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This paper explains the use of kinesics and visual management to improve line productivity in engine assembly. We use principles of visual management and lean production together to reduce losses and reduce the time taken to produce one... more
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      Lean ManagementAssembly LineKinesics
Little research has been done on pain assessment in critical care, especially in patients who cannot communicate verbally. To describe (1) pain indicators used by nurses and physicians for pain assessment, (2) pain management... more
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      NursingDocumentationPainFacial expression
The neural substrates that subserve decoding of different emotional expressions are subject to different rates of degeneration and atrophy in Alzheimer's disease (AD), and there is therefore reason to anticipate that a differentiated... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceFace recognition (Psychology)Social Perception
Adoption; Treatment; Reactive attachment disorder; Oppositional defiant disorder; Attention deficit hyperactive disorder Summary A growing body of research in neuroscience points to the impact of variations in maternal nurturing on child... more
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      Family TherapyNursingCommunicationAttention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
The increasing proportion of culturally diverse groups within the United Kingdom has meant that the issue of language barriers in the research situation must be addressed. The recruitment of respondents with English as a second language... more
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      NursingCommunicationSocial SciencesMethodology
Nurse-patient communication: an exploration of patients' experiences Background. Patient-centred communication is a basic component of nursing and facilitates the development of a positive nurse-patient relationship which, along with... more
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      PsychologyNursingCommunicationOrganizational Culture
Verbal and nonverbal behaviors of nurses during interactions with cancer patients were examined by analyzing videotapes of caregiving. Using techniques of qualitative ethology, four types of attending were identified: doing more, doing... more
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PICCO E, SANTORO R and GARRINO L. Nursing Inquiry 2010; 17: 39-46 Dealing with the patient's body in nursing: nurses' ambiguous experience in clinical practice The core of nursing in western countries is interaction with the patient and... more
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      NursingPrivacyPrejudiceQualitative Research
This study tested the universality hypothesis on facial expression judgment by applying cross-cultural agreement tests on Filipinos. The Facial Action Coding System constructed by Ekman and Friesen (1976) was used as basis for creating... more
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      EvolutionNonverbal CommunicationEmotionsFacial expressions
Резюме. Комуникацията с хора в състояние на психологическа криза е сериозно предизвикател-ство за много професионалисти като психолози и социални работници. Настоящият доклад цели да представи спецификата и значението на невербалната... more
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      Nonverbal CommunicationProxemicsCrisis InterventionKinesics
Previous research has shown that victims display characteristic body language, specifically in their walking style . Individuals scoring higher on the interpersonal/affective aspects of psychopathy (Factor 1) are more accurate at judging... more
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      CriminologyPsychologyAntisocial Personality DisorderPrisons
Buscamos com este estudo refletir sobre a importância da linguagem corporal, através da identificação do que um grupo de enfermeiras pós-graduandas, sabiam sobre o assunto. Analisamos o conteúdo dos relatos de onde emergiram cinco... more
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Nonverbal communication has been a focus of consideration for some time in areas such as corporate performance skills and individual societal skills. However, it has received little consideration, in language teaching as an accompaniment... more
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      Nonverbal CommunicationBody LanguageKinesics
M M c c C A B E C. ( 2 0 0 4 ) C A B E C . ( 2 0 0 4 ) Journal of Clinical Nursing 13, 41-49 Nurse-patient communication: an exploration of patients' experiences Background. Patient-centred communication is a basic component of nursing... more
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      PsychologyNursingCommunicationOrganizational Culture
This study tested the universality hypothesis on facial expression judgment by applying cross-cultural agreement tests on Filipinos. The Facial Action Coding System constructed by Ekman and Friesen (1976) was used as basis for creating... more
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      Nonverbal CommunicationFacial Expressions and EmotionsKinesics
This article presents non-verbal communication as well as an exhaustive vision of the systems embodied in it. The signs of those systems, further related to oral communication, are specially studied due to its determining effect on the... more
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      DiscourseNonverbal CommunicationVerbal IronyKinesics
Unpublished galleys of Chapter One of The Human Figure on Film: Natural, Pictorial, Institutional, Fictional (SUNY, 2023). "This is a major contribution to the ontology of film. It extends our understanding of what the human figure on... more
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      Film StudiesHistory of AnthropologyEthnographic FilmGregory Bateson
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      NursingInformed ConsentLanguageNursing Research
In order for investigators to conduct effective interviews and interrogations they must carefully interpret the verbal and non-verbal communication of their subjects. When investigators can interpret both types of communication they are... more
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      Modeling and SimulationFacial expressionProxemicsBody Language
В статье проведен кросскультурный анализ биосоциальных и историко-культурных оснований возникновения жеста «высовывания языка», его отражение в мифологии, фольклоре, искусстве разных народов в древности и в наши дни, исследованы его... more
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      Cross-Cultural PsychologyEthnopsychologyNon Verbal communicationsKinesics
Dentists are considered masters in technical skills and should be able to provide quick solutions to problems that can best be solved through communicating patiently with patients. Effective communication coupled with good clinical skills... more
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Книга посвящена исследованию знаковых функций и смысловой нагрузки жестов, связанных с использованием языка (как части тела). Авторы данного исследования, специалисты в разных областях гуманитарного и естественнонаучного знания, поставили... more
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      Interpersonal CommunicationSocial and Cultural AnthropologyCross-Cultural PsychologyNonverbal Communication
Oral presentations have become part of many course assessments. During presentations, presenters use verbal and non-verbal cues. Learners Nonverbal cues are used either directly or indirectly by presenters to express their feelings... more
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      Vocalic AnalysisNon Verbal CommunicationKinesicsOral Presentation
The current study represents the first systematic investigation of the social communication of captive siamangs (Symphalangus syndactylus). The focus was on intentional signals, including tactile and visual gestures, as well as facial... more
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      ZoologyCognitionFacial expressionAnimal communication
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      Cognitive ScienceDecision MakingSocial PerceptionFacial expression
The aim of this contribution is 1) to introduce theoretical advantages for studying communication in daily situations from the complexity perspective and 2) to describe the multi-system method to analyse complex reality of human language... more
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      Complex Systems ScienceIntonationKinesicsMelodic Analysis of Speech
Patients with a diagnosis of schizophrenia display social cognitive deficits. However, little is known about patients' nonverbal communication during their social encounters with others. This review identified 17 studies investigating... more
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      EthologyPsychologyCognitive ScienceSchizophrenia
The “natural history” method in behavioral science flourished between 1950 and 1975. Its principal tools were the 16mm camera and the analytic or multispeed projector. With their aid an investigator could both preserve and parse the... more
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      Family TherapyFilm StudiesHistory of AnthropologyEthnographic Film
to verify pain intervention effectiveness.
