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Matthew 2:23 refers to a prophecy that Jesus would be called a Nazarene: “And he came and dwelt in a city called Nazareth: that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophets, He shall be called a Nazarene.” Scholars have long... more
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      Synoptic GospelsMatthew's GospelJesus of NazarethBiblical Exegesis
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      Historical JesusJesus of NazarethJesus ChristReza Aslan
The main proposal of this research is to perform the translation of a Greek version of the Gospel of Mark that appears in the manuscript denominated Sinaitic Codex. It was found in the nineteenth century CE, by the german linguist... more
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      Jesus of NazarethAncient GreekAncient Greek and Roman Literature, History, and ArchaeologyGrego Koiné
A close relationship exists between Jesus’ death on the cross and the fact that Jesus was a carpenter. Wood, from which the tool of Jesus’ execution was fashioned, was also the dominant element of the Son of God’s everyday experience. In... more
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      Jesus of NazarethJesus ChristCrucifixion in Early ChristianityCarpentry and Carpenters
Mark did not create Christianity but wrote a compelling account about a faith that he already knew. Some modern scholars recognise that in so writing, the author we now know as Mark developed the story’s characters in order to focus on... more
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      ChristianityTheologyNew TestamentHermeneutics
This is an extensive introduction to the third volume of the John, Jesus, and History Series (Atlanta: SBL Press, forthcoming in early 2016) written by Jaime Clark-Soles and Paul N. Anderson. A total of twelve volumes of collected essays... more
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      Critical TheoryReligionChristianityHistory
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      JosephusJesus of NazarethHerod The GreatNew Testament Studies
The article presents the hypothesis regarding the date of the Nativity encrypted in the tractate of the 4th century astrologer Julius Firmicus Maternus.
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      History of ChristianitySymbolism (Religion)Historical JesusJewish Messianism
The present paper is a follow-up to my article ‘The Maternus Code: The Gospel of the Stargazers’, published in International Society for Astrological Research Journal, Vol. 48, N3, December, 2019, pp. 22-36. The starting point of my... more
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      History of ChristianitySymbolism (Religion)Jewish MessianismCultural Astronomy
When beginning a status quaestionis of Luke 4:16-30, one immediately finds several quotes in these or similar words, “Inasmuch as many others have undertaken the task of writing on the topic of Jesus’ opening sermon in the Nazareth... more
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      Luke-ActsJesus of NazarethBook of IsaiahGospel of Luke
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      Eyewitness memoryNew TestamentOnomasticsEarly Christianity
retardante constituye la preferencia de la teología donde, hasta el día de hoy, asombrosa erudición a menudo sólo sirve para ignorar conocimientos elementales y preferir lo artificioso a lo natural. Y esto no sólo entre quienes se cierran... more
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      HistoriographyJesus of Nazareth
As part one of a three-part series (called "Starting Points") exploring questions about Christian faith, this document is the handout associated with the slide presentation by the same name and presented at New City Church of Los Angeles.... more
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      Christian EducationNew TestamentJesus of NazarethHistorical Jesus Research
RESUMO O Evangelho de Marcos, o proto-anúncio da comunidade dos discípulos de Jesus, é uma boa notícia para todo tempo e história. Trata-se de um importante querigma do cristianismo inicial que perpassou pela história, sendo visitado e... more
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      Jesus of NazarethEvangelho de MarcosJesus de Nazaré
O intuito do presente artigo é esclarecer a importância do princípio do devido processo legal, a partir de uma breve análise do processo que culminou com a condenação de Jesus de Nazaré a ser crucificado. Procurou-se dar ênfase ao... more
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      Jesus of NazarethFundamental RightDue Process of Law
Pochi personaggi hanno avuto un impatto tanto decisivo quanto misconosciuto sulla nascita del cristianesimo come Giovanni Battista. Figura tutt'altro che marginale nello scenario politico-religioso giudaico del i secolo, paradossalmente... more
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      BaptismHistorical JesusJesus of NazarethEssenes
La question de la possibilité ou non de concilier les données lucaniennes et joséphiennes apparemment contradictoires ( Luc situe le “recensement” de Quirinius vers -4 et Josèphe en +6) en un récit cohérent et historiquement crédible se... more
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      Roman HistorySynoptic GospelsJudaismJesus of Nazareth
This essay explores the function of Matthew 11:25-30 within its literary context.  In doing so it illustrates how the passage functions as the climax to Matthew's argument concerning Jesus’ role as the true interpreter of Torah.
