Recent papers in Nazareth
This article documents the h . awākīr of Nazareth. Once widespread in the city, these traditional domestic gardens were integral to households of all economic backgrounds. They served as a space for work and socializing, constituted a... more
Jesus’ rejection by those in his hometown is a theme common to all three of the synoptic gospel accounts (cf. Mt 13.54-58; Mk 6.1-5; Lk 4.16-30). However, the placement of this episode strikingly differs amongst these three. Mark and... more
This article was a public response to the much touted “house from the time of Jesus” announced by Dr. Y. Alexandre on Dec. 21, 2009 at a Nazareth news conference. The article was first published in American Atheist Magazine (2010). It has... more
Jesus’ rejection by those in his hometown is a theme common to all three of the synoptic gospel accounts (cf. Mt 13.54-58; Mk 6.1-5; Lk 4.16-30). However, the placement of this episode strikingly differs amongst these three. Mark and... more
Matthew 2:23 refers to a prophecy that Jesus would be called a Nazarene: “And he came and dwelt in a city called Nazareth: that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophets, He shall be called a Nazarene.” Scholars have long... more
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Le 14 août 1962, une importante découverte archéologique à Césarée Maritime allait révolutionner la question relative à Nazareth, une ville inconnue des sources non chrétiennes. Cet article tend à montrer l’étonnante série de coïncidences... more
Corroborating contemporary biographers report that Jesus of Nazareth was born of a virgin, changed water to wine, made the blind see, healed the lame, raised the dead, walked on water, calmed a violent storm, fed 5,000 people with five... more
In 2020 the Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA) published an extensive article in its journal 'Atiqot authored by one of its archaeologists, Dr. Yardenna Alexandre, a name familiar to readers of my books and to those interested in the... more
Mark did not create Christianity but wrote a compelling account about a faith that he already knew. Some modern scholars recognise that in so writing, the author we now know as Mark developed the story’s characters in order to focus on... more
Una delle prospettive di ricerca emerse durante i lavori del seminario di studio per una "Storia delle diocesi pugliesi" -svoltosi a Molfetta, presso l'Istituto Teologico Pugliese, nei mesi di gennaio-marzo 2007 -ha indicato la storia... more
On 14 August 1962, an outstanding archaeological discovery at Caesarea Maritima went to revolutionize the question about Nazareth, a village unknown to non-Christian sources. This article intends to show the remarkable series of... more
In this article I present a brief summary of the history of Christ Church, which is the Anglican/Episcopal church in Nazareth, Israel. Includes a number of photographs.
In St Francis Magazine, Vol 8:5, Oct 2012, pp 696-703.
In St Francis Magazine, Vol 8:5, Oct 2012, pp 696-703.
One of the critical issues when pursuing historical Jesus research has been to distinguish the ‘voice print’ of one man (Jesus) from the larger crowd (Second Temple Judaism) at the time. Historians always find it easier to describe... more
Les découvertes et analyses nouvelles ne cessent de s'accumuler au sujet des origines réelles de l'islam, dévoilant une tout autre histoire que celle des traditions musulmanes. Pour défendre l'islam, un auteur musulman s'est ainsi essayé... more
El gas natural es un recurso no renovable, que consiste en una mezcla de hidrocarburos combustibles con algunas impurezas. Este combustible se encuentra en forma natural en los yacimientos del subsuelo, para ser extraído hasta la... more
This paper, The Nasara in the Koran, focuses precisely on the Koranic Text and Historical Primary Evidences that written in the 7th and 8th Century. The Found Primary Evidences of the Syriac and Greek sources, alongside with the... more
If we understand the first sentence of Luke's Gospel, we will more easily understand the entire Gospel.
