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“Stitches to make dresses”, begins Latvian distaff spindle 389. “A stack apart for money”, begins distaff spindle 386. “Speech of heddles, Goddess with us, Goddess with us, Goddess with us, from our knit-mill”, begins the song on... more
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      Latvian LanguageFinnish LanguageMason's marksWeaving
What the collection of poems “Beginning and End” and the novel in verse “Dagda’s Five Sketchbooks” have in common is the presence of author’s voice and a delicately formed composition, imparting to the poetry a particular dimension of... more
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      PoetryModernist Literature (Literary Modernism)SimbolismLatvian Literature
In the Latvian literature the motifs of dream and night are without doubt the most popular, exposed and expanded. "Wannem Ymanta" (1802) by Garlieb Merkel (1769–1850) is the first literary work in which the meaning of these words is far... more
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      RomanticismBaltic StudiesNational IdentityVisions And Dreams
The article analyses a classic Latvian short story „The Battle near Knipska“ by Jānis Poruks. The storry has been included in the lists of compulsory (or recommended) readings for primary and secondary schools during most of the time... more
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      Baltic Sea Region StudiesBaltic StatesCultures of PeaceEstonia
This paper examines travels outside the Soviet Union by Latvian writers who were recognised by the occupation regime and acclaimed by the public during the Brezhnev era –from the 1960s into the 1980s – as one of the privileges enjoyed by... more
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      Baltic StudiesTravel and traveloguesSoviet literatureBrezhnev era Soviet history
Edvarts Virza Kopsavilkums Ideoloģisko uzstādījumu komunicēšanā nozīmīga loma ir viedokļu līderiem-sabiedrībā atpazīstamiem cilvēkiem, kam kopiena uzticas un kuru paustajām idejām ir svars sabiedrības uztverē. Edvarta Virzas daiļrade... more
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    • Latvian Literature
Rezension des Tagungsbandes
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      Bible TranslationBible Translations17th-Century StudiesLatvian Language
The ground-breaking or especially difficult moments in the history of Latvia have almost always found their reflection in the literature. During each of the challenging moments an ideal hero is born, a hero ready to fight for his... more
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      National HeroesNational IdentityConstruction of HeroesLatvian Literature
Referāts veltīts atraitnībai latviešu literatūrā, šoreiz pievēršoties sieviešu tēliem un viņu izpratnei par dzīvi pēc laulātā miršanas. Izvēlējos analizēt visai plaša žanra un noskaņas darbus: Rūdolfa Blaumaņa noveli "Raudupiete" (1889),... more
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      PsychoanalysisLiteratureHomicideHomosexuality and Literature
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      Music HistoryMusicologyPoetryJesuit history
Pētījuma mērķis ir mēģināt pārvērtēt līdz šim aktuālo pieeju – Jāņa Poruka garstāstu “Pērļu zvejnieks” uztvert un analizēt tikai kā reālpsiholoģisku darbu. No tā izriet tas, ka pētījuma galvenie uzdevumi ir klasificēt J. Poruka domāšanu... more
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      RomanticismPhilosophy of LoveWorldview.Latvian Literature
Рахно К.Ю. Арфа Сырдона: западноевропейские параллели // Коста и мировой историко-культурный процесс. Сборник материалов Международной конференции, посвященной 155-летию со дня рождения К.Л. Хетагурова. – Владикавказ: ИПЦ СОИГСИ ВНЦ... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreStrings, Harp, And GuitarFolkloreCatalan Studies
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      Greek LiteratureGreek LanguageBronze Age Europe (Archaeology)Bronze Age
Andrejs Kurcijs 1. Más información sobre este libro y su traducción, hecha con la ayuda de la profesora Ieva Kalnača, en las Actas del 4 th Inter
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      TranslationAvant garde PoetryLatvian Literature20th Century Avantgarde
The Prussian Protestant Daniel Hermann is an important Neo-Latin poet. He lived from probably 1543 until 1601. Hermann studied at Königsberg, Straßburg, Basel (probably also Ingolstadt and Heidelberg) and Wittenberg. Afterwards he served... more
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      Renaissance StudiesRenaissance HumanismRenaissanceNeo-latin literature
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      German StudiesAnthropologyInternational RelationsIntercultural Communication
