Learning theories
Recent papers in Learning theories
In an effort to intentionally create the level of deep learning necessary for practitioners to make meaningful changes in their classrooms, professional networks are increasingly being promoted as mechanisms for knowledge creation that... more
This article addresses the position taken by Clark (1983) that media do not influence learning under any conditions. The article reframes the questions raised by Clark to explore the conditions under which media will influence learning.... more
In the face of research that shows that workplace knowledge and learning are highly contextual, calls for the teaching of generalizable skills for the workplace have been widespread. While the authors reject the usefulness of teaching... more
Learning Theories and Instructions 2 What did you find surprising or striking as you furthered your knowledge about how people learn?
The Approaches to teaching inventory (ATI) is now being widely used as an instrument for formally monitoring approaches to teaching. A lesser-known use is as a stimulant for discussion among groups of teachers to raise awareness of the... more
Learning dental procedures is a complex task involving the development of fine motor skills. The reported use of theories and/ or evidence for designing learning activities to develop the fine motor skills needed for dental practice is... more
The teaching of chemistry calls upon two opposing educational trends, which are the goal-oriented pedagogy and the skill-based approach. The objective of this article is to make a comparative analysis of these two pedagogical approaches.... more
This paper attempts to advance the thinking in Stetsenko’s paper by situating the concepts of relational ontology and transformative activist stance in the context of coteaching and cogenerative dialogue. In so doing, we hope to make... more
It is now about a half century since Sidney Pressey forecast an immanent technological revolution in educational practice. For nearly a quarter century B. F. Skinner has been urging the widespread use of the programmed instruction... more
This study describes perspectives of participants in a substance abuse and HIV prevention (HIVP) program targeted to middle school students and families in an urban Phoenix, Arizona, school district. Data collection and analyses... more
CSCL environment. The teachers' patterns of online interactions were analyzed through social network analysis and the interaction analysis model (IAM). Findings: Our findings indicate that the teachers formed a socially cohesive... more
The purpose of this study was to examine the overarching framework of EFL (English as a Foreign Language) reading instructional approach reflected in an EFL secondary school curriculum in Malaysia. Based on such analysis, a comparison was... more
Most modern cognitive theories postulate that active executive control is the only internal source of self-regulation of learning processes. To account for incidental and other categories of unintentional learning, this study explored the... more
The purpose of this chapter is to report what the research says about authentic assessment. This will be done by first discussing the claims that have been made about the benefits of authentic assessment as a mechanism for measuring... more
И/li? к 6<fos à$> 1 Psychological Rcvtw tM6,V»ra,No. 2, 136-153 Copyright Í9S6 by the American Psycnoloüiial АвосМев, lac. . 003M»X/8«$00.7S Norm Theory: Comparing Reality to Its Alternatives Daniel Kahneman University of British... more
This paper builds upon a foundational paper (under review) which explores the rudiments of the quantum perspective of learning. The quantum perspective of learning uses the principles of exchange theory or borrowed theory from the field... more
The article reports on an action research project, informed by transformative learning theory. Transformative learning involves individuals gaining an awareness of their current habits of mind, and resulting points of views accompanied by... more
It has long been under discussion how the teaching and learning environment should be arranged, how individuals achieve learning, and how teachers can effectively contribute to this process. Accordingly, a considerable number of theories... more
Kniha přináší komplexní pohled na problematiku e-learningu. Autoři představují teoretická východiska e-learningu, seznamují s proměnami učení v souvislosti s rozvojem ICT, ale také s klíčovými teoriemi učení. Pozornost je věnována... more
The developmental psychology of mathematical thinking and the clinical interview method can make major contributions to education by transforming the process of formative assessment -the attempt to use information concerning student... more
The concept of lifelong learning has become particularly important in recent years in terms of national policy, personal aspiration and research and scholarship. While there is an increasing requirement for adults to be able to adapt and... more
Low accuracy levels are often obtained when readers are asked to predict test performance over reading materials. Three investigations further explore the information readers use to make predictions during metacomprehension. Our results... more
University faculty are increasingly called on to be less of a sage on the stage and more a guide on the side. This discussion introduces the underlying philosophy and assumptions of active learning theory. With this shift in pedagogical... more
Starting with the research question 'What is the role of play as a means of genuine inclusion of home language and cultural traditions in an intercultural early learning programme?', the article focuses on the role of cultural artefacts... more
Teachers' competence to estimate the effectiveness of learning materials is important and often neglected in programmes for teacher education. In this lecture I will try to explore the possibilities of designing scaffolding... more
" Based on insights and experiences developed during the course, examine how you as a teacher can support adolescent students' learning experiences. You may refer to motivational, learning or any pertinent educational psychology theories.... more
The third of four symposium papers argues that, if instructional methods are to improve learning, they must have two aspects: a direct trace to a specific learning process, and empirical support that demonstrates their significance.... more
It is a fact that architectural design education has become the focus of an extremely complicated set of issues and conscientious debates. Therefore, to extend and challenge educational understanding in architecture it becomes crucial to... more
An accumulating body of research on clinical judgment, decision making, and probability estimation has documented a substantial lack of ability of both experts and nonexperts. However, evidence shows that people have great confidence in... more
The development of a conceptual model that provides a theoretical framework for understanding the conative factors of desire, resourcefulness, initiative, and persistence in autonomous learning consi- dered the related variables of... more
During three discussion sessions, two groups offive teachers each developed a shared lessonplan, one for each group, for the teaching of adifficult economic concept, the incidence of asales tax. In one of the groups (the lessonstudy... more
This paper argues that the widespread approach to enhancing student learning through separate study skills courses is ineffective, and that the term 'study skills' itself has misleading implications, which are counterproductive to... more
... Title: Collateral Learning and the Eco-Cultural Paradigm in Science and Mathematics Education in Africa. Full-Text Availability Options: ... Title: Collateral Learning and the Eco-Cultural Paradigm in Science and Mathematics Education... more
This study.. focuses on the mental processes used during estimation. This research: (11 developed an operational definition of estimation: (2) Created an instrument tq identify exceptionally good estimators: (3) collected performance... more
This publication is part of the study materials for the distance education course, Adults Learning in he Workplace: Part A, in the Open Campus Program at Deakin University. The first part of the document examines the process of learning... more