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      Theological Interpretation of Christian ScriptureNarrative and interpretationMatthewMatthew's Gospel
MANUEL PELÁEZ DEL ROSAL (Dir. y ed) LAS COFRADÍAS Y HERMANDADES DE JESÚS NAZARENO Y NOSSO SENHOR DOS PASSOS: HISTORIA, ARTE Y DEVOCIÓN Motivo de la cubierta Procesión extraordinaria de Jesús Nazareno de Priego de Córdoba por el Adarve con... more
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      Jesus of NazarethCofradíasCofradías De IndiosHermandades y cofradías
sermon from Matthew 2:13-23, preached 1/7/18 at Kilgore Bible Church, Kilgore, TX
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      Infancy NarrativesJesus of NazarethOT in the NTGospel of Matthew
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      Biblical ArchaeologyHistorical JesusJesus of NazarethResurrection of Jesus
Eckart R. Straube – Gregor Julien Straube: I – 19.4 Glauben und Heilen. Die Rolle der Psyche. In: Michael Klöcker, Udo Tworuschka (Hg.): Handbuch der Religionen. Kirchen und andere Glaubensgemeinschaften in Deutschland und im... more
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This research aims pedagogical memories of a miracle wrought by Jesus of Nazareth. The goal is to perform a hermeneutic characterized by linguistic nicety, but problematizes society through scientific dialogue with the Humanities.
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      Early ChristianityHermeneuticJesus of NazarethSociety
We’ve all heard from Biblical teachings that Jesus was raised in a town called Nazareth; he’s specifically called “Jesus of Nazareth” in the KJV version of the New Testament 17 times, 12 times in the Gospels and 5 times in the Book of... more
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      Second Temple JudaismHistorical JesusJesus of NazarethHistorical Jesus Research
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      ChristianityEvolutionary BiologyEvolutionary PsychologyPhilosophy of Science
The problem is that many interpreters insufficiently account for the literary context of the Samaritan Parable of Luke 10:30–35, which leads to misunderstanding the parable. Redaction critical textual relationships (cultural literary... more
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      GnosticismNew TestamentTextual CriticismJewish Mysticism
El monumento Mexica que explicaría la elección de la fecha del nacimiento de Jesús de Nazareth
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      Jesus of NazarethJesus ChristAztecasNazareth
Reflections on the turning point from the Old to the New Testament according to Phil 3:2-11. Table of contents: 1. Who was Paul? Excursus 1: The Pharisees 2. Paul as the authorized representative of Judaism 3. Knowledge of the Messiah of... more
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      Male CircumcisionSecond Temple JudaismDoctrine of JustificationIsrael
A century after the term "Zionism" emerged, a paradigm shift in the understanding of the term began to gain ground in the mainstream of Israeli society, as it had previously been represented only by extreme fringe groups. This is an... more
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      New TestamentOld TestamentIsraelPaul of Tarsus
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      ReligionChristianityComparative ReligionSociology of Religion
KATRI BØRRESEN sets the stage even though she was mistaken. With later advances in the field of embryology, Catholic authorities seized the opportunity to bring to closure any further speculations around Mary’s sinless state—now tied to... more
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      Feminist TheoryFeminist TheologyFeminist EpistemologyAquinas
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      HistoryPhilosophyClassicsNeoplatonism and late antique philosophy
The UN document, Transforming Our World, affirms the enabling role of culture in its goal of transforming the world. While the UN assumes the necessity to interface with traditions, it does not take the time to articulate culture's... more
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      HegemonyJesus of NazarethSolidarityKingdom of God
This paper employs Cognitive-Dissonance Theory in analyzing some of the disturbing actions performed by Jesus--seeking to evoke transformative experiences among his first-century audiences--a Cognitive-Critical approach to understanding... more
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      ReligionChristianityPsychologyCognitive Psychology
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    • Jesus of Nazareth
This article presents the method of Bible interpretation which was chosen by Benedict XVI in his book Jesus of Nazareth pt. l. Using this method, Joseph Ratzinger was looking for an answer to the question about the true identity of Jesus... more
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      History of Biblical InterpretationFaithBiblical InterpretationJesus of Nazareth
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      Historical JesusJesus of NazarethJesusNew Testament Eschatology
Jesus of Nazareth- as presented by the Iranian/German poet SAID - is not a gentle sufferer. He doesn't wish to be the Son of God. This dubious honor - dogmatically established by church and religion - would prevent him to initiate the... more
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      Contemporary PoetryJesus of NazarethHumanityJesus Christ