Teodor Narbutt’s “Lithuanian Mythology” as a Source of Inspiration for Juris Alunāns In this paper the author analyzes and compares five texts on Latvian mythology by Juris Alunāns with Lithuanian historian Teodor Narbutt’s book... more
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      MythologyPolish HistoryBaltic StudiesNational Identity
Since the middle of 19th century till the beginnings of Modernism, within almost fifty years, Latvian literature has seen a rapid development; absorbing the lessons from European – mostly, German – examples, from the first awkward... more
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      Modernist Literature (Literary Modernism)Latvian Literature
Enthält: 1. Ilze Šķipsnas „Neapsolītās zemes“: Ein modernistischer Roman. Das ästhetische Konzept des Romans im Vergleich zu dem von James Joyce „Ulysses“ sowie Ansätze zu einem allegorischen Verständnis des Romans. (Regensburg 1995.)... more
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      PoetryLiterary CriticismNarratologyPoetics
A lot of writers, academic researchers and publicists recognized in Latvia have written gastronomic texts. The year of 2012 is the culmination of gastronomic texts. This year and about this time, academic research on the vocabulary of... more
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      Comparative LiteratureLatvian LiteratureCulture Antropology
Aspazijas proza, piemēram, novele “Cīņa par nākamību”, ir lasītājiem mazāk zināma, tomēr šis teksts precīzi atklāj Aspazijas pasaulsuzskatu daiļrades sākumposmā. Novele veidota romantisma tradīcijā, centrā izvirzot sieviešu emancipācijas... more
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      Women's StudiesEmancipationLatvian Literature
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      Nationalism And State BuildingLithuanian HistoryLatvian LiteratureLatvian History
Gastropoētika kā pētniecības metode, ņemot talkā arī sociālo un dabas zinātņu pētījumu secinājumus, ļauj literāro tekstu skatīt padziļināti, atklājot tēlu psiholoģiskā tēlojuma cēloņseku sakarību pamatotību un nianses, rast nozīmes... more
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    • Latvian Literature
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      Russian StudiesBelarusian StudiesLatvian Literature
Aus dem Lettischen übertragen von Stephan Kessler. Das Original erschien 1902. Rūdolfs Blaumanis (1863–1908) ist ein bedeutender Autor aus den Anfängen der modernen lettischen Literatur.
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      Translation StudiesComedy19th Century literatureLiterary Realism
Projection of Self-Identification and Modernity in Latvian Literature of the Turn of the 19th–20th Centuries The issue of national literature identity is a complex problem that is related to a comparison of the discourses of culture and... more
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      Self and IdentityIdentity (Culture)Modernist Literature (Literary Modernism)Modernity
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      Translation of PoetryTranslationLiterary translationLatvian Literature
Sonderdruck aus:
Letonica. Humanitāro zinātņu žurnals 27 (2014) 91–108.
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      German LiteratureBaroque Art and Literature17th-Century StudiesBaroque Poetry
The development of travel writing in a national literature is closely related to the geographical and mental cartography that characterizes that territory. This article investigates Latvian travelogues of the Soviet era as encounters with... more
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      Comparative LiteraturePostcolonial StudiesLiterary and Cultural TheoryTravellogues
Since the direct heir of the Indo-European Dawn-goddess, Austra, is only attested a few times in a mythological context in the Latvian folk songs, it is another Latvian goddess, Māra, who deserves our attention if we want to find... more
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      Indo-European LinguisticsIndo-European poeticsLatvian Literature
20. gadsimta sākumā latviešu jaunās paaudzes literātiem apgūstot jaunās – modernisma – literatūras principus, par vienu no balsta tēliem kļūst jaunā tipa sievietes tēls – tā ir seksuāli aktīva, pat agresīva sieviete, kura apzinās savu... more
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      Women's StudiesModernist Literature (Literary Modernism)Latvian Literature
Literary Picture of Baltic Gods in the Works of Lithuanian, Latvian and Polish Authors of the 19th Century Mythological motives that were used in the works of the authors of romanticism are taken from historical sources or are... more
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      Baltic StudiesPolish LiteratureLithuanian HistoryBaltic Mythology
The present paper goes through history of russian minority in latvian, its literature and focuses on the case of Orbita, a group of artists which is revolutionising latvian cultural panorama.
