Laelius de amicitia
Recent papers in Laelius de amicitia
Catalan Review is the premier international scholarly journal devoted to all aspects of Catalan culture. By Catalan culture is understood all manifestations of intellectual and artistic life produced in the Catalan language or in the... more
L'amicizia che unì Joan Estelrich e Josep Pla ci permette oggi di conoscere qualche dettaglio in più sulla vita e sulla personalità dell'intellettuale di Felanitx, grazie soprattutto a una caratteristica in comune tra i due amici: la... more
In dem kleinen Spätdialog Laelius erklärt Cicero, was wahre Freundschaft ist, und auch, warum wir Freundschaften schließen. Es geht ihm hier um echte Freundschaften, d.h. nicht um Bindungen, die auf wechselseitigen Nutzen oder... more
This paper examines friendship in the correspondence of Alcuin of York in the broader context of the development of concepts of friendship in the Latin West. The fundamental dimensions of friendship in Alcuin's work are identified, as... more
Resum: Curial e Güelfa (Milà-Nàpols, ca. 1445-1448), novel·la cavalleresca escrita en català i atribuïble al gran camarlenc del Nàpols d’Alfons el Magnànim, Enyego d’Àvalos, conté una suggerent càrrega culturalista (mites ovidians... more
Resum: La present reflexió s’ocupa del tema del reliquiari, originàriament destinat a la veneració d’elements sagrats, i aprofundeix en la seua constant evolució fins a l’era contemporània, a través de la producció de Joan Millet Bonet.... more
Aquest article mostra quin degué ser l’origen del verb salpuscar i la variant salbuscar, sinònim de l’actual esquitar o esquitxar . Subratlla les possibilitats que ofereixen els corpus textuals digitals i la necessitat de tenir present... more
Resum: Les darreres investigacions sobre la novel·la cavalleresca catalana Curial e Güelfa subratllen de forma unànime la qualitat literària de l’obra i la riquesa de la cultura literària del seu autor, en especial en relació als autors... more
Lozana's recipes: cook, medician, beautician and witch Riassunto: In un breve giro d'anni, fra Quattro e Cinquecento, in Italia come in Spagna, si moltiplicarono i libri di cucina, codificando un canone che rimarrà tale fino ai nostri... more
Resum: Carmelo Esmaltado con tantas brillantes estrelles, cuantas flores terceras, fecundas de frutos de virtud y religión, cultivó y fijo en el cielo de la Santa Iglesia la venerable Orden Tercera de Nuestra Señora del Carmen, és el... more
Resum || Els temes de literatura medieval varen tenir un profund efecte als treballs que seguirien a les següents generacions malgrat el reconeixement o no d'aquesta influència per part de l'escriptor, i es pot veure cóm Poe deixa traces... more
Riassunto: In questo saggio si fa una riflessione sull’opera di Joan Sales Incerta glòria e particolarmente si vede le conessione tra filologia, storia e traduzione.Parole chiave: Joan Sales, Incerta gloria, traduzione, storia, filologia:... more
Riassunto: In questo saggio si fa una riflessione sull’opera di Joan Sales Incerta glòria e particolarmente si vede le conessione tra filologia, storia e traduzione.Parole chiave: Joan Sales, Incerta gloria, traduzione, storia, filologia:... more
This paper aims to point out the Greek novel main motifs, which, through the novella II.7 of Decameron, appear in the Catalan chivalric novel Curial e Güelfa. We also intend to assess their relevance in the work and analyze their... more
We-Cicero: life and works of Cicero in real time.
Cicero (MÖ 106 – MÖ 43): Romalı büyük devlet adamı, hatip ve düşünür. Gençliğinde felsefe ve hukuk eğitimi aldı. Hitabet sanatındaki ustalığıyla consul’lüğe dek yükseldi. Roma’yı birey, geleneksel toplum düzeni ve devlet üçgeninde ele... more
Published on: The article studies the reception of Cicero's Laelius in Isidore of Seville's sententiae 3, 28-32, that offers the only extant theoretical conceptualization of amicitia as a form... more
The third book of the novel Curial e Güelfa shows the features of a prose deeply indebted with Humanism. Noteworthy elements of this influence are the mythological discourse, the setting of a huge part of the events, and the imitation of... more
My name is Carlton Burroughs and I am a client to Mr. Brian King. I am writing you to attest to Mr. King’s character. First let me start by saying that Mr. King is an awesome human being. Words cannot express how blessed we are to have... more
Il nome di amici, quando si è candidati ha una valenza più ampia che nel resto della vita: chiunque mostri, infatti, una qualche simpatia nei tuoi confronti, chi ti frequenti, chi venga spesso a casa tua, dev'essere annoverato fra gli... more
Übersetzung Latein-Deutsch von Marcus Tullius Cicero "LAELIUS - DE AMICITIA" - "Über die Freundschaft" für Titus Pomponius Atticus
This aim of this article is to reflect on Michel Foucault’s reading of Plutarch’s Eroticus in his Histoire de la sexualité, putting emphasis on the fact that, against what it is affirmed by the French thinker, the real debate is not, in... more
El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar algunos paralelos de las damas de la novela caballeresca catalana Curial e Güelfa con rasgos representativos de los modelos femeninos dominantes en la tradición erótica de los clásicos grecolatinos,... more
The latest research on the Catalan chivalric novel Curial e Güelfa has highlighted unanimously the literary quality of the work and the richness of the literary culture of its author, in particular in relation to the classical and Italian... more
PAOLO DIVIZIA, Volgarizzamenti due-trecenteschi da Cicerone e Aristotele in un codice poco noto (Kórnik, Polska Akademia Nauk, Biblioteka Kórnicka, 633), «Italia Medioevale e Umanistica», LV (2014), pp. 1-31.