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      Medieval Latin LiteratureCarolingian StudiesCharlemagneMedieval Latin Poetry
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      Latin poetryLiterary PatronageDedication Practices
Prof. Dr. M. Fatih Köksal'a Armağan, Ankara: Dün Bugün Yarın Yayınları, 2021, 851-908.
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      Ottoman PoetryLiterary PatronageŞiir Mecmuaları18th century Ottoman Literature
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      Anglo-Saxon StudiesInsular Latin language and literatureLiterary PatronagePeregrinación
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      OvidHoraceLiterary PatronageRoman friendship
La crítica ha retratado tradicionalmente a Cervantes como un hombre con pocos amigos que además no vio cumplidas sus aspiraciones en la corte. Este libro traza por vez primera y con nueva documentación la historia del grupo de amigos... more
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      Spanish LiteratureSpanish Literature (Peninsular)NobilityEarly Modern Literature
Literary patronage was a widespread social practice in Ostrogothic Italy, as the works of Ennodius, Boethius, Cassiodorus and Arator show. Ennodius sought for a long time a dives patronus who could help him winning fame, while Boethius,... more
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      Latin LiteratureLate Antique and Byzantine StudiesPatronage (History)Boethius
La recopilación de las dedicatorias de 249 libros que vieron la luz en las prensas sevillanas entre 1582 y 1621 1 conforma el punto de partida de un trabajo cuyo cotejo pone en entredicho el influjo clientelar de la corte en la cultura... more
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      Seville HistorySpanish Literature of the Golden AgeImmaculate ConceptionLiterary Patronage
The goal of this paper is to highlight the relevance of the access of a woman, Queen Isabella I, to the Castilian throne in the education of the ladies in her court. Likewise, this idea will connect with the importance of Queen Catherine... more
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      Medieval HistoryEarly Modern HistoryMedieval StudiesRenaissance Humanism
El objetivo de esta comunicación será poner de manifiesto la relevancia que tuvo la llegada al trono de Isabel I de Castilla en la educación de las damasde su corte. Asimismo, esta idea enlazará con la importancia del nivel educativo de... more
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      Gender StudiesArtEarly Modern HistoryCulture
Uno de los episodios más misteriosos en la ya de por sí fascinante vida de Lope de Vega es la supuesta participación del poeta en la «Jornada de Inglaterra» de 1588, la famosa «Armada Invencible» de Felipe II. Concretamente, este lance ha... more
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      Lope de VegaGolden Age Spanish PoetryLiterary PatronagePoetry and History
This article aims to analyze the role of Bernardino López de Carvajal's (1456 Plasencia-1523 Rome) as a literary patron, namely his contributions to humanism in Rome and to Spanish letters, in the period that has been loosely identified... more
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      HistoryPortuguese and Brazilian LiteratureSpanish LiteratureLatin Literature
Paradoxically, literary patronage is often regarded either as a system in which rich patrons disinterestedly support talented writers, or as a system that forces writers to flatter their patrons. Both visions deny the fact that literary... more
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      Neo-latin literatureRenaissance RomeLiterary PatronageLeone X
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      Literary PatronageCourtly CultureMedieval courtly cultureLiteratura Galega Medieval
The Poetics of Patronage. Poetry as Self-Advancement in Giannantonio Campano (Turnhout: Brepols, 2013) This study examines the system and poetics of literary patronage in the Renaissance by presenting a comprehensive analysis of the... more
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      Literary PatronageRenaissance LATIN LITERATURE
Le volume consiste en une biographie de Wenceslas de Bohême, duc de Luxembourg et de Brabant, du point de vue des relations « internationales » entre la France et le Saint Empire romain et du rôle joué par le duc dans les grands projets... more
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      Charles VJean FroissartLiterary PatronageLuxembourg
It is hardly possible to separate the visual arts in Renaissance Rome from its flourishing literary culture –sustained by the city’s university, publishing houses, academic coteries, and by the crowds of Latinists employed at the papal... more
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      Patronage (History)Italian late medieval and Renaissance devotional art, ritual, and patronageLiterary Patronage
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      Medieval French LiteratureMedieval English LiteratureAudience and Reception StudiesManuscript Studies
Due to its strong image representing the sultanate, the Mabeyn-ı Hümâyûn, that is, the private pen of the sultanate, received dozens of requests on very different subjects and themes almost every day. These demands, which include various... more
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      Patronage (History)Literary PatronageOsmanlı Teşkilat TarihiOsmanlı Tarihi
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      Middle DutchMiddle Dutch Literature and TranslationsLiterary PatronageBrabant
Recent studies of Tristram Shandy have deepened our understanding of Sterne's metafiction by looking beyond the scene of writing to the scenes of textual production and reproduction, distribution, and consumption. However, little... more
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      Book HistoryCopyright HistoryEighteenth-Century British History and CultureCopyright (Law)