilhassa hukuku sadeleştirme siyasetinin etkisi... more
HISTORY CAMASSA (G.) Scrittura e mutamento delle leggi nel mondo antico. Dal Vicino Oriente alla Grecia di età arcaica e classica (Problemi e ricerche di storia antica 26).