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      NursingDocumentationPainFacial expression
The forms, functions, and complexity of nonverbal communication used by very young children with autism were investigated. Fourteen children with autism were matched to 14 children with developmental delays and/or language impairments on... more
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      EducationAutismIntelligenceChild Development
Humans are highly social beings that interact with each other on a daily basis. In these complex interactions, we get along by being able to identify others' actions and infer their intentions, thoughts and feelings. One of the major... more
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      PsychologyMirror NeuronsElectroencephalographyMotion perception
Background: Perceiving and understanding emotional cues is critical for survival. Using the International Affective Picture System (IAPS) previous TMS studies have found that watching humans in emotional pictures increases motor... more
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      Mirror NeuronsVisual perceptionTranscranial Magnetic StimulationEmotions
In the present article, we investigate the effects of speci c nonverbal behaviors signaling dominance and submissiveness on impression formation and outcome expectation in the soccer penalty kick situation. In Experiment 1, results... more
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      EducationSoccerSport And Exercise PsychologySocial Perception
The field of English for specific purposes (ESP), which addresses the communicative needs and practices of particular professional or occupational groups, has developed rapidly in the past forty years to become a major force in English... more
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      Critical TheoryDiscourse AnalysisCultural StudiesPsychology
Language has many definitions, and is viewed as an important medium of communication. It is also considered a unique human trait. However, a review of many theories of communication shows that language is probably not as critical to... more
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      SemioticsInterpersonal CommunicationEthnolinguisticCommunication Theory
A study was conducted to investigate the body movements of participants waiting to be interviewed in one of two conditions: preparing to answer questions truthfully or preparing to lie. The effects of increased self-awareness were also... more
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On the present paper we consider the results obtained after applying the multisystem analysis method taking into account the German modal particle ‘denn’. Multisystem analysis is made up of different analysis levels (intra- and... more
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      IntonationKinesicsGerman IntonationMelodic Analysis of Speech
Hai persoas silenciosas que son moito máis interesantes ca os mellores oradores. Benjamin Disraeli (1766-1848) O silencio é o único amigo que xamais traizoa. Confucio (551 A.C. -478 A.C.)
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      GestureSilenceNonverbal CommunicationNonverbal Behavior
Objective: To analyze gait patterns associated with sadness and depression. Embodiment theories suggest a reciprocal relationship between bodily expression and the way in which emotions are processed. Methods: In Study 1, the gait... more
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      DepressionPsychopathologyPsychosomatic MedicineEmotions
Although patients may raise new concerns during any time of the medical visit, the closing phase of the consultation is a critical locus for the negotiation of the topicalization of additional concerns. Using conversation analysis as the... more
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      SociologyAnthropologyCommunicationSocial Science & Medicine
Partindo da concepción da estrutura tripla básica da comunicación humana de Poyatos (1994a, 1994b) e as consecuencias teóricas e analíticas que se derivan da mesma, concibo a comunicación humana como un todo indisolúbel no que a... more
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      Drawing as a non-verbal communicationNon Verbal communicationsNon Verbal CommunicationKinesics
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      CommunicationPerceptionFocus GroupsPrincipal Component Analysis
Sign language descriptions that use an analytic model borrowed from spoken language structural linguistics have proved to be not fully appropriate. Pictorial and action-like modes of expression are integral to how signed utterances are... more
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      Sign LanguageGestureSymbolismLinguistics
The ability to infer deceptive intents from nonverbal behavior is critical for social interactions. By combining single-pulse and repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) in healthy humans, we provide both correlational and... more
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      NeuroscienceTranscranial Magnetic StimulationElectroencephalographyFace recognition (Psychology)
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      MarketingCognitive ScienceMagnetic Resonance ImagingPsychology of Unconscious
Teachers and educators are responsible in promoting effective teaching and learning to ensure intellectual development of the students. For that reason, being able to communicate well is essential for the students' academic and... more
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      Narrative EnquirySpeaking AnxietyKinesicsOral Presentation
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      Critical TheoryDiscourse AnalysisCultural StudiesPsychology
Pain is underdiagnosed and undertreated in people with advanced dementia and contributes to physiological decline, psychological distress, and decreased quality of life. 1 As people with dementia live longer, many will accrue painful... more
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      NursingCommunication DisordersPsychometricsPain
Human body postures convey useful information for understanding others' emotions and intentions. To investigate at which stage of visual processing emotional and movement-related information conveyed by bodies is discriminated, we... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceFearVisual perception
Major depression may be associated with abnormal perception of emotions and impairment in social adaptation. Emotion recognition from body language and its possible implications to social adjustment have not been examined in patients with... more
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      PsychiatryFace recognition (Psychology)Social PerceptionWalking