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      Russian LiteratureLatviaLetteraturaRussian-speaking minorities
Główną bohaterką składających się na powieść Māry Zālīte "Pięć palców" ("Pieci pirksti") 55 opowiadań jest Laura, córka zesłanych na Syberię Łotyszy, która w wieku pięciu lat powraca wraz z nimi do domu obarczona pokaźnym bagażem... more
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      TranslationLiterary translationLatvian Literature
The study of Ibsen’s and Hamsun’s works in different stages of development Latvian culture is an attempt to get closer to the contents of works of iconic figures in world literature, follow their examples, as one of the ways to know... more
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      Comparative LiteratureNorwegian LiteratureLiterary IconsLatvian Literature
Comparative literary studies is an essential component of self- identification for Latvian culture as that of a small nation that was formed under a powerful impact of other cultures that determined the historical and geographical... more
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      Comparative LiteratureLiterary TheoryLatvian Literature
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      Latvian LiteratureLatvian HistoryHistory of the Baltic Sea Region
Znany i często opisywany literacki motyw śpiących rycerzy wciąż nie doczekał się gruntownego omówienia w odniesieniu do literatury łotewskiej. Artykuł przedstawia pokrótce międzynarodowe aspekty legendy o śpiących rycerzach oraz jej... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreComparative LiteratureFolkloreLiterature
This bilingual Russian-English collection features work by four contemporary poets from the Latvian creative group Orbita: Sergej Timofejev, Artur Punte, Semyon Khanin, and Vladimir Svetlov. The four poets are part of a larger collective... more
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      Russian StudiesPoetryContemporary PoetrySlavic Studies
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      Nordic StudiesBaltic StudiesBaltic Sea Region StudiesBaltic languages
Recenzija par: Edvarda Šmite, Pauls Daija. "Johans Heinrihs Baumanis". Rīga: Neputns, 2017.
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      Art HistoryBaltic StudiesBaltic GermansLatvian Literature
1. Premessa. La restaurata indipendenza delle tre piccole repubbliche adagiate sulla costa orientale dci mar Baltico ha permesso di ricuperare all'Europa tre distinte lingue e culture finora poco conosciute c ancora spesso oggetto di... more
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      Baltic Sea Region StudiesClassical philologyClassical Reception StudiesEstonian Literature
Berta Pīpiņa ir viena no redzamākajām Latvijas brīvvalsts sabiedriski politiskajām darbiniecēm, kura savā darbībā pievērsusies “sieviešu jautājuma” dažādajiem aspektiem, tostarp viņas interešu lokā bijuši jautājumi, kas skar sievietes... more
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      Women and CultureLatvian Literature
W literaturze Niemców wschodniobałtyckich przełomu XVIII i XIX w. oraz dziewiętnastowiecznej Polski, Litwy i Łotwy motywy religijne i mitologiczne Bałtów były dość często wykorzystywane w różnych gatunkach literackich. Za słowem Bałtowie... more
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      Baltic StudiesPolish LiteratureBaltic MythologyOld Prussians
THE WORLD AFTER THE END OF THE WORLD. THE POETRY OF LINARDS TAUNS AND GUNARS SALIŅŠ In the mid-1950s, the group “Elles ķēķis” was founded in New York, comprised of Latvian artists – mostly writers – who could not return to their homeland... more
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      Avant-garde writingBaltic Studies20th century Avant-GardeLatvian Literature
Resumen. Andrejs Kurcijs (nombre real Andrejs Kuršinskis, Asite, 1884-1959) fue un poeta letón de vanguardia, que tuvo una notable actividad política durante el período de entreguerras. En este artículo, se analiza su relación con España... more
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      Latvian LiteratureUltraismo
The article constitutes an analysis of the content of selected motifs from three dramas which were written and published at the beginning of the 20th century in Poland and Latvia, namely from Stanisław Wyspiański's "Liberation" (1903),... more
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      Comparative LiteratureLiteratureNationalism And State BuildingPolish Literature
Salvini e le letterature baltiche.
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      Baltic StudiesTranslation of PoetryLiterary translationLatvian Literature
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      Creative WritingCreative ProcessTheory of literatureEstonia