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Agradeço às professoras e futuros(as) professores(as), que com tanta presteza aceitaram fazer parte da pesquisa, mesmo em seus curtos prazos disponíveis.
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      Paulo FreireAnálise do DiscursoFormação De ProfessoresAnálise Crítica do Discurso
Despite a heightened focus on information literacy, students and adults alike struggle to assess online information. In this article, the authors argue that the K–12 information literacy curriculum needs to focus on supporting stu- dents... more
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      EducationEducational TheoryOnline Information-Seeking BehaviourMultiliteracies
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      AnthropologyGame studiesRitualLiminality
We have always appropriated whatever technologies are available to us for use as technologies for instruction. This practice may well date back as far as communication itself. The practice of “studying the masters” is an old and respected... more
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      Game TheoryGame DesignPedagogyVideogames
This paper explores the effect of a multicultural literature course on pre-service teachers' abilities to examine themselves and their figured worlds through a practice known as perspective-taking. Using critical discourse analysis as a... more
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      Discourse AnalysisMulticulturalismSelf and IdentityTeacher Education
Upon request from my advisor, and famed game studies scholar, Constance Steinkuehler, produced an original interview series for the GLS, funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, featuring some of the brightest games & learning... more
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      Educational TechnologyDigital HumanitiesCreativityMobile Learning
Excerpt: As described by James Paul Gee, embodiment is a way of thinking and problem solving which takes a connectionist view, forming associations between one aspect of life and another, the functions of the mind, the internal, and body,... more
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      Popular CultureEmbodiment TheoryJames Paul Gee
Jerome Bruner has helped to shape the notion of constructivism, which is of prime significance when looking at pedagogy in games and much of the learning that occurs in games is constructive. In one of his more recent works, “The Culture... more
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      Instructional DesignGame DesignPedagogyVideogames
Current approaches to the design of games for learning can be roughly divided into two main camps: one claiming that commercial games already employ many strategies that are valuable in the design of instructional games and that formal... more
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      Instructional DesignEducational TechnologyDistance EducationGame Design
This paper proposes a new way of thinking about a contemporary educational space. This new way of thinking combines two established spatial metaphors to develop an enhanced understanding of a contemporary educational configuration.... more
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      LiteracyDigital LiteracyHeterotopiaMichel Foucault
Cindy: I am talking as a teacher–researcher in this response. As such, I am especially struck by Randy's account of the uncertainty of teaching. The chapter makes this point early and then the examples illustrate it numerous times.... more
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      Science EducationGame DesignPedagogyVideogames
When looking at how the different forms of modern media have been used this way and which particular instances have been chosen, one notion stands out – the majority of the most remarkable and effective “lessons” taught to us have been... more
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      Game DesignPedagogyVideogamesSimulation
Este artigo discute alguns aspectos da representação do professor de português da escola básica frente às responsabilidades que lhe são atribuídas socialmente a partir da Análise do Discurso proposta por James Paul Gee. Ele se baseia na... more
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      Análise do DiscursoGêneros TextuaisGramáticaAnálise Crítica do Discurso
In teacher education courses, it is common to teach educational psychology concepts using case studies. Many publishers provide these case studies in textbooks and/or in ancillary materials, and there are many advantages to using them.... more
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      Educational PsychologyMoral DevelopmentLawrence KohlbergAbraham Maslow
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      Democratic EducationCommunity OrganizingCivic EducationPostmodernism
This chapter will discuss the growing importance of applying considered rationales to which games are chosen for study, whether it be for ethnography, classroom use, or anything else. A brief overview of how games are currently being... more
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      Game DesignPedagogyVideogamesSimulation
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      Rhetoric (Languages and Linguistics)Game DesignPedagogyVideogames
Jerome Bruner has helped to shape the notion of constructivism, which is of prime significance when looking at pedagogy in games and much of the learning that occurs in games is constructive. In one of his more recent works, “The Culture... more
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      Instructional DesignGame DesignPedagogyVideogames
Due to the cross-cultural features requiring the ability to adjust to almost infinitely diverse intercultural communication situations, EFL/ESL settings are significant environments that reflect real life in that they entail conflicts and... more
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      Teacher EducationMediated Discourse AnalysisCritical Discourse AnalysisQualitative Research
We explain the need for formal collaboration between students in the arts and computer science students, and argue that this should be encouraged at an early stage of their education. Two specific courses that foster this sort of... more
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      Game DesignPedagogyVideogamesSimulation
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      Discourse AnalysisScience EducationGame DesignPedagogy
Rhetoric and composition teachers have in general been resistant to the idea of the classroom as a simulation space, preferring instead to focus on attempt to foster "authentic" engagement and "authentic" voices. An examination of how... more
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      Game DesignPedagogyVideogamesSimulation
Este trabalho teve como objetivo realizar uma breve introdução ao pensamento de James Paul Gee no que diz respeito à Análise do Discurso. Ao desenvolver uma dissertação de mestrado ancorada em suas proposições, encontramos um único... more
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      Análise do DiscursoAnálise Crítica do DiscursoAnálise De Discurso CríticaJames Paul Gee
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      Discourse AnalysisLiteracyDigital LiteracySociolinguistics
The language learning challenges of the non-English-dominant bilingual in Singapore may be easily overlooked in the light of the increasing use of English as the dominant language in Singaporean households. Non-English-dominant... more
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      SociolinguisticsDiscourseApplied LinguisticsSingapore
Serious Games are digital games designed for purposes other than pure entertainment. This category includes educational games but it also includes a great deal more. A field that was unheard of until Ben Sawyer referred to it as Serious... more
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      Serious GamesGame DesignPedagogyGame Analysis
Before researchers can perform studies using commercial games, they must choose which game or games to study. The manner in which that choice is made and justified is the focus of this paper. Ideally, research informs pedagogy and when... more
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      Game DesignPedagogyVideogamesSimulation