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L’Antologia di Giovanni Stobeo: una biblioteca antica dai manoscritti alle stampe, Edizioni dell’Orso, Alessandria 2008, pp. 301.
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      Classical philologyLeopardiGiacomo LeopardiHugo Grotius
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      MimesisRenaissance StudiesHistory of Natural HistoryRenaissance Art
Le edizioni gesneriane dei Loci Communes dello pseudo Massimo Confessore e della Melissa del monaco Antonio, apparse congiuntamente nel 1546, hanno rappresentato per lungo tempo uno dei massimi punti di riferimento per gli studiosi di... more
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      Renaissance HumanismBibliographyHistory of Library and Information ScienceBibliografia
This article examines the iconographical, historical, and cultural context of On the Chameleon Beast, a popular Russian print from the first half of the eighteenth century. The print reproduces an illustration from The Spectacle of Human... more
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      Early Modern print culturePopular Print CultureKonrad GesnerPopular Prints
Sebbene principalmente noto per il suo fondamentale apporto allo sviluppo della Bibliografia, Conrad Gesner ebbe un ruolo di primo piano anche nell'ambito della storiografia delle biblioteche. In questo saggio vengono analizzate le... more
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      Renaissance StudiesHistory of librariesKonrad GesnerConrad Gesner
For many centuries the Alps were perceived as dangerous terrain, the writings about these mountains expressed for a long time the danger and the horror the Alps instilled in travellers and in the people living there. Pieter Bruegel the... more
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      Early Modern EuropeMaps and SocietyHistory of ArtChorography
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      RenaissanceRenaissance FerraraFerraraKonrad Gesner
How Did They Read the Book of Nature in the Beginning of Modern Era (on the Problem of the Fantastic in the Natural History of the 16th – first half of 17th c) According to the opinion dogmatized by the Enlightenment and still... more
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      Intellectual HistoryCultural HistoryHistory of IdeasHistory of Natural History
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      Early Modern HistoryHistory of the BookHistoire du livreStoria moderna
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      IchthyologyRenaissance StudiesHistory of ZoologyKonrad Gesner
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      Early Modern HistoryHistory of the BookHistoire du livreStoria moderna
MIRKO ALAGNA, Tra conservazione e rivoluzione. Gli effetti politici delle confessioni protestanti secondo Borkenau e Weber 11 HINNERK BRUHNS, Rationalisation occidentale et modernisation de l'Allemagne? Max Weber, la Réforme et la plus... more
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      Italian StudiesSwiss HistoryWaldensiansHistory of Botany
All’interno della Plutosofia, il trattato di mnemotecnica del Filippo Gesualdo apparso nel 1592, una sezione è riservata alla libraria della memoria, dove sono illustrate le tecniche mediante le quali creare una biblioteca mnemonica che... more
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      BibliographyMnemotechnicsConrad GessnerKonrad Gesner
Il De bibliothecis deperditis ac noviter instructis di Michael Neander, pubblicato nel 1565, è considerato uno dei testi fondativi della storia delle biblioteche. Ne è qui riproposta l'edizione moderna, corredata da un saggio introduttivo... more
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      History of librariesKonrad GesnerJohannes ReuchlinConrad Gesner
This paper, authored by Ferran Escrivà-Llorca, summarizes the tripartite discovery (by Escrivà-Llorca, Honisch, and Tess Knighton) of the owner of a major sixteenth-century music library.
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      Habsburg StudiesRenaissance musicBook History (History)Library history – The chapter on giraffe given by Conrad Gessner in his Historia animalium is an important step in the long-term history of this animal, from antiquity to pre-modern times. The aim of this... more
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      History of Natural HistoryNatural HistoryBibleGiraffe
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      RenaissanceHistory of ZoologySea MonstersIchtyology
This article is dedicated to the preliminary analysis of marginalia left by Conrad Gesner (1516−1565) in his personal copy of Carmen de bisonte by Polish neo-Latin poet Nicolaus Hussovianus. Gesner received this small volume from his... more
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      History of Science and TechnologyLatin LiteratureEarly Modern HistoryHistory of Science
Fraszka O koźle (III, 70) to jeden z tych epigramatów poety czarnoleskiego, które albo wskutek niesubtelności humoru, albo wskutek pozornej swej niepoważności zostały zaniedbane w badaniach filologicznych. Julian Krzyżanowski odnalazł w... more
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      Polish LiteratureReception of AntiquityOld Polish literatureLatin epigram
The Bubonic Plague struck Upper Germany & Switzerland with ferocity in 1562-66, exacting 20-percent-plus mortality tolls in many urban centers. While historical research on plague is currently in an advanced state, especially with the... more
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      History of PlaguePlagueHeinrich BullingerConrad Gessner
Abstract and a selected bibliography of my presentation at the Summer School "Memory and the making of knowledge" in Göttingen (18–22 September 2017).

If you are interested in the manuscript of the talk, you can send me a message.
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      Memory StudiesEarly Modern LiteratureHistory of Books, Printing, and PublishingKonrad Gesner