This is the third incarnation of an article originally published in the compilation book "Bart Ehrman and the Quest of the Historical Jesus of Nazareth" (F. Zindler, editor, 2013 chapter 12). The article appeared again with minor changes... more
Das Johannesevangelium bestätigt die Herkunft Jesu aus Nazaret und trägt damit ein Detail zur historischen Rückfrage nach Jesus bei. Die Betlehem-Tradition ist in den Augen des vierten Evangelisten nicht nur historisch unkorrekt, sie... more
Sebbene lo studio della storia delle Chiese italiane abbia una lunga tradizione, negli ultimi anni ha ricevuto un impulso particolare grazie alla sensibilità di alcuni studiosi intenti a disincrostare talune ricostruzioni da elementi... more
L'Anno Sacerdotale indetto da Benedetto XVI, posto sotto il patrocinio del Santo Curato d'Ars Giovanni Maria Vianney 1 , ha offerto l'occasione per riflettere, sotto varie angolature, sul sacerdozio ministeriale di cui la Chiesa è custode... more
Paper presented at the 2012 SBL convention (Chicago). Published as Chapter 8 in NAZARETHGATE: QUACK ARCHEOLOGY, HOLY HOAXES, AND THE INVENTED TOWN OF JESUS (American Atheist Press, Nov. 2015—see "Books" above).
L'indagine riguardante i preti delle Chiese di Puglia vissuti nel Novecento ha consentito di far luce su altre insigni figure del clero di questa regione, in particolare di quello incardinato nell'arcidiocesi di Trani -Barletta -Bisceglie... more
On winter solstice, 2009, four days before Christmas and twenty months after publication of my first book, The Myth of Nazareth ( archeologist Yardenna of the Israel Antiquities Authority gave a press... more
The Church of the Annunciation is built on one of the most sacred places for the Catholic world. According to the New Testament, this is where the angel Gabriel announced to the Virgin Mary that she would bear the son of God (Luke... more
Jesus’ inaugural speech in the synagogue in Nazareth opens an important part of the Gospel of Luke, i.e., the ministry of Jesus in Galilee (Luke 4:14–9:50). It serves as a temporal marker that opens a new part of the gospel that sets into... more
This paper aims to review the various attempts to create a permanent Jewish presence in Nazareth, during the first half of the twentieth century: From Haim Kalvarisky and the jca`s activity in the city at the turn of the century; Through... more
The paper discusses the legendary transfer of the Holy House from Nazareth (Palestine), via Croatian coast to the town of Loreto in Italy. According to legend, the transfer took place at the end of the 13th century, and it was depicted on... more
È vietata la riproduzione, con qualsiasi mezzo effettuata, compresa la fotocopia. Per la legge italiana la fotocopia è lecita solo per uso personale purché non danneggi l'autore. Quindi ogni fotocopia che eviti l'acquisto di un libro è... more
sermon from Matthew 2:13-23, preached 1/7/18 at Kilgore Bible Church, Kilgore, TX
The paper discusses the legendary transfer of the Holy House from Nazareth (Palestine), via Croatian coast to the town of Loreto in Italy. According to legend, the transfer took place at the end of the 13th century, and it was depicted on... more
Note: This post includes information obtained from new photographs of the Ceasarea inscription fragments taken over the last month in the Ralli Museum, Caesarea. The Caesarea inscription as reconstructed by Avi-Yonah. Fragment C (top) is... more
El presente ensayo tiene dos objetivos primordiales: 1) Partiendo de que por las condiciones del orden social la responsabilidad fundamental del filósofo requiere también la acción transformadora del mundo para que devenga uno equitativo... more
Mixed Towns, Trapped Communities: Historical Narratives, Spatial Dynamics, Gender Relations and Cultural Encounters in Palestinian-Israeli Towns Editors: Daniel Monterescu and Dan Rabinowitz Modern urban spaces are, by definition,... more
We’ve all heard from Biblical teachings that Jesus was raised in a town called Nazareth; he’s specifically called “Jesus of Nazareth” in the KJV version of the New Testament 17 times, 12 times in the Gospels and 5 times in the Book of... more
Aquí van 10 textos más del "Libro de Cielo" de Luisa Piccarreta sobre el Rey, su Reino y su Reinado. Estos nuevos textos serán agregados y consolidados a la primera versión que fue publicada al finalizar la sesión en more