Kernel Methods
Recent papers in Kernel Methods
We organized a challenge for IJCNN 2007 to assess the added value of prior domain knowledge in machine learning. Most commercial data mining programs accept data pre-formatted in the form of a table, with each example being encoded as a... more
Graph kernels are one of the mainstream approaches when dealing with measuring similarity between graphs, especially for pattern recognition and machine learning tasks. In turn, graphs gained a lot of attention due to their modeling... more
Online reviews are a feedback to the product and play a key role in improving the product to cater to consumers. Online reviews that rely heavily on manual categorization are time consuming and labor intensive.The recurrent neural network... more
Effectively and efficiently learning an optimal kernel is of great importance to the success of kernel method. Along with this line of research, many pioneering kernel learning algorithms have been proposed, developed and combined in many... more
Dalam bab ini akan dipelajari suatu pemetaan dari suatu grup ke grup yang memiliki sifat khusus. Pemetaan yang dimaksud dinamakan homomorfisma.
(EN ESPAÑOL): En este trabajo detallamos el procedimiento metodológico para la realización de mapas que nos permitan analizar la evolución de la densidad del poblamiento antiguo en un territorio. Nos centraremos concretamente en el... more
T his paper provides a methodology for detecting management fraud using basic financial data. The methodology is based on support vector machines. An important aspect therein is a kernel that increases the power of the learning machine by... more
This paper addresses classification tasks on a particular target domain in which labeled training data are only available from source domains different from (but related to) the target. Two closely related frameworks, domain adaptation... more
A strategy for adaptive control and energetic optimization of aerobic fermentors was implemented, with both air flow and agitation speed as manipulated variables. This strategy is separable in its components: control, optimization,... more
Das antike Velitrae (das heutige Velletri) war eine antike Stadt in den Albaner Bergen (Latium / Zentralitalien). Die Albaner Berge dienten in spätrepublikanischer Zeit und in der römischen Kaiserzeit als Rückzugsraum der stadtrömischen... more
The Adaptive filter techniques being used for implementations of noise removal in signal processing systems are very significant. The use of different algorithm specific makes this more versatile and effective because of their intensive... more
Abstrak Kanker payudara atau breast cancer merupakan kanker kedua yang paling banyak diderita serta menjadi penyebab kelima kematian kanker diseluruh dunia dengan presentse sebesar 6.4%. Guna bertahan hidup, diagnosis kanker payudara... more
In this article, we provide a tutorial overview of some aspects of statistical learning theory, which also goes by other names such as statistical pattern recognition, nonparametric classification and estimation, and supervised learning.... more
SUMMARY It is now commonly agreed that the global radial basis functions method is an attractive approach for approximating smooth functions. This superiority does not come free; one must find ways to circumvent the associated problem of... more
On a daily basis we form numerous intentions to perform specific actions. However, we often have to delay the execution of intended actions while engaging in other demanding activities. Previous research has shown that patterns of... more
Support vector machines (SVMs) are a family of machine learning methods, originally introduced for the problem of classification and later generalized to various other situations. They are based on principles of statistical learning... more
Image representation is an important issue for medical image analysis, classification and retrieval. Recently, the bag of features approach has been proposed to classify natural scenes, using an analogy in which visual features are to... more
Support vector machines (SVMs) appeared in the early nineties as optimal margin classifiers in the context of Vapnik's statistical learning theory. Since then SVMs have been successfully applied to real-world data analysis problems, often... more
The aim of this research is forecasting crude oil prices using Support Vector Regression (SVR). Algorithm to determine the optimal parameters in the model using the SVR is a grid search algorithm. This algorithm divides the range of... more
Least squares support vector machines (LSSVMs) have been widely applied for classification and regression with comparable performance with SVMs. The LSSVM model lacks sparsity and is unable to handle large-scale data due to computational... more
Malware detection refers to the classification of a software as malicious or benign. Many attempts, employing diverse techniques, have been tried to tackle this issue. In the present thesis, we present a graph-based solution to the... more
In this paper, we investigate the use of heat kernels as a means of embedding the individual nodes of a graph in a vector space. The reason for turning to the heat kernel is that it encapsulates information concerning the distribution of... more
Resumen. La densidad de población es un indicador fundamental de la "sustentabilidad urbana"; el incremento selectivo de la misma contribuye a la formación de "ciudades sustantables". En Europa se ha generalizado aquél concepto como... more
Kernel spectral clustering is a model-based spectral clustering method formulated in a primal-dual framework. It has a powerful out-of-sample extension property and a model selection procedure based on the balanced line fit criterion.... more
Principal Component Analysis -Engineering Applications 102 and other applications. On the other hand, the main drawback of the standard KPCA is that the huge amount of computation required, and the space needed to store the kernel matrix.... more
Formal verification of an operating system kernel manifests absence of errors in the kernel and establishes trust in it. This paper evaluates various projects on operating system kernel verification and presents in-depth... more
We investigate training and using Gaussian kernel SVMs by approximating the kernel with an explicit finite- dimensional polynomial feature representation based on the Taylor expansion of the exponential. Although not as efficient as the... more
This paper shows the feasibility of utilizing the Kernel Spectral Clustering (KSC) method for the purpose of community detection in big data networks. KSC employs a primal-dual framework to construct a model. It results in a powerful... more
"PURPOSE: To evaluate the accuracy of detecting cephalometric landmarks automatically by computer. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Digital image processing algorithms (edge-based and morphological) in addition to mathematical algorithms... more
Figure 1: Two renderings of a protein (BPTI) taken from a molecular dynamics simulation on Anton. (a) The entire simulated system, with each atom of the protein represented by a sphere and the surrounding water represented by thin lines.... more
The Diplomatarium Norvegicum are problematic sources for medieval Norwegian: we usually don’t know how charter language has been influenced by exemplars, who wrote and who dictated texts, or how ‘standard’ forms of writing interfered with... more
This paper discuss on the effects of introducing nonlinear interactions and noise filtering to the covariance matrix used in Markowitz's portfolio allocation model, evaluating the technique's performances for daily data from seven... more
Polytope Faces Pursuit (PFP) is a greedy algorithm that approximates the sparse solutions recovered by ℓ1 regularised least-squares (Lasso) [4,10] in a similar vein to (Orthogonal) Matching Pursuit (OMP) [16]. The algorithm is based on... more
Recent advances in the field of kernel-based machine learning methods allow fast processing of text using string kernels utilizing suffix arrays. kernlab provides both kernel methods' infrastructure and a large collection of already... more
Graphs are a flexible and general formalism providing rich models in various important domains, such as distributed computing, intelligent tutoring systems or social network analysis. In many cases, such models need to take changes in the... more
RESUMO A perspectiva de uma maior participação das fontes eólicas no Sistema Interligado Nacional aponta para a necessidade de incluir a previsão de curto prazo da geração eólica nos procedimentos da operação em tempo real e da... more