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À propos de présentations de cadavres dans des contextes artistiques institutionnels.
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      Art and DeathAndres SerranoORLANChristian Boltanski
In this essay I will discuss the work of John Baldesarri and in particular his 1971 piece I Will Not Make Any More Boring Art. To place the work in the appropriate context I first intend to discuss the nature and philosophy surrounding... more
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      Art TheoryContemporary ArtHistory of ArtConceptual Art
This project reflects works by artists who have taken something from other images—whether from the sphere of art or pop culture, the museum or mass media—and who have reworked what they have taken into something new. In doing so, they... more
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      Cindy ShermanRichard PrinceAdaptation and Appropriation TheoryMarcel Broodthaers
A hazy, pixelated black-and-white photograph shows spindly palm fronds, pavement, and rows of parked cars (Figure 4.1). A generic Southern California setting, bereft of particular intrigue. Bisected by what appears to be a tree trunk... more
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      Critical TheoryContemporary ArtVietnam WarDocumentary Photography
""Abstract (E): In the 1960s-70s, many artists have developed experimental practice of Photography including text and series/sequence. At first, the process has been mainly conceptual and documentary. Gradually it has become more and more... more
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      Visual StudiesArt HistoryPaul RicoeurPhotography Theory
1 INDICE Premessa 03 Edward Ruscha: vita e opere 06 John Baldessari: vita e opere 11 Nine Swimming Pools and a Broken Glass 15 Ruscha e il libro d'arte 15 Ruscha e i libri fotografici 16 Nine Swimming Pools and a Broken Glass 19 Trying to... more
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      Art HistoryContemporary ArtTheodor AdornoPostmodernism
RAPHAËL PIRENNE Every statement is specified in this way: there is no statement in general, no free, neutral, independent statement; but a statement always belongs to a series or a whole, always plays a role among other statements,... more
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      IntermediaDavid AntinJohn BaldessariDick Higgins
Why do we continue to look to photographs for evidence despite our awareness of photography’s potential for duplicity? Documents of Doubt critically reassesses the truth claims surrounding photographs by looking at how conceptual artists... more
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      Critical TheoryMedia StudiesMedia and Cultural StudiesPhotography
"The Aesthetics of the [Non-]Proof" discusses the problems of documentary photography and documentation systems (among others) to refer to parts of the world (like objects and events). Referential, emotive, phatic and poetic communicative... more
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      PhotographyPop ArtConceptual ArtPhotomontage
Vers une théorie du postmodernisme ? Voici l'hypothèse que je voudrais avancer, ce soir, pour fixer le lieu-ou peut-être le très provisoire théâtredu travail que je fais : je suppose que dans toute société la production du discours est à... more
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      PostmodernismStructuralism/Post-StructuralismJohn BaldessariPictures Generation
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      ArchitectureContemporary ArtUrban StudiesUrbanism
Review of the catalogue accompanying the exhibition "more Konzeption Conception now", Museum Morsbroich Leverkusen, 1. Februar – 19. April 2015, Kat. hg. v. Stefanie Kreuzer, Dortmund: Kettler 2015. Published in: Kunstchronik, vol. 68,... more
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      Conceptual ArtSol LewittMarcel BroodthaersHistory of Exhibitions
« It's your fault John, you called them artists. » (Lawrence Weiner) John Baldessari et « Post Studio Art » à CalArts au début des années 1970 I Will Not Make Any More Boring Art En 1971, John Baldessari réalisait une intervention... more
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      Structuralism/Post-StructuralismJohn Baldessari
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      ArtContemporary ArtPaintingJohn Baldessari
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      ArtVideo ArtJohn BaldessariConseptual Art
In 2008, German artist Gregor Schneider raised controversy when he announced his wish to exhibit, in a museum, a person who has just died a natural death (or who is about to die a natural death). He created Sterberaum [death chamber],... more
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      Art and DeathAndres SerranoORLANChristian Boltanski
This article explores what might be at stake when art and performance exposes the apparently peripheral structures of value and labour that support the art-event. For example, in the piece attributed to John Baldessari in the 11 Rooms... more
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      Performance StudiesPrecarityWork and LabourJohn